* يحتوي هذا الملف علي العديد من البحوث الخاصة باستكشاف وخامات اليورنيوم اللازمة لدورة الوقود النووي
SUMMARY ..................................................1
Opening remarks .........................................9
Y.A. Sokolov
Activities in front-end of uranium fuel cycle in IAEA............................................................11
C. Ganguly
Keynote address: The Nuclear renaissance — Opportunities and challenges..................................................19
G.W. Grandey
Worldwide uranium resources and production capacity — the future of the industry....,,,,,,............................................27
J.M. McMurray
The future of uranium: Filling the gap .......36
F.M. Killar
Recent activities of the joint Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)/
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Uranium Group .40
R.E. Vance, R.R. Price, F. Barthel
Emerging trend of uranium mining: The Indian scenario .....................................................47
R. Gupta, A.K. Sarangi
The recent progress of uranium exploration in China ..........................................................57
Y. Chen
Changing role of secondary supply in the global uranium market..........................................................63
J.C. Cornell
Limitations to progress in developing uranium resources......................................................70
W. Mays
Closing the cycle: Life-cycle impact assessment of materials used in nuclear energy systems.........................................................76
W.E. Falck
Risk, legitimacy and governance: CSR, stakeholder dialogue and
indicator systems through the life cycle of uranium..........................................................84
A. Chamaret, M. O’Connor
Uranium mine project licensing: Cameco’s current experience......................................................96
J. Jarrell, G. White
Analysis of uranium world resources and ways of their extension .....................................................103
V.V. Shatalov, A.V. Takhanov, V.A. Boldyrev, O.I. Knyazev
Millennium deposit – basement-hosted derivative of the unconformity uranium model.............................................................111
C. Roy, J. Halaburda, D. Thomas, D. Hirsekorn
Ion microprobe CAMECA IMS-3fREE and isotopic U-Pb analyses of uranium oxide .............................................................122
J. Bonhoure, P. Kister, M. Cuney, E. Deloule
Aluminium Phosphate Sulfate minerals (APS): Some markers of paleoconditions
in unconformity related uranium deposits .....134
S. Gaboreau, P. Vieillard, D. Beaufort, P. Patrier, P. Kister
Geochemical modelling for the unconformity-related uranium mineralization
A case study from Baskati area, Madhya Pradesh, India................................................................141
V. P. Saxena, R.M. Sinha, O.P. Yadav, R.V.S. Sesha Rao
Sandstone type, uranium deposits in NW China............................................................152
W. Zhou, S. Liu, J. Wu, Z. Wang
Australia’s uranium: Linking uranium endowment to crustal evolution........................................................160
I. Lambert, S. Jaireth, A. McKay, Y. Miezitis