أبحاث وفكر

أبحاث منطقية في القرآن الكريم، وموقف القرآن من قضايا العادات الموروثة


Circumcision is from social norms which have been mixed with the teachings of different religions to get it dressed in a gown of sacredness, and they have differed greatly about it and graded from denial to obligatory. There are many opinions (FATWA) about it, some of them don't consider it forbidden and others consider it duty. And some of them consider medicine equal to the divine teachings, as if medicine is a legislative Philosophy exceeds in its legislation force the law of God Almighty, and others consider people chatters and habits as if they are divine teachings that Should not be discussed .And It is strange that most of these opinions (FATWA) completely ignore the principles of the Qur'an and the Bible.

As mentioned in the Qur'an, SURAH al Esraa17, verse46

"وَجَعَلْنَا عَلَىٰ قُلُوبِهِمْ أَكِنَّةً أَنْ يَفْقَهُوهُ وَفِي آذَانِهِمْ وَقْرًا ۚ وَإِذَا ذَكَرْتَ رَبَّكَ فِي الْقُرْآنِ وَحْدَهُ وَلَّوْا عَلَىٰ أَدْبَارِهِمْ نُفُورًا{46}" الإسراء17    Esraa17  v.46


 (We made covers upon their hearts[1] and ears that they can't realize, and if god is mentioned only in Qur'an they escape)

Circumcision from geographic view  

For females it occurs in all countries of the Nile Basin, Central and East Africa, and Some of the tribes of Libya and northern Iraq, and some of the tribes of Yemen and the Gulf States and  Indonesia, as reported in the Journal of Crescent it does not occur in the rest of the world, but rarely. 

For males it occurs in countries of the Nile Basin, Central and East Africa, and the countries that were affected by the Jews, and the ancient Egyptians had left their tools of circumcision as a witness, and it possible to the visitor of the Egyptian museum in Cairo to see them. Almost of European, South American, Asian and Australian countries deny it.

Circumcision from historical view 

Male and female circumcision was the habit of who were previously mentioned despite of their different religions from ancient times, and the signs of circumcision had appeared on some Pharaohs mummies since 2300 B.C that means from 4300 years. Also it's obvious in the ancient Egyptians statues' that are there in the Egyptian museum, which indicates that the priests had carried out circumcision. But statues that are existing in Mosul (Nineveh) in Iraq for people who where existing at the same period of The rule of the Pharaohs evidenced by the lack of circumcision, as I noticed that myself in the end of eighties of the last century at one of Museums in the city of Mosul in Nineveh province in northern Iraq. However, there were some effects of the Babylonian remnant that the habit of male circumcision in Babylon was existing since the entry of the Jews during her captivity, that confirms the influence of Jews on people who came into contact with them at that time, but after the return of Jews after 500 B.C the situation changed, they added the story of prophet Ibrahim circumcision to the Torah  to become a religious requirement, and foreskin became to be all cut off after circumcised just a slit in the foreskin from the top only. After the emergence of the Talmud in the period of (500-650 AD) Gregorian calendar became sucking blood from the Genital who was circumcised to be necessary and this continues until the end of the nineteenth century. Due to cases of death due to brain damage from pollution, this procedure has been halted at the vast and they called to sufficiency of collecting one point from the blood by sucking, then appeared groups opposed to circumcision and change the bloody ceremonies into peaceful ceremonies without bloodshed.  

Circumcision from the viewpoint of modern medicine

For female doctors around the world agreed that this operation is considered as a criminal operation and very harmful to women, and here are some of doctors names who say that Dr <Mohamed Fathy>, <Khaled Montaser>, <Mohamed Fayad>, <Nawal al seadawy> and <Seham Abd Alsalam> and many others. Because of during circumcision clitoris is cut off and this make female lose her enjoyment during her sexual encounter and deprive her from accessing to the state of top ecstasy that followed by the state of relaxation and calm nervous, leading to serious mental disorders afflict family instability, and lead to separation or murder and infect the children injured bad psychological, and all of this is reflected detrimental to society as a whole.

For males medicine scholars divided into two parts, one section permits it, and the other section and the vast bans it not to reveal sensitive organs in male and prevention of these organs has not to lose its sensitivity and roughness as well as unnecessarily sexual excitement in the period of puberty, and because of the deprivation of about 80% of the sensitive area of organs, as well as with all its glands that excrete laxative and anti-fungal bacteria substances.

