هندسة الانتباه

العلوم والفنون والآداب

تأثيرات درجة التمسخ الحراري لبروتين مصل اللبن المعزول على قوة هلام الحليب الحمضي وتفكك بيتا-كازين

• مارس 2022 ؛ مجلة أبحاث الألبان

• دايكي أوكا ؛ وآخرون، 2022.


Effects of the thermal denaturation degree of a whey protein isolate on the strength of acid milk gels and the dissociation of κ-casein



<!--March 2022; Journal of Dairy Research

<!--DOI: 10.1017/S0022029922000103

<!--Daiki Oka; et al.,




In this study, the effects of the degree of thermal denaturation of whey protein (WP) added to milk on the dissociation of κ-casein from casein micelles were investigated, since they are related to the strength of acid milk gel and its factors. Acid milk gels were prepared by heating thermally denatured WP isolate (WPI) and undenatured milk mixtures and treating them with glucono-δ-lactone as a coagulant. The strength of these gels was negatively correlated with the WPI denaturation degree and strongly positively correlated with the extent of κ-casein dissociation from casein micelles. This behavior was ascribed to the fact that α-lactalbumin (α-La) and β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) contained in WPI denatured after heating and engaged in disulfide bond formation with each other. With an increase in the degree of denaturation and disulfide bond formation, the bonding between β-lactoglobulin and κ-casein was suppressed to decrease the amount of κ-casein–WPI complexes. When β-Lg forms SS bonds with α-La, the number of highly reactive, free SH groups decreases, which complicates the formation of SS bridges between β-Lg and κ-casein. Thus, the denaturation degree of WPI largely determined the degree of κ-casein dissociation from casein micelles and, consequently, the strength of acid milk gels. Adding WP to milk increases the strength of acid milk gel, and it can be controlled by changing the degree of thermal denaturation of the WP. Furthermore, it was clarified for the first time that the dissociation of κ-casein from casein micelles influences this effect. Further studies are needed to elucidate the structural features of κ-casein-dissociated micelles.


تم فحص بيتا-كازين من مذيلات الكازين

κ-casein from casein micelles were investigated



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نشرت فى 30 مارس 2022 بواسطة elhaisha

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محمود سلامة محمود الهايشة

محمود سلامة الهايشة - باحث، مصور، مدون، قاص، كاتب، ناقد أدبي، منتج ومخرج أفلام تسجيلية ووثائقية، وخبير تنمية بشرية، مهندس زراعي، أخصائي إنتاج حيواني أول. - حاصل على البكالوريوس في العلوم الزراعية (شعبة الإنتاج الحيواني) - كلية الزراعة - جامعة المنصورة - مصر- العام 1999. أول شعبة الإنتاج الحيواني دفعة »


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