ROBERT M. GARRELSDepartment of Marine Science, University of South Florida140 7th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Abstract- Chemical activity diagraoas , prepared to illustrate the properties expected if mixed-layer montmorillonite/ illite is regarded as a solid solution, are compared to those derived from a treatment of these materials as a mixture of two phases. If the system is a solid solution, the coexisting aqueous solution should range from higher dissolved silica contents in the presence of kaolinite and a montmorillonite end member to lower dissolved silica in the presence of kaolinite and an illitic end member. Silica concentration
in the aqueous solution might vary by a factor of as much as six. If the system is two phase, the silica  content of a solution in equilibrium with kaolinite and both phases would be fixed at a given T and P, as would a solution equilibrated with both phases and K-feldspar. In the absence of a third phase, silica in equilibrium with both phases should be nearly constant, but increase with increasing ratio of K+/H + in solution. Available data on coexisting aqueous solutions apparently are more nearly consistent with
two phases than with a solid solution.

المصدر: Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 32, No. 3, 161-166, 1984.

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