Forms of circumcision and its effects  

For males it is a cut of foreskin, which is the cover of the glans, to ensure that the head of the penis revealed in the case of non-erection, and In some peoples they skin penis almost the whole or only from the top, and for others they only split the foreskin, and in East Asia they stuff the foreskin with small pebbles.

For females it differs according to the place, religion and belief of the doers. In the southern Nile Valley, Central and East Africa they cut all the female genitals (clitoris and its stunning cover is equate to the head of the penis sensory, and the minor two labia that are equate to the penis skin sensory, And the major two labia) and they combine the circumcised  female thighs and tie them together till the cuttings are healed of both sides of females pussy, and they let a hole from its back to pee from it and it can be opened again in marriage and they called it the pharaoh circumcision.

 In the northern part of the Nile Valley circumcision happens by cut off the clitoris and the minor two labia deeply and around them to the end of the pussy from the bottom, and for others they don't cut clitoris and the minor two labia deeply, and others just cut a part of clitoris.

And in all cases occurs deformation in the external sexual organs, And Psychological disorders, and many of the diseases such as urinary incontinence and liver disease, also cases of penis losing during circumcision and the cases of death due to the sharp decline in the circulatory system, or any other error.

The believers' arguments about circumcision

They say for males:-

"First": Cosmetics of the redundant skin and its ugly shape, and the male is not considered a male only till he is circumcised. (One of my colleagues told me that he didn't feel that he had a male only just after he had circumcised him).

"Second": Janitorial where dirt accumulates under the foreskin. (Considering that primitive peoples didn't know about washing or cleaning with water, and usually they didn't clean or bathe themselves and their children after they urinated).

"Third": The prevention of diseases such as AIDS. (As claimed by some defendants of amputated researches and non-emerging diseases such as AIDS resulting from the accumulation of dirt, as if he should circumcise then commits adultery however he wants).

"Fourth": The cut of this foreskin leads to prolongation in the duration of sexual encounter. (And they overlooked for that this was the reason for losing not less than 80% of the sensitive nerves of the Penis). 

"Fifth": Sexual ability that the foreskin hinders the sex.

"Sixth": following the prophet as he recommended with circumcision.

They say for females:-

"First": As cosmetology that natural genitals have a very ugly shape. (This is according to the point of view that circumcision doers accustomed to, as they didn't know the natural genitals shape).

"Second": The reduction of female lust so as not to deviate and bring shame. (According to the deficient vision without real awareness of what is   actually happening that lust is determined by hormones).

"Third": To get people condemnation away of cases those were not circumcised and discard them verbally harmless and refuse to marry them; (According to bad customs not facts). 

"Fourth": As following of our prophet path as it was common during his time and he approved it.

Circumcision and the [SUNNA] (prophet actions) of the Prophet   

The word [SUNNA] is means path or method that must be followed and the [SUNNA] of god means his laws and instructions, and the [SUNNA] of prophet means the way that he followed in implementation of legislation in the Qur'an. It can be extracted from the frequency of events such as the details of the prayers from seeing those who preceded them how they were praying to the prophet. It can also be extracted from the correct chatters of prophet, which does not conflict with the provisions of the Qur'an, science, reason and applicable according to the conditions of correctness of texts as [SUNNA] and [HADITH] put it, which are condoned by polytheists and take with offense sayings and attribute them to the Prophet and God.

However by the study of circumcision in [HADITH]'s books it turns out that all the conversations contained on them either weak or others that don't urge with circumcision, and the commentators on these talks said that the [SUNNA] did not order it at all for female and for male, there isn't any definite nor certain order about it to prove it. Also sheikh "Mahmud Shaltout" in his book Islamic replies or opinions (FATAWA) prohibits it totally for female, and he said that there isn't a definite or certain thing about it for male. Also Sheikh "Sayed Sabeq" said in the jurisprudence of the [SUNNA] where is stated at circumcision chapter in the first line that there isn't any news which are received in this section to be a reference, or can be followed.

The scholars of [HADITH] and [SUNNA] agreed that [HADITH] is rejected, in these cases. 

If there is a conflict with the Qur'an, science, reason and cannot be applicable.

