Metallogenic Condition and Regularity of Interlayered Oxidation Zone-type Sandstone Uranium Deposit in Suthwestern Part of Turpan-Hami Basin, Northwestern China


(Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, 100029)


Regional geological surveying and drilling evaluation in recent years show that there are very large potential resources of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the southwestern part of Turpan-Hami basin. According to the characteristics of tectonic evolution and sedimentary cover of the basin, the evolution stages and types of the basin are divided, and the favorable development stages for the ore-bearing formation and the formation of uranium deposits in the evolution process are identified. The metallogenic conditions of uranium deposits are deeply discussed from four aspects: basic tectonics, paleoclimate evolution, hydrogeology and uranium source of the region. All these have laid an important foundation for accurate prediction and evaluation of uranium resources in this region. The research indicates that the uranium metallogeny is a process of long-term, multi-stage and pulsation. The authors try to ascertain the role of organic matter in concentrating uranium .The organic matter is of humic type in sandstone host-rock in the studied area, whose original mother material mainly belongs to terrestrial high plant. The maturity of the organic matter is very low, being in low-grade stage of thermal evolution. Correlation analysis and separation experiments show that uranium concentration is closely related with the organic matter, and the organic matter in uranium ore is mainly in the form of humic acid adsorption and humate. For this  leason the total organic carbon content is often increased in the geochemical redox zone in epigenetic sandstone-type uranium deposits. It is suggested that the north of China is of great potential for sandstone-type uranium resources.

XIANG Weidong CHEN Zhaobo CHEN Zuyi YIN Jinshuang
(In Chinese)


المصدر: مطبوعات عامة من أعمال الصينيون CNIC-01560 BRIUG-0059

دكتور / عبدالعاطي بدر سالمان جيولوجي استشاري، مصر [email protected]

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