موقع الدكتور عبد الحكيم العبد على كنانة أون لاين

صفحات لنشر المؤلفات ومخاطبة القارئ والتعبير عن مكنون النفس


الحروف الفواتح بالإنجليزية


Opening Letters in

the Holy Qur'an

Miracle of Discourse and Impasse To Defame the Holy Book


Dr. Abdelhakim Elعabd


Jan. 2005- Dhulqaعdah, 1425


In The Name of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful


The New Discovery:

      It has been stated along the former fourteen centuries of our religion that our scholars kept honest enough to confess that they did not know exactly what those 14 letters mean; they either humbled themselves to the truth by saying : God only knows what those letters might mean, or used their sense to the degree that enabled them to say : letters from which alQur'an was designed, as a matter of a challenging miracle .

      Some further more claimed mystic knowledge of it, and others could observe their mathematical order, a means though clearer it is, but still limited, and not perfectly satisfactory , though it follows an academic method , notifying the significance of such, Surahs being 29 in number just as the number of the Arabic Alphabet letters, while the letters addressing the Surahs are 14 in number, thus being lack of proof gave chance to the nun and named Muslims to raid (1) [1].


   Now in our very age , it is truly good tidings to say that Alexandria University could say a clear-cut view , about the those Opening Letters .


      Ph.D. Mohammed Badri Abd L Jalil , whom I can say that I shared him many academic agonies has concentrated on the problem , jest as soon as he finished with his PhD. to introduce his researches through the Egyptian magazine of MINBAR aL ISLAM . A theory, though I read it not yet in such magazine having heard facts about it through him directly and confirmed about its possibility in a precedent M.A.degree research in my name through the same University, and resumed the attempt newly in Nigeria ; For the favors of the English reading muslim .


      The theory depends a direct linguistic interpretation , by consulting the original meaning of each letter in the eloquent early Arab tongue , and the significance of each letter in the light of the patient analytical reading of the Holy Gardinaries ( Surahs ) in which these letter existed.*


The Significances of ALIF LAM MIM

      Generally we find ALIF LAM opening the Surahs which emphasize mainly the morals fitting the generality of human beings . It is true that touching on commons , is common in alQur’an ,but here it touchs more. The pronouns and demonstrations of such morals touch any person finding them familiar to him and fitting his own case  .

      Any particular group or occasion the interpreters feel that it is meant is soon objected by abstracted judgments and directives tend to release the meaning from the bondage of the narrowness of the occasions , and deal with that which is lasting in the common prospective .


      It means to impose only what the human common sense finds it necessarily impossible - that is the personal imposing the imposing of the free open minded choice . That is the Total meaning of ALIF , which is alone conjugated of AL- ULFAH or the familiarity , plus LAM , which in one aspect of it means the person.


      Alif lam here is the exact introduction to the exact meant subject . [2]


      When the term MIM is added to the former two , they accumulate an irresistible immense effect on the reader or the listener , till they keep him silenced in a state of astonishment by the numerous decisive proofs alerted to the denials in the Surahs concerned .


      The proofs keep the person silenced as if he has caught the mum ( the catarrh ) that keeps him opining his mouth though silent still he is . And that is the exact expression of amazement and astonishment as Dr. Badri finds it harshly meant to be said to the denials worthy of this description . [3]


      The proofs also keep the person silent if satisfied by the remedial effect of such proofs and evidences - a meaning which I have also found possible and agreeing with other gentle synonymous meanings of the terms as I show soon .


      In fast the Qur,anic term shoots into several directions one go. The scholar needs to apply several channels in his brain , or to seek the support of other brains , if he wanted to get most of the significances charged in one meaning or one verse or the other.

      The Qur,anic term , though abstinent it is , always-says it harshly to whom it is beneficial to him to be said harshly , and means it gently to whom it is worthy of him to be said gently. And in all cases the aim of the Qur,anic Rhetorical power is to cure, save and deliver. [4]


      In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the merciful . ALIF LAM MIM .  [5]


      1- By the Holy Qur,an which if you approach and come close to it, and make it familiar to you ( as the verb Alifa in Arabic means got the habit of , or became accustomed to ).


      2- And what ever your harms or troubles may be . the Holy Qur,an can cure your troubles and repair your moral wounds , as the sewing needle repairs the torn cloth. ( as the verb la’ama , means to repair, and the word mim means a worse  decease of small pox, and the wax that amends also.


The letter itself resembles a sewing needle. It carries the meaning of the disease and the remedy meanwhile.


      3- By this tablet of very concise term , the Reader is led into the Surah to find the details of it convincing him by evidences within himself or familiar to his person , leaving no room for his suspicions and moral inconveniences. It is like that when we interpret the opening letters in the some of the Surahs of the Holey Qur'an.