There is (FATWA) (advisory opinion) was issued by AL-AZHER AL-SHARIF on the first February 1990 AD, And was published on 5th August, 1993 in the Liberal Egyptians news paper which says (Admission and prohibition, don't be proved in the case just if there is certainty evidence and permanence hyperbolic connotation, and This for SUNA does not occur, just in the case of frequent chatter, And as it is hardly be known because of the lack of agreement by the scientists, the [SUNNA] is not unique in the affirmative and the prohibition just in case of frequency as prayer, the pilgrimage and UMRA or it must be a proof (evidence) from the Qur'an).

And professor Mohamed Hegazy Sakka said in his book (No stoning for adulteries), "That the [SUNNA] agrees with the Qur'an not complemented for it" As for saying that the [SUNNA] specialize the generality of Qur'an, and this point which they differ about, because the Qur'an is categorically constancy but [HADITH] is supposed and the narrator is a person narrates of another for another and the news of the Qur'an cannot be customized by a single narrator.

Also as Sheikh al-Islam "Fakhr aldin alrazi" said that Qur'an is categorically in its connotation and the news from single persons are surmise, and categorically news are superior the surmise news".

Quoting "Sheikh Mahmud Shaltout" in his book (Islam as a theology and a dogma) page 525 "That dogma isn't be proved by [HADITH], because dogma is the thing which faith asked by. And the faith means assertive certainty, and it is just concerned with that categorically connotation which called frequent [HADITH]. And these [HADITH] which are told don't characterized by frequently, and they are surmise, and the surmise [HADITH] doesn't prove tenet".

The debate about circumcision

1-  Incompatibility with science

They said -without knowledge- that circumcision for male is cutting the skin covering the tip of the penis not to gather dirt, and for the possibility of purification of urine, and in order not to decrease the thrill of sexual encounter, and they are not aware of the gathering dirt because God ordered us to wash after urinating or defecating also they do not know the occurrence of urinary incontinence in the circumcision for many cases that doesn't enable them to purify. As well as they are not aware about the increase or decrease  the thrill of sexual encounter and this is just a thought .There are cases of penis lost and distortions and killed up to 1.5% in cases of male circumcision and I think it's more serious than if they left without circumcision with Janitorial imposed by God.

And they said -without knowledge- about female circumcision that it's a cutting of the upper part of the vagina because it is an old habit that had been confirmed by the prophet. And they know nothing about science or what is the [SUNNA]. There is also a percentage of females die during circumcision and no one defends them.

Also there is a scientific base says that nature does not go overboard in the organs of the body, that means that every part in our body Integrates in its functions with others and there is no any extra part without function.

2- Disagreement with each other 

1-                                                      < Imam Al Shafei> said the necessity of circumcision for both sexes, and some of Shafei followers made ​​circumcision for dead necessary.

2-                                                      < Imam Al Nasser> and Imam <Yahiya> said the necessity of the circumcision for a male without female.

3-                                                      <Imam Malik, Abu Hanifa, Murtada and Nawawy> said that circumcision is [SUNNA] of the Prophet for the male and female.

4-                                                     < Imam Ahmed EbN Hanbal> the imam of the doctrine of the Hanbali said that circumcision is [SUNNA] of the Prophet for the male and it is a dignity for female.

5-                                                      < ALShawkaani and Sheikh Mahmud Shaltout> said that circumcision is forbidden for female and permissible for male.

6-                                                      <Ebn al-Munzer> said that there is nothing about circumcision in neither the Qur'an nor the [HADITH] (that it is just a habit) and it is confirmed by sheikh Sayed sabeq.

-        From the previous we can see that what was said just like a joke and there are conflicting of views!

The sayings of Prophet about circumcision:-

The first [HADITH] tells that "circumcision is a prophetic habit for men and a tribute for women". This [HADITH] was narrated by Alhagag Ibn Artaah who AL Qortoby and Ibn Hagar say about him that he isn't from those who are protested with their sayings.

The second [HADITH] tells that; which was told in various formulas including "when circumcised genitals are met or touched in sexual encounter they must bathe".

The third which is most famous and is protested by supporters of circumcision and it has three stories with a woman who carries out the circumcision.

1-       First without stating the name of the woman or with stating the names of Um Attia,Um Ayman and Um Taiba and in another narration in which the name of Um Habiba and UM habib are stated. Also as mentioned in a book called "SUNAN Ibn Daoud" that the prophet said to a woman who was carrying out circumcision not to overdo in it, because this is the best and likely for the husband. And Ibn Daoud had commented on this [HADITH] that it isn't strong to be protested with but it is weak because of Mohamed Ibn Hassan is in its narration and he is unknown man.

