مجموعة مشاتل المهندس السيد عسكر للتنمية الزراعية 01004950946 يشتمل علي كل اصناف المانجو - الموالح - العنب - الحلويات - الرمان الونرفل - الزيتون - ال

مــــانــــجـــو - مــوالــح - عـــنب مــطعوم - شتلات فاكهة جهزة لتصدير


Diseases Control Programme mango in Egypt


      Control programs for diseases of mango


First:      in the case of the pruning of mango trees sprayed textured copper X-chlorine concentration of 4 per thousand and to purge the branches  after pruning and in the absence of pruning there is no need for spraying.


Secondly :      in the history of twelfth trees sprayed with a mixture of

                 Light mineral oil concentration of 2%

                 Daimothwait 1 mill or Somecion 3 per thousand

                            And that for the treatment of scale insects and bugs farinae

                           This spray is very important especially to help musk

Third:      in the history of 1 / 1 trees sprayed with a mixture of

                 X-4 in copper chloride AZ

                 Sulfur Mikroni 2.5 per thousand

                           And for the prevention of powdery mildew and Okarosat buds

Fourth: in the history of 25 / 1 trees sprayed with a mixture of

                 X-4 in copper chloride AZ

                 Sulfur Mikroni 2.5 per thousand

                           And for the prevention of powdery mildew and Okarosat buds

                          This spray is very important.

Fifth: After 15 days of spray the fourth test starts well if there was a rain to give a workshop after the rain.

                  Sulfur Mikroni 2.5 per thousand

                 Daethein M45 2.5 per thousand

                           And for the prevention of white buds and Okarosat

Sixth: In the third with the early flowering gives remedial workshop Kosid 1014 per thousand

Seventh: in 15 / 3 gives a mixture of workshop

                 Tobsin 1.5 per thousand

                 X-Copper chloride 3 per thousand

                            To treat the blight of the flowers and powdery mildew

VIII: In the fourth to give a mixture of

                  Kosid 1014 per thousand

                  Dorado 2 per thousand for the treatment of powdery mildew

                  Romnral 1.5 per thousand for the treatment of flower blight

IX: 15 / 4 gives a mixture of

                  Sumi Lite 0.5 per thousand

                  Aksklor copper 2.5 per thousand

                             For the treatment of powdery mildew and blight the flowers

X: 1 / 5 to give a mixture of

                  Sabreaul 1.5: 2 per thousand

                  Kproxat 2.5 per thousand

                             For the treatment of powdery mildew and blight the flowers.

 XI: 15 / 5 at the completion of the contract

                  Aksklor copper, 3 per thousand

                             For the treatment of blight and fruit rot fruit

            When needed could be repeated spray eleventh after 12 days or give Daethein m 2.5 per thousand



Add the sprinkles in all top film 25 cm / 100 liters of water

citric acid can be added by spraying with 1 mill to reduce the proportion of ph of the solution to improve absorption.

is to stop spraying Aksklor copper at higher temperatures and preferably be sprayed early in the morning and even at nine in the morning then spray again after five o'clock in the evening.

for the treatment of fruit fly spray in June Malathion concentration of aluminum and 8.5 in the case of musk spraying can be repeated until the end of July



المصدر: M / Mr.sayed Salah Al Askar

م السيد عسكر 01004950946 - 01141225537 - 01282691075 نحن معك حتي الاثمار

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20 تصويتات / 1017 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 17 فبراير 2011 بواسطة mango3344

الدكتور / السيد صلاح عسكر 01004950946-01141225537 - 01282691075

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