      AL-QALAM in Arabic and the Hausa Arabic means the pen. The title of the Surah fits the contents of the Surah quite well.


     The opening letter of the Surah is quite suitable as well. The Surah in general deals with the following topics in sequence : -


      - Rejection for the unequal condemnation directed to the honorable prophet (peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be on Him) being called mad twice .


      - An early exemplar ( for such people ) from the story of former owners of a garden being greedy ungrateful to God. They lost the garden where then they regretted .


      - Differentiation between the Muslims and other people , whom were proud, pretenders of knowledge, who misuse education, language, words, and writings , being in Ignorancism if not ignorant .


- Threatening directed to them drawing their image of humility and shame on the Resurrection .



      - The mentioning of prophet Unus  who was swallowed in the whale , so that Mohammad should not commit his anger that which led to his sufferings; and so that Mohammad should not be disappointed or grieve the criminal insulters .


      Now it is of important significance to recall our knowledge of the fact that Mohammad , through whom the highest manners, pen and educational values were and still being taught to mankind - this great master was illiterate . A miracle was he indeed in this case as well, if could consider .


      It is of important significance to see the Surah starting with the letter nun and ending with mentioning of the whale companion ( dhinnun ) .


      The Arabic important dictionaries identify this letter as a name for the whale or fish, a sign of infancy in a babies cheek, and an edge of a sharp sword .


      The contrast between the tender innocent sign if pure infancy , and the terrible whale or sword , resembles any simple word someone may utter unaware of its terrible effect , when it is an evil word .


      The illustration of the letter nun in the Quranic language      is intuited directly from the physical shape of the whale . Actually every show of such fish is bended shaped like the Arabic nun : The hall body, the mouth when it is opened, and the striking tail .


      It is the same wonderful shape of the embryo in the mother's uterus, and remains the same in the shape of an infant when laid . It twists head near legs in a shape of a typical nun, such an infant , who had been just a drop or a dot before birth , may develop later in a beast like wise .


      Due to all this , the choice of the letter nun was necessary for us to realize the highest standard of powerful eloquence in Al - Qura'an , which remains a wonderful miraculous master peace of an art of a special quality .


      Simplicity is the mother of beauty, al-Que'an tells us concisely that a word like " mad " when it is directed to an honorable somebody , is a serious one . It harms, no matter small it is, even if it is in the size of a letter or a dot . It and what so ever of badness , irresponsible people my write by the pen .


      This bad word can provoke swords to war, and it can develop into a whale beast to swallow its speaker , though it came through his mouth  [6].

as for Mohammad (peace be upon him0 he should not worry about his insulters , because he is defended by God Almighty who described  him as :

          2-Thou art not

          By the grace of  thy Lord ,

          Mad or possessed .

          2- Nay , verily for thee

          Is a reward unfailing :

          3- And thou (standest)

          On an exalted standard

          Of character. [7]



      The Surah can be analyzed into four major contentious parts as follows :


l. The Five letters kaf, Ha, Ya, Ayn, Sad .


ll. Those … unto whom Allah showed favor from among the prophets, who adored and wept for the recitation :

1. Zakaryya who complained age and loneliness, and the tidings of John a son for him .

2. John himself being careful of the scripture and was given wisdom early .

3. Mention of Mary and the Favors bestowed on her as known .


4. The talking of 'Isa to his mother and to the unbelievers .

5. The final word in the fact of Jesus as alQuran decides, and the glorification of God being needing not a son .

6. Threatening warning the sects who differed in Jesus .

7. Mention of IBRAHIM being a saintly prophet in his advices to his father .

8. Rewarding him by Ishaq and Ya'qub : tow Prophets, highly renowned .

9. Mention of Musa being favored as well by the talking of God unto him, and granted the support of Harun his brother.

10.  Mention of ISMA'IL keeping his promise, etc.

11.  Mention of IDRIS for his saintly prophecy raised high.


lll. The succeeding generation ruining worship , and following lusts :

1.                             Excluding the believers who inter the gardens of 'Aden , unharmed in peace and prosperity .

2. mention of Revelation and , call for the worship and patience with the non begotten one God .

3. Stupid question of man doubting the resurrection .

4. Angry reminder of his former creation from nothing .

5. Threatening promise of insulting assembly with devils in Hell, apart from the believers whom shall be saved on Al-Sirat .