2-       Second about Anas Ibn Malek said that prophet said to Um Attia "if you circumcise don't overdo because it's better for the face and husband". And Ibn Daoud had commented on this [HADITH] that it was narrated by many narrators and all of them are weak can't be protested with.

3-       Third narration and it is most famous in Egypt that is known with Um Habiba narration. Also it was mentioned with sheikh Gad Ahaq in his FATWA (advisory opinion) in 1994, also it was mentioned with Dr Hamed Alghwaby that "Leaving circumcision requires fighting who leaves it" .It says that when women emigrated and Um Habiba was with them and she was known with girls circumcising, when prophet saw her he asked her if she still circumcise and she answered yes, unless if it is prohibited or you forbid me doing it, he replied her no it isn't forbidden but come close to me to teach you Um habiba "if you do circumcision don't overdo because its more brightening for face and better for husband".

-Here are some recent comments for nowadays scholars and thinkers who commented on these [HADITH] as follows:-

1)  First one,  Dr selim alawa says "that there isn't any proof in  the text because its weak because its narrator isn't trustful so how do we take a religious legislation from it, but it's just desirable not imposed and to prove a legislation must be with a strong and correct proof not with weak".

2)  Second one, Dr Selim alawa says that [HADITH] confluence of two circumcised parts that it's not a proof for circumcision but it also assure the necessity of bathing and purifying after that.

3)  Third one, That is used as a response to every health minister who prevents circumcision. Also Dr Selim Alawa comments on [HADITH] of Um Attia that its ways of narration aren't good and there is no any evidence that be learned from it and if we suppose that it is a correct one the guidance that contained therein does not include an order of girls circumcision, but includes how to determine if circumcision is carried out and this does not mean that it is obligatory. Also < Anwar Ahmed> in his book "religion opinion" that circumcision is no more than a habit and when prophet said that just to reduce the harm that be caused in circumcision. Also they agreed that this [HADITH] of Um Habiba is a lie and pro-circumcision opinions are without any proof or evidence.

4)  Also Sheikh Mahmud Shaltout commented on all these [HADITH] in his FATAWA (advisory opinions) in 1959, said that there isn't any correct evidence as jurisprudential [SUNNA]. As his predecessors scholars reached to that "there isn't any correct evidence or news up to it or to be followed about circumcision.

5)  Also sheikh "Sayed Sabeq" assures the same meaning that" circumcision should not be necessary for female and does not require sinfulness if it is left, and there isn't anything in the Qur'an or in the [SUNNA] of the Messenger prove that it is a necessary thing, and every [HADITH] from the prophet about circumcision is weak and nothing be correct to be depended on. Also Sheikh Mahmud Kheder in his response to Sheikh Gad al-Haq in 1997, that prophet says "If you are a doer for circumcision refers to that it is a disliked matter, and better to be away from it". Also sheikh sayed tantawy in his FATWA as response to the health minister Ali Abd alfatah in 1994 that there is nothing to be invoked but there are news that were judged by investigators and scholars that they are weak. Also these [HADITH] were mentioned in the book of <Alshawkany> that is called <Neil Alawtar> are judged by weakness.Also in the book <Awn almabod in explaining [SUNNA] Abu Dawood> that the [HADITH] about female circumcision is mentioned from many ways and all of them are weak and can't be invoked. Also he said in his FATWA about female circumcision that there isn't any correct religious text that be protested with for circumcision, but it is just a habit spread in Egypt from generation to another. Also the evidence that it is just a habit and there isn't a religious text urges it, that almost of Islamic countries which are full of scholars had left female circumcision, such as Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, east Jordan and Palestine, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia ... etc. Also Dr <Sayed Rezk Altaweel> " Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at this time" agreed with sheikh <Sayed Tantawy> in his FATWA (advisory opinion) and they rejected sheikh Gad Alhak in his opinion about female circumcision when he said that "every country let circumcision must be fought" that means that we have to fight the whole world except Egypt and Sudan. Also sheikh <Abd Alghafar Mansur> "Advisor of Islamic jurisprudence in Mecca" said in his research that was delivered at the Population Conference in Cairo and he said that "We don't know the circumcision habit before the birth of the Prophet nor after the resurrection, and the Prophet did not carry out the circumcision of his daughters, and till this day circumcision habit isn't known in Mecca".

