The most important things that contribute to the dissolution of marriage and undermine marital life.
* Getting carried away in excess personal life without paying attention to the partner.
* To be a couple in need of increased attention by the partner.
* That have no respect for any one spouse to the family of the other person, especially parents.
* That the neglect of children a couple of other things to like going to concerts or the exercise of any other social activities.
* To be a couple suffering from excessive jealousy, so that narrows the partner to the point lead to the impossibility of life between the spouses.
* Of the reasons why the couple to reach an impasse is for the discussion of one of the couple's personal life with friends, not to any sense of privacy.
* To be a couple that enjoys proprietary, so that one of the parties infringed on the other person.
نشرت فى 25 أغسطس 2011
بواسطة hany2012
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