6. An other stupid question by the Kafirs who direct it to the believers in the same moment of the recitation .

7. An answer from God telling who is best and who is the worse .

8. Special example of a kafir proudly claiming wealth and sons , as if he perceives the unseen made a part .

9. Mention of the kafirs in general , who chose other Gods to deny them later, as they were confounded  with devils .

10. A directive of patience to the Prophet tilling when kafirs and believers are resurrected .

11. A third foolish saying of God having a son .

12. A quaking reply by God in vrs. 89 - 95 and a gentile relief to the believers in vrs. 96 .


lV - The fourth division ends concise , as the first, telling how al-Qur'an was made easy in the Prophet's tongue telling proud folk, being untaught even through the absence and silence of old generations .


      It is worthy of note to consider the experience of Maryam and the honor bestowed on her , amongst the excellent mentioning of the Prophets .


      Her story is of specific significance in her time , and in Muhammad’s days as well .


      Many stupidities were said and practiced by arrogant rough people . It was the responsibility of al-Qur'an to deal with such Folk . Al-Qur'an allerted for them this Surah of 98 striking verses , but the first verse alone gave them five fast concentrated strokes as follows :

1. Kaf , which means Cut to the tongues that spoke nonsense about Maryam and God  [8]  .

2. Ha : a word of warning and a pronoun for the female one . A harsh sound to dismiss the Camels , which had a similar in the nature of the Kafirs, a call for it , an answering word, and a verbal noun meaning take . All mean a harsh call to the Kafirs .[9]

3. Ya : a sign of denial, a means of ignoring, or pretending of un understanding, and a demonstrative article for the unreasonable given as a shape for the reasonable . Thus gives a sense of abuse to the Kafirs .[10]

4. 'Ayn : from vision and notice, it means the self, the spy, war administration, mountains and places .

- Al 'Ayn originally means the eye . As script it shapes the actual eye, if it is written as a final letter or independent it resembles the eye and the check altogether . thus means a call to the senses .

- IBNA 'Iyan are two birds drown by the foretellers,[11] Thus dismisses the useless argument about matters of mere belief in respect of Jesus Allah and the Prophets .

5. Sad : Alo-Sadd : means to prevent or defend .

            - Al- Sadid : is the wound water and the boiled iron .

- Al-Tasdid : Claping the two hands against each other to                  give sound of call or warning.

             -Al-Tasadid : is to appear to oppose.

-Al- Suddad : is the serpent or a poisonous . the plural is Sda'id ..

 -Al- Sadid : also means the road for water.



             -Sidad : a curtain covering the woman.

             -Al-Sudd : the mountain and the valley side.[12]

 Each letter is a satyr in attack , when they are in sequence . So fast like that they take by surprise meaning that evil talkers should :

- Shut up or Cut up their tongues.  

- Be warned or driven harshly to take in reason.

- Be abused for their senselessness.

- They , or any other than them – should be taught how to investigate and justify , using their eyes.

- Be stopped from sayings like wound water , list they should be tortured in the boiled iron.

- Their speeches resemble the snakes , poisoning people.

- They should follow the road made plain to lead for the water.

- So that they should not reveal the innocence of the facts and people , honorable like Maryam.

- And if necessary they should be opposed by an immunite mount of strong Muslims to fight them by every valley side.


The Seven Hawamims

The Surahs :

      Numbered       40    Named    GHAFIR            85             vs.

                              41    Named    FUSSILAT         54            “

                              42    Named    AL-SHURA      53             “

                              43    Named    AL-ZUKHRUF   89           “

                              44    Named    AL-DUKHAN    59            “

                              45    Named    AL-JATHIYAH  37           “

                              46    Named    AL-AHQAF        35           “

Seven continuous Surahs, each is opened by HA :

      - Which means the woman whose tongue is sharp.

      - A driving Sound to the Camels.

      - A calling sound to the sheep. [13]

      MIM : ( revise Example from Surat LUQMAN ).

    The Surahs are addressing a patient call for saving the the selves by the belief of Islam.

      AL-SHURA ( only ) which is the third in this set of Hawamims increases.

      ‘AA ( ‘AYN )

      SIN : a word like " Sawfa " in al-Quran used for the promise and the threat. [14]

      QAF : which means to follow or trace, and induct. [15]



      Is the Surah that wonders about people being unaware, or denying all the proofs and evidences of faith till they die, when by then they awake and regret. It threatens those and gives the good promises to the owners of paradise.