3-  The difference with the Qur'an 

  Qur'an does not mention circumcision particularly, but it is generally mentioned in it that any injured and any assault on the body of others is forbidden, also any change in creation, soul, or body whether this change is skin color or injuring it or cutting apart from it, they are from the work of Satan, and its doers will be in hell forever. Qur'an also explained that man had been created in the best shape and creation, and if you are a real believer you mustn't change in your or others creation, bodies and souls .Thus the Qur'an assured these values​​, which have been neglected by the imitators of folks habits. It stressed the complete immunity for the body, the soul, the honor, and the money as it is mentioned in ALMAEDAH verses 41-48 in prohibition of wounds and Cuttings.

 "وَكَتَبْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ فِيهَا أَنَّ النَّفْسَ بِالنَّفْسِ وَالْعَيْنَ بِالْعَيْنِ وَالْأَنْفَ بِالْأَنْفِ وَالْأُذُنَ بِالْأُذُنِ وَالسِّنَّ بِالسِّنِّ وَالْجُرُوحَ قِصَاصٌ ۚ فَمَنْ تَصَدَّقَ بِهِ فَهُوَ كَفَّارَةٌ لَهُ ۚ وَمَنْ لَمْ يَحْكُمْ بِمَا أَنْزَلَ اللهُ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ{45}" المائدة5  ALMAEDAH5 v.45

It means retribution or punishment that soul against a soul, eye against eye, ear against ear tooth against tooth and wound against wound, and who tolerate it is better for him.

Also verses (116-121) SURAH "ALNESAA4" (WOMEN4) that it prohibits any change in creation, and this change is of the devil and who obeys devil's order is from polytheism and leads to hell and he is from losers.

"وَلَأُضِلَّنَّهُمْ وَلَأُمَنِّيَنَّهُمْ وَلَآمُرَنَّهُمْ فَلَيُبَتِّكُنَّ آذَانَ الْأَنْعَامِ وَلَآمُرَنَّهُمْ فَلَيُغَيِّرُنَّ خَلْقَ اللهِ ۚ وَمَنْ يَتَّخِذِ الشَّيْطَانَ وَلِيًّا مِنْ دُونِ اللهِ فَقَدْ خَسِرَ خُسْرَانًا مُبِينًا{119} يَعِدُهُمْ وَيُمَنِّيهِمْ ۖ وَمَا يَعِدُهُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ إِلَّا غُرُورًا{120} أُولَٰئِكَ مَأْوَاهُمْ جَهَنَّمُ وَلَا يَجِدُونَ عَنْهَا مَحِيصًا{121}" النساء4    verses (119-121) SURAH ALNESAA4

Also verses 4-8 SURAH "ALTEEN 95", and verse 64 SURAH "GHAFER 40" shows that the shape of the body and soul are made in the best creation and shape, and that non-believers are harming their bodies and distorted them with tattooed, wounds and Cuttings, and this leads to hell.

"لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ{4} ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَاهُ أَسْفَلَ سَافِلِينَ{5} إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ فَلَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍ{6}" التين95   ALTEEN95  v.6

"اللهُ الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْأَرْضَ قَرَارًا وَالسَّمَاءَ بِنَاءً وَصَوَّرَكُمْ فَأَحْسَنَ صُوَرَكُمْ وَرَزَقَكُمْ مِنَ الطَّيِّبَاتِ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمُ اللهُ رَبُّكُمْ ۖ فَتَبَارَكَ اللهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ{64}" غافر40   GHAFER40  v.64

Also verse "87 ALMAEDAH" orders believers not to prohibit the good things that god allow enjoying it such as good perfumes, ornaments, delicious food, cold drinks with good smell, elegant clothes, and hair styling, and enjoying the sex wife. Also he ordered them not to prohibit these things and not to Assault on these things because God does not love aggressors.

Also verses that show that ornaments and good things of living are not prohibited for sincere worshipers of Allah and it is exclusive to them in the Day of Resurrection. The forbidden thing is sin and wrongful oppression for others rights such as circumcision without permission from Allah.

