•The study area covers most of Umm Saqata - Qala En Nahal area in the south-western part of El- Gadarif State, Eastern Sudan.
•The area investigated is about 2450 Km2 largely bounded by Longitudes 34º 35`and 35º 13` E, and Latitudes 13º 18`and 13º 43` N (Fig. 1) adjacent to the border line between the Sudan and Ethiopia.
•The region is generally a flat plain with a thick cotton soil cover.

•The maximum elevation is about 300 m above the surrounding plain recorded in Jebel Ganam.
•The area lies within the rich Savanna climate zone, with rainy season from end of April to October.
•The rainfall ranges between (900 to 500) mm, the average rainfall is about 550 mm.
•The dry season extends from November to April.
•The average of minimum temperature 17°C in January and the maximum average are 47°C in April

المصدر: الملتقي العربي لاقتصاديات المناجم والمحاجر - القاهرة 2012

التحميلات المرفقة


دكتور / عبدالعاطي بدر سالمان جيولوجي استشاري، مصر [email protected]

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