قدماء المصريون هم أول المسلمين.امنوا مع نبى الله ادريس عليه السلام قبل اى امه اخرى.ولفظة "فرعون" اطلقت على ملوك الرعاه "الهكسوس" الاراميين الوثنيين الذين احتلوا مصر ومنهم فرعون موسى عليه السلام
The Ancient Egyptians were the first Muslims. As the holy Quran stated, every nation was honored by a prophet, and that prophets spoke the same language as their nations. Prophet Idris, Enoch, a direct grand son to prophet Adam, was sent to the Egyptians. That explains why Almighty Allah stated in the holy Quran that both prophets Joseph and Moses were taught monotheism by Egyptian men of knowledge at the university of AUN,or eye of the sun. The Ancient Makkah for monotheism and the true worship of our Creator. Egyptians were visited by some 30 prophets to either guide the foreign rulers and invaders of Egypt, the Aramite Hyksos, prophets' own nation, or to seek knowledge and support like in the case of Moses, or seek refuge, like Jesus and his mother were commanded to descend to Egypt.


مع أطيب الأمنيات بالتوفيق الدكتورة/سلوى عزازي

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نشرت فى 23 يونيو 2013 بواسطة azazystudy

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الدكتورة/سلوى محمد أحمد عزازي

دكتوراة مناهج وطرق تدريس لغة عربية محاضر بالأكاديمية المهنية للمعلمين، وعضوالجمعية المصرية للمعلمين حملة الماجستير والدكتوراة »


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