 "قُلْ مَنْ حَرَّمَ زِينَةَ اللهِ الَّتِي أَخْرَجَ لِعِبَادِهِ وَالطَّيِّبَاتِ مِنَ الرِّزْقِ ۚ قُلْ هِيَ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا خَالِصَةً يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ ۗ كَذَٰلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الْآيَاتِ لِقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ{32} قُلْ إِنَّمَا حَرَّمَ رَبِّيَ الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ وَالْإِثْمَ وَالْبَغْيَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ وَأَنْ تُشْرِكُوا بِاللهِ مَا لَمْ يُنَزِّلْ بِهِ سُلْطَانًا وَأَنْ تَقُولُوا عَلَى اللهِ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ{33}" الأعراف7 SURAH ALARAF7  v.32,33  

Also in SURAH ALANAAM6 verse 140 it tells that children killing or outlaw livelihood and blessings such as all sensual pleasures, food, drinks and body parts, they are Foolish and without knowledge of God, and to slander astray. And this is being done in circumcision and all of this is forbidden.

"قَدْ خَسِرَ الَّذِينَ قَتَلُوا أَوْلَادَهُمْ سَفَهًا بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ وَحَرَّمُوا مَا رَزَقَهُمُ اللهُ افْتِرَاءً عَلَى اللهِ ۚ قَدْ ضَلُّوا وَمَا كَانُوا مُهْتَدِينَ{140}" الأنعام6 SURAH Alanaam6  v.140  

Also SURAH ALBAQARAH2 (the cow2) verse 223 confirms that women are enjoyment for men, and they can enjoy them when they are purifying any time. Also our god guides us in the same verse with preparing for the sexual encounter by flirting, pet and excitement, so if the genitals that lead to that case are cut, there will be obstacle between the couple so they can't get enjoyment during this encounter because of this flagrant assault (circumcision).

"نِسَاؤُكُمْ حَرْثٌ لَكُمْ فَأْتُوا حَرْثَكُمْ أَنَّىٰ شِئْتُمْ ۖ وَقَدِّمُوا لِأَنْفُسِكُمْ ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللهَ وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّكُمْ مُلَاقُوهُ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ{223}" البقرة2 ALBAQARAH2  v.223   

The author comment  

It becomes clear from all of the above that circumcision is just customary deviates from the law of God Almighty and the [SUNNA] of the Prophet, that God is strictly prohibited to prevent any assault on others by hurt or wound or cut unjustly. And there are cases that hurt or wound or cut or kill are allowed in such as:-

1)    -Hurt: - For two men who are doing outrageous together."SURAH ALNESAA 4 verse 16".

2)   - Whipping: - The penalty for adultery and perjury for adultery. SURAH ALNOUR 24 verses 2 and 4".

3)   - Injury: - Retribution for who wounded others. SURAH ALMAEDAH 5 verse 45.

4)   - Cut: - The penalty for professional thief, third-degree spoiler and who cut apart for others. SURAH ALMAEDAH 5 verses 33-38-45.

5)   -Killing: - Retribution for a killer or first and second-degree spoilers. SURAH ALMAEDAH 5 verses 32-33.

This is the right of Allah Almighty did not allow any cut or harm another without guilt may even forbade any attack on the self or of others. The Prophet said that: "all Muslims money, honor and blood, all these are forbidden for other Muslim without a right and it is enough of evil to despise his Muslim brother".

It is clear that circumcision has very serious damage to circumcised woman and her husband in many aspects, one of them that she becomes unable to meet the wishes of her husband's sexual requests and become traumatized that survived her body alive, and its effects are difficult to be treat if not impossible. She will not forget how they used deception, fraud and lying with her and how they pounced on her such as predatory monsters and tied her as a sacrifice without the slightest degree of mercy, but they were out of mercy, and circumcised her despite her pleas and her cries; not to do that. This is some description of the female feelings during and after the process of circumcision, some of pains that cannot remove its effects along her life, but this lead her to lose trust in her family and society.

The negative impact of this process on the marital relationship because she will not be comfortable or convenient for her husband, and she thinks that he is unable to satisfy her desires making her feel upset, boredom, hatred and hostility, which adversely affects the family and society.

Also there are many cases hit disabilities, such as incontinence as a result of the corruption of the control muscle in the urine, which infects her serious psychological damage and constant nuisance, in addition to serious infection disease transmitted through contaminated scalpels that are used and dirty hands to victims, also there will be cases of killings which occur during circumcision and are not reported and accounted for a drop dead in the circulatory system, and also narrow the vaginal opening because of the unjust circumcision complications leading to many bad effects.

