مجموعة مشاتل المهندس السيد عسكر للتنمية الزراعية 01004950946 يشتمل علي كل اصناف المانجو - الموالح - العنب - الحلويات - الرمان الونرفل - الزيتون - ال

مــــانــــجـــو - مــوالــح - عـــنب مــطعوم - شتلات فاكهة جهزة لتصدير



Trim plants and mango trees


Tree breeding 

         You must remove the cancer so as not to affect the growth of taste and rear young trees to cut off the summit at a height of 1: 1.5 m to encourage exit Nmuat side and graduating to choose from 3: 4 branches powerful distributed well a regular on the leg and not out of the one point and still the rest of the other branches and be usually before the growing season in March. 


         In small trees should be removed all the flowers during the first 3 years growth in large trees is a process of pruning of the basic processes is essential to take place annually to maintain the trees.             

       1 - place the process of pruning after harvest.   

       2 - clusters of pink still all distorted and distorted shoots.

       3 - still dry and infected branches.                  

       4 - Remove stray branches from the tree structure of the President.

 5 - still competing branches and accumulated to open the heart to light the trees to improve fruit color and overcome the phenomenon of death of the branches of the Interior.    


 Taken into account in the process of pruning is that the use of sharp scissors, taking into account the lack of any exfoliation Balofra place and painted the pieces miraculously Bordeaux and must follow the process of pruning trees, washing with a solution X-copper chloride per 500 gm / 100 liters of water.



المصدر: eng - sayed asker

م السيد عسكر 01004950946 - 01141225537 - 01282691075 نحن معك حتي الاثمار

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21 تصويتات / 789 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 17 فبراير 2011 بواسطة mango3344

الدكتور / السيد صلاح عسكر 01004950946-01141225537 - 01282691075

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