SURAT SAD 38th 88 vs

      That is the defender Surah ( AL-MANI'AH )


SURAT TA HA 20th 135 vs

      TA : means to go so far in self commitments and hardships [16]  HA : ( revise Example from Surat Maryam )


SURAT QAF 50th 45 vs

      That is the tracer ( AL_ Muta'lqqibah )



      1. Al-Shu'ara,       No.  26                  227 vs

      2. Al-Qasas           No.  28                  88   vs



      Al-Naml            No.     27                93  vs



      1. Al-Baqarah     No.     2                  286  vs

      2. Ala'Imran        No.     3                  200  vs

      3. Al'Ankabut      No.     29                69    vs

      4. Al-Rum           No.     30                60    vs

      5. Luqman           No.     31                34    vs

      6. Al-Sajdah       No.     32                30    vs



      1. Yunus            No.      10               109  vs

      2. Hud               No.      11               123  vs

      3. Yusuf            No.       12               111 vs

      4. Al-Ra'd         No.       13               43   vs

      5. IBRAHIM     No.       14               52   vs

      6. AL-HIJR       No.       15               29   vs


      And RA in them means to see, by the eye or by news, or through the dream or by the heart and knowledge, or by mental contemplation, or by getting lessons through other’s experiences.[17]

      So RA is the verb of AL-RU'YAH which simply means the vision or the sight.



      AL-A'RAF          No.       7                206   vs


* * * *

Why the Simple became a Riddle

 * For this Dr. Badri says that :

 1. There has been found no enquiry from the sahabah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) .

2.This was not expected in case if the letters were un-understood, because the Sahabah were quite careful of knowing. and the religion itself is based mainly on reason

3. The only suggestion here is to suggest that these letter were quite clear by the moment of revelation.

4. The Tabi’is received the mission and delivered it honestly as it is [18]

5. In the centuries of Tafsir, no scholar could find any explanation to those letters which seemed lately as riddles and symbols. It is then because of their easiness that they became difficult.

6. The ‘ulama of linguistics, specially those who made lexicons, did not omit describing the letters, by identifying them sound , script serial number and an abstract drawing to a particular shape in nature.

7. The Mufassirs could not trace the linguistic meanings in the lexicons , probably because of the secret of checking. As in AL-Qamus Al-Muhit; for examble we check the word in its door at the final letter . Llike that kaf, to be checked as a full verb at the Bab Fa. The Sad at the Da. The 'lyn at the nun etc [19]

8. The early Arabs being eloquent illiterates were not concerned with the Alphabetic letters, but by the words that expressed their meanings in the actual life.

 9. When they practiced the script they could achieve the four values of the word : being a shape and a name, a sound, and a letter in a chain of 29 Alphabetic letters . This gave the Arabic script its remaining value as an economical system of thinking in writing to suet the speed of ages, being rich enough to cover the 29 testable sounds in the human linguistic system.


* Now it is the duty of every Muslim , as soon as he accepts this theory , to deal accordingly , by interpreting them as Simi verbal nouns : meaning and script , and to inform those who are not knowing.


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المصدر: كتيب وملحق كتاب للدكتور عبد الحكيم العبد

التحميلات المرفقة

الحروف الفواتح فى القرآن الكريم

*درس فى الإعجاز، معلل بالدرس اللغوى المباشر.

*صحيح أن معرفة ً حدثت بالدلالات الاسمية الفعلية للحروف الأبجدية منذ المصرية القديمة وفى الساميات؛ ولكنه- مع ما يكشف عنه الاعتبار بذلكما من دلائل الماورائية فى سبر التعبير القرآنى لفحوى الحروف، فإن القرآن الكريم بصفة خاصة قد انفرد بثالثة:مستفزة حقا.

   *وهى توظيف الدلالات الاسمية الفعلية لنصف عدد الحروف الأبجدية العربية توظيفا إبداعيا بيانيا سابرا يدهش بومضه الكونى ونبوئيته، كما يعجب أو يأسر بحلاوته وطلاوته وقوام أسلوبيته.

* وهذا ما نعنيه بإعجاز فقه الحروف الفواتح فى القرآن الكريم.  

* مستقلا فى اللغتة العربية فى 40 صفحة ؛ وملحق فحسب فى كتاب"فى محاولات...المذكور. وله وجه أو ملحق بالإنجليزية}

{85 صفحة ، قطع 17 / 24}


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الدكتور عبد الحكيم عبد السلام العبد

◘ خريج قسم اللغة العربية واللغات الشرقية ، جامعة الإسكندرية 1964م. ◘ أستاذ مشارك متفرغ بمركز اللغات والترجمة، أكاديمية الفنون، الجيزة، مصر. ◘ خبير للغة العربية ، وخلال الإنجليزية. ◘ استشارى ثقافى. ◘ الخبرات: ▪ أستاذ وخبير أبحاث ومحاضر ومعلم فى مستويات التعليم : العالى والمتوسط والعام. ▪ مؤلف للعديد »

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