And this woman who was hit in herself and her body if she survived how she can bred generations morally healthy if she morally learned a lesson in the bad manners of deceit, lies and deception. This serious distortion occurs for a woman that the great Nile poet Hafez Ibrahim told about her, that:

"Mother is as a school if she has been prepared well so a good nation has been prepared well".

Is this way of all these woes is the right way? I think that wise replies that it never be the right way, this is not the right path advocated by reformers like Hafez Ibrahim.

Circumcision stories  

1- Dr, NawaL Alseadawy tells about her circumcision story     

Quoting from the web Site     http://www.diwanalarab.com/spip.php?article710

She tells: "when I was six, I was sleeping on my warm bed and dreaming with childhood dreams, when I felt big rough hands with dirty black nails caught me, and another hand like the other one clog my mouth Strongly to prevent me from screaming and carried me to the bathroom. I don't know how many were they? And I don't remember their faces or whether they were men or women. It turned the world closed before my eyes with black fog and perhaps they also put the cover over my eyes, all I felt in that time this fist that caught my head, arms and legs till I become powerless to resist or movement, and feel the cold bathroom tiles under my naked body and unknown voices and sound of chatter reminds me of something metal like butcher's knife before slaughter lamb feast. The blood froze in my veins and I thought that the thieves took me of my bed and get ready to slaughter me as I heard a lot of stories from my old rural granny about that. Then I felt that this sound closed tom me not to my neck but to a place between my thighs, and they spread them and I felt As if a sharp blade or a knife cut part of my body between the thighs. I screamed from pain despite the cover over my mouth and it was a very severe pain then I felt a lot of blood around me on the bathroom tiles. I didn't know what they cut but I was crying and called mother to save me. And how I shocked when I saw my mom was standing with those strange people talking and smiling with them as if they hadn't just slaughtered her daughter. Then they carried me to my bed again and get my little sister to do her the same thing while her face was pale as dead, at that moment we discovered that we are in a tragedy as we are females and have to excise some parts of our body". 

2- The French blonde circumcision 

(This story published in Egyptian newspapers in the early nineties in the last century)

From the same site    http://www.diwanalarab.com/spip.php?article710

"Nawal El Seadawi:"wondered, but others did not wonder, but they are content to be as herd to their fate and destiny. But, mostly as a result of counterfeiting of awareness defending their slaughter, as they believe it is honoring them. There is another story of the novelist <Suleiman Fayyad> in his novel "Voices" that tells a story about a foreign woman the family Egyptian husband circumcised her thinking of them that they keep in honor of their son. Women in the village decided to circumcise the French blonde wife "Simon" to save the honor of their son "Hamed", who accompanied her as they thought that she will betray him, and not to become as they described such as the hungry cat that looking for men. As Zainab Hamed's brother wife who is jealous of Simon narrated that," they closed window and surrounded Simon who tried to find an exit, then we caught her and she screamed and resisted but we closed her mouth and put her on the carpet in the land of the room and we discovered that she didn't circumcise and we did circumcision for her while she was trying to get out of eight hands that were holding her. She continues that they gave her drugs to lose her consciousness to enable them to do her circumcision, and began circumcising her but with a razor blade and suddenly erupted blood thickly, and tried to stop the bleeding with cotton but to no avail Simon has died, Simon lost her life because of their ignorance and backwardness".

A Call

Dear legislators you have to prevent these crimes, and scholars must lead those who want to know the right way which pleases God, and show the other wrong ways that lead to hell to avoid it. And those who aim to get satisfaction of god do not fear anyone except god, and always remember the doomsday and paradise is only for the righteous. And we have to be together as one hand and order with virtue and prohibit vice and prostitutes, also we call for our Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching.

Dear scholars you have to indicate to the people that Polytheism does not be forgiven by God, and who do this crime (circumcision) as it is permissible, he disbelieves in Allah Almighty and his punishment is the punishment of the pagans. You have to ask these people, do they remember god when they do circumcision? And said in the name of Allah and ask whether Allah or prophet ordered that or not, and be aware of that if they didn't order so the anger of God be upon you. Remember "Sodomites" when they insisted on the ugliness deed of what they were doing and what had been their fate and "Aad and Thamud" and others, also they insisted of what they were accustomed to as an inheritance from their parents. You can recite Qur'an verses in SURAH ALBAQRAH (170), ALMAEDAH (104), ALAARAF (28), YOUNIS (78), ALANBIAA (53), ALSHOARAA (74), LOQMAN (21), ALZOKHROF (22-25) and ALSAFAT (60-70).

