الزحف الحضرى على الأراضى الزراعية فى المنوفية : دراسة جغرافية باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد ...
الزحف الحضرى على الأراضى الزراعية فى المنوفية
الزحف الحضري على الأراضي الزراعية فى محافظة المنوفية
دراسة جغرافية
باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار عن بعد
رسالة ماجستير مقدمة من الباحث
عبد الفتاح السيد عبد الفتاح
المعيد بقسم الجغرافيا بكلية الاداب جامعة القاهرة
إشراف الأستاذ الدكتور
أحمد حسن ابراهيم
أستاذ الجغرافيا البشرية
عميد كلية الآداب سابقاً
كلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة
والأستاذ الدكتور
إسلام حمزة أبو المجد
أستاذ الاستشعار عن بعد المساعد
الهيئة القومية للاستشعار عن بعد وعلوم الفضاء
1434 هـ - 2013 م
مستخلص الرسالة ( باللغة العربیة ) الزحف الحضرى على الأراضى الزراعیة بمحافظة المنوفیة بإستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافیة والاستشعار عن بعد
تتكــون الدراســة مــن خمــسة فــصول تــسبقها مقدمــة وتمهیــد وتعقبهــا خاتمــة ، ویتنــاول الفــصل الأول التطور التاریخى للزحف العمرانـى الحـضرى علـى الأراضـى الزراعیـة بالمحافظـة خـلال القـرن الماضـى مـن عــام ١٩١٠-٢٠١٠م ، أمــا الفــصل الثــانى فقــد تنــاول الأبعــاد المكانیــة للنمــو العمرانــى الحــضرى علــى الأراضى الزراعیة وذلك من خلال دراسة إتجاهات النمو العمرانى ، ویتنـاول الفـصل الثالـث العوامـل المـؤثرة على النمو العمرانى الحضرى ، أمـا الفـصل الرابـع فیتنـاول دراسـة الأثـار الناتجـة عـن الزحـف العمرانـى علـى الأراضى الزراعیـة مـن خـلال دراسـة المـشكلات الناتجـة عنـه ، كمـا یتنـاول الفـصل الخـامس مـستقبل الزحـف العمرانى على الأراضى الزراعیة فى المحافظة وآلیـات التعامـل معـه ، وانتهـت الدراسـة بالنتـائج التـى توصـل لها الطالب والتوصیات التى تقدم رؤیة مستقبلیة للآلیات التى یتم التعامـل بهـا مـع هـذه المـشكلة مـع التركیـز على منطقة الدراسة .
الكلمات الدالة الزحف العمرانى – النمو العمرانى – محافظة المنوفیـة – نظـم المعلومـات الجغرافیـة – الاستـشعار عـن بعـد – الأراضى الزراعیة
مستخلص الرسالة ( باللغة الإنجلیزیة) Abstact
The thesis consists of five chapters besides an introduction and conclusion , Chapter one describes the historical urban sprawl on the agricultural land in ElMonfyia governorate in the last century from 1910 to 2010, Chapter two describes the geographical extension of the urbanized cities over the agricultural land including the dominant directions of urban sprawl in the last century , Chapter three Chapter four focuses on studying studies the factors that control the urban, sprawl the consequences and implications of the urban sprawl on the agricultural land, Chapter five used the previous historical data and baseline information to develop a forecasting model of the urban growth and the future needs. Finally, the author provided some recommendations for the future to deal with this complicated problem particularly in the area of study, however it is applicable on other areas in Egypt.
Key words: Urban Sprawl - in ElMenofiya Governorate - Geographical Information Systems - Remote Sensing- Cultivated Land
English Summary
Nowadays Urban sprawl on cultivated agricultural land is one of the key critical problems in Egypt, which has direct negative impact on the agriculture and food security in the country. Unfortunately, such urban sprawl occurs on the most fertile land in Egypt that is the main source of securing the food for the local community. Therefore, this thesis studied this particular problem in one of the central governorates in the Nile Delta that has such problem. The author paid attention to thoroughly studied this problem, the reasons behind it and the negative implications then proposed some recommendations that might minimize or/and mitigate the problem.
The thesis consists of five chapters besides an introduction and conclusion. The introduction provided background about chosen this particular issue, the aim of the study, the tools and approaches to full fill this study together with literature review about this problem. However the preface provided the location of the study area, the interconnectivity of the major cities in the study area together with the application of geographical information systems and remote sensing in this discipline.
Chapter one describes the historical urban sprawl on the agricultural land in ElMonfyia governorate in the last century from 1910 to 2010. The chapter provides comprehensive study on the historical generation of the major cities in El-Monfyia governorate that goes back sometimes to the Pharos. The chapter provides both horizontal and vertical expansion of these cities in this time frame; where the horizontal expansion represents the increase of the urbanized area. However, the vertical dimension provides the differences between the rural and urbanized areas.
Chapter two describes the geographical extension of the urbanized cities over the agricultural land including the dominant directions of urban sprawl in the last century, which was mainly in the north direction. The author studied the catalysts that maximize such sprawl such as the railways, the major roads, irrigation and drainage networks or the land use and land cover categories particularly the services categories. Reversely, the obstacles factors of urban sprawl were studies such as land fill, drainage plants, cemeteries and others. The chapter also covers the urban planning scenarios and the implications of urban sprawl on these scenarios. The plans were classified into three main classes a) the network shape, b) circular or semicircular shape and c) longitudinal shape, and each class has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Chapter three studies the factors that control the urban sprawl including:
the natural earth factors such as elevation of the land, slop of the land, temperature, wind speed and direction and soil;
the social factors such as demographic factors including the human populations, rate of population increase, number of families, status of the family, marital status,
the economic factors such as the income of the families, the industrial states, the changing of the families from one economical behave to other
the administrative boundaries and the historical changes of these boundaries and its implications on the urban sprawl particularly the second half of the century together with the laws and regulations that also impacted the urban growth. Chapter four focuses on studying the consequences and implications of the urban sprawl on the agricultural land, such implications is decreasing the number of farmers and therefore, increasing the coast of agriculture labors. Second implications is changing the crop rotation that has impacted on reducing the plantation of cotton crop for example, it also extended to the increase of the slummy urbanized areas that always has negative impact on the social demography and put extra pressure on the infrastructures and services needs from the government such as electricity and drainage. Moreover, this urban growth leads to spatial connectivity between the major cities and even the rural areas, which made more noise pollution and air and water pollution.
Chapter five used the previous historical data and baseline information to develop a forecasting model of the urban growth and the future needs. The author identified three main elements to deal with the urban growth:
legacy of determination of the population housing needs, which could be resolved via vertical expansion to increase the number of population within the small occupied land, replacement of the old rural and slummy houses to newly vertical houses to accommodate more number.
Horizontal expansion within the urban planning of 2027 to fill in and benefit from the barren land and swamp areas to fulfill the services needs from medical centers, education schools and others.
Resettlements in the newly developed cities in the desert and establish new cities in the desert away from the Nile Delta agriculture land.
Finally, the author provided some recommendations for the future to deal with this complicated problem particularly in the area of study, however it is applicable on other areas in Egypt.
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