عدد 11 مقال تحت تصنيف absalman
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الترتيب حسب
The idea of this paper depends on two main factors in the developments of the Egyptian society: 1. Utilization of the natural resources; mainly economic mineral deposits and valuable
Top 10 Gold Producing Countries of 2011
Gold’s admirers are diverse, and so are the locations where it is mined. In 2011, over 1,800 tons of gold were produced in ten countries. These top producing nations, which
Geology, Geochemical Processes, and Criteria for Resource Assessment of the Volcanogenic Uranium Deposits
الأحداث الطبيعية الكبيرة علي مستوي العالم Natural and Human-Induced Extreme Events
يشتمل هذا الموضوع علي عدد من الكوارث الطبيعية -وخاصة الزلازل- علي مستوي العالم
الصفات الآمنة لاختيار مواقع المفاعلات النووية Safety criteria for siting a nuclear power plant
دكتور: عبدالعاطي بدر سالمان
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