* يمثل هذا الملف التطوراتي الحديثة في استكشاف وإنتاج اليورانيوم وهو باللغة الإنجليزية، وهو إحدي مطبوعات الوكالة الدولية للطلااقة الذرية عام  2005.



SUMMARY ................................................... 1

Licensing new uranium production projects in Argentina ........................................................ 3



P.R. Navarra

Demand and availability of uranium resources in India ............................................................... 7

A.B. Awati, R.B. Grover

Development of China’s hard rock uranium resources: Supporting

technology and research ....................................................... 17

Zeng Yijun, Zuo Jianwei

Status and results of the WISMUT environmental remediation project ....................................... 21

M. Hagen, A.T. Jakubick, M. Paul

Re-contouring and final covering of the Trünzig and Culmitzsch tailings

ponds at WISMUT ............................................................. 33

U. Barnekow, A. Neudert, U. Hoepfner

Problems and solutions for water treatment at the closed

Hungarian uranium industry............................................................ 41

G. Erdi-Krausz

Remediation of tailings Ponds I and II .................................................................. 45

G. Folding, G. Nemeth

Legal aspects of uranium mining and milling in the Czech Republic ........................................... 53

J. Horyna

Uranium exploration restarted in Niger ............................................................. 59

A. Ousmane

The relationship between the uranium market price and supply-demand relationships ............................ 63

J.M. McMurray

Site Visits to Rozná, Wismut and Stráz ............................................................. 73

J.M. McMurray

LIST OF PARTICIPANTS .............................................. 79



دكتور / عبدالعاطي بدر سالمان جيولوجي استشاري، مصر [email protected]

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