We have to remember that cosmetology is only something for distortion only, because God says that he created man in the best shape, and creator had perfected everything had been created and the eighth principle of the nine principles of creation is ornament.

And remember that the Janitorial isn't by amputating a part of the body, pleading that these parts are filth or unclean. And god never created filth or unclean parts but they had been created clean and pure. Also God Almighty ordered washing after urinating or defecating. Thus, they protest of purity is incorrect.

Those who do circumcision pleading as a prevention of deviation or a potentially disease, just as who destroys the eye of his son to protect him of Ophthalmology, or cut his hands for the prevention of theft. And this thought is illogical; otherwise, Arabs in the days of ignorance were right when they buried girls for the prevention of shame!

As for saying that circumcision is such as trimming nails and haircutting, do they take off the nails and hair of the head quit? However, the nails and the hair grow again but the amputated part during circumcision doesn't grow again. But to say that circumcision of the male cause to prolong the sexual encounter, if this is true because of the sensitive organ detect and remove a high percentage of sensitive nerves about 80% of the total sensitivity organs causing other negative things.

As for saying that the skin that are cut impede sexual encounter, this say is non-scientific, this is because the casing bounces back during an erection, It seems as if the organ is circumcised, this does not happen before puberty, but it happens at the age 9 to 19 years old, that's where the organs of non adults do not exposed during aroused to protect irrational male from deviation, and some of them become controlled by unruly passions that can't be controlled.

For those who say that female circumcision is to reduce their sexual desire, this say is wrong, and the proof that there is a large number of delinquents women in all environments, including married and circumcised women because both of them have the same sexual desire. But the difference is the way of enjoying sex, it's best to let her on the natural form of creation without any change in the creation. As for those who say that circumcision is duty just to stave off the evil look of the community to women who are not circumcised, just I ask them: do you fear of people not from god?

God almighty has divided people in terms of sanity into three categories as follows:-

1-  First- "The wrongdoers: those who act from themselves, without reference to God".

2-    Second- "The imitators: those who imitate others without prudence".

3-    Third- "The prudent people: those who do not do anything until they refer it to the rules of instruction of God Almighty and they are the only group on the right way".

God almighty told us in SURAH ALMAEDAH (60) and ALANAAM (113) that we mustn't be imitators like a monkey which imitate without thinking, not aware of usefulness of what they do or imitate. We read previously about a monkey that saw a carpenter who was shoving a wood and when the carpenter gone away, the monkey hurried and imitated him and sat on the cleaved board and its tail went down between the two prong then they joined heavily on his tail and it cried out in pain, then the carpenter came and hit him more. These imitators insult to themselves and others and then return to the afterlife to taste the torment. Those who invented circumcision are some ignorant people of the Nile Valley and some other primitive peoples. There are those who reposed circumcision in the books of the legislation unjustly in most religions, biography and [HADITH]. Those who lie to God and the Prophet their fate is to hell in the afterlife. Dear people beware of imitating of people who do not fear God, not to return the hell because of this imitating to some ignorant people.

If you moved away from the mind; God will judge you on the day of resurrection and recompensed every one with his deeds if they had good deeds or evil deeds they will find it. And grievances will be returned to their owners with precision and without injustice.

Dear oppressed do not grieve, that God will restore you what was taken from you, and resurrect you in full body as you like if you had been faithful pious.

Islam respects all religions if your religion required you circumcision, so you have to do for yourself and not for your children. Because of the community has right of them that they will be pairs in the future, and it is the right of every husband to find his wife in a full body without losing any part of it, and worship must be for yourself and not on others.

And I ask the regulators, not to let this matter to the ignorant in order not to harm the whole society, and make it right for the husband who his wife were circumcised to ask for compensation from its parents for the damage that done to him, and the same right for the wife. You have to put laws to keep the child's body immunity against any messes even up to adulthood, and let him does what he wants in his body, according to the teachings of his religion and if assented to the law and the constitution of his country.

May God help you to what pleases Him

The author :- (Said Abd-almoaty Hussein Abd-almoaty)


[1]  Heart in Qur'an is individual unit in human soul. It can behave as it wants.


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