English or English - the language of Germanic originated in England. Is the third most common mother tongues in the world (402 million people, according to census 2002) and in addition to the wide spread in the world because of the effects of military, economic, cultural, scientific and political of the British Empire and later the United States of America.
Historically, originated in English of several dialects, on the whole is now called Old English, which brought to Great Britain by settlers Alongelosksonaan at the beginning of the fifth century. And have been affected by the language the language of Nawras old by the invaders, Viking. After opening the Normans, developed into Old English to Middle English, borrowing strength from the vocabulary and customs spelling of the Norman (English - French). and so significantly evolved modern English next big change in the vowels, which began at the beginning of the fifteenth century in England, and continued to acquire foreign words from different languages As a new words as well. Was building a large number of English words, especially words of the technology on the basis of the roots of Latin and ancient Greek.
Is usually described Modern English as their first language global joint, which is the dominant language internationally in the communications, science and trade, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy, and most areas of work now considering Baalangelazah. Spread outside the British Isles began with the growth of the British Empire, and by the late nineteenth century was truly global reach. After the British colonization in North America became the dominant language in the United States, which was to their economic growth and cultural influence and status as agents of a global superpower since World War II, which was a big reason to take the fastest of the language around the globe [1].
Knowledge of English has become a requirement in many fields, jobs and professions as medicine, computers, and as a result there are more than a billion people speak English, even at the lowest level (see the learning and teaching English). It is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations.
Realized linguists like David Crystal that raised a strong growth of English compared to other world languages as the national language by reducing the differences in many parts of the world and especially in Australia and North America, and continues to influence the great play an important role in the depletion of the language. Similarly, I understand the linguistic Tarichaon change the dynamic compound and smooth the language and they know has always been the possibility of the contents of the English through the huge number and the proliferation of communities which use and nature of internal diversity, as in the Creole language and simplified it to make a new species of language deals with time [2].
[Edit] History
English is the language of Germanic Bank, which originated in the fifth century of the dialects of the Anglo-Frisian and Lower Saxony, which brought to Britain by settlers from Germany and Assistance Force ROMANIAN coming from different parts of the so-called consciousness is now northwest Germany and the north [citation needed] the Netherlands. One of those is the Germanic tribes of Angles, which can be made from Angeln wrote, "but that" all their people gave to Britain, leaving the former free their land. Derived from the names of all of England (or Aangeland) and English name of that tribe.
And I have conquered in 449 AD Anglo Saxon regions of Denmark, Jutland. Before the advent of Anglo Saxon England to the indigenous people speak the language of the Brythonic Silleteh. Although the most significant changes in tone occurred after the invasion of the Normans in 1066, the language retained its name and now known as the tone of the pre-Norman invasion of the Old English [3].
Initially, the old English variety of dialects, reflecting the multiple origins of the Anglo Saxon kingdoms of Great Britain. And finally took control of the West Saxons in the end. Then influenced by the ancient indigenous language English Bmujtin of the invasion, and was the first of the North Germanic language speakers, a branch of the Germanic family; and they have open and colonization of parts of the British Isles in the Horn of 8 and 9. The second was the Normans in the century atheist ten who were speaking Normans old and have developed a variety of English, for which he became known as Onjlenorman. (And over the centuries, has been lost that element of Normandy under the influence of Parisian French, and later from English, and eventually turned to the tone characteristic of Alongelovrnc) led the Ghazōtan to become a English language "mixed" to some extent (although they were not really the language of a mixed sense of language of the word, where the established language of the hybrid speakers of different languages, who develop a language of a hybrid in order to communicate basic) .
Resulted in coexistence with the Scandinavian countries from the addition of vocabulary Alongelovrizian to the heart of the English, the Normans led occupation of the last to unite the essence of the Germanic to more than just the development of a layer of words from the Romance languages. Income impact of the Normans to the English language is widely through the courts and the government. Thus, English became the language of "borrowing" of great flexibility and how much of a huge vocabulary.
With the emergence and spread of the British Empire, has taken English in the areas around the world, such as North America, India, Africa and Australia. And also helped the emergence of the United States as agents of the spread of super-language.
[Edit] Categories and related languages
English language belongs to the western part of the sub-branch of the Germanic, which is a branch of the family of Indo-European languages. Such as the nearest neighborhood to the English and Scottish are either spoken in central Scotland and parts of Northern Ireland or Frisian. It also looks at the Scottish by linguists as either a separate language or a group of dialects of English, Frisian and the difference from Scotland is often said by the nearest second language. After that languages are the languages of Germanic other relevant from a distance and claims languages West Germanic (Dutch, Afrikaans, German lower and Germany top), and the languages of Germanic northern (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic language and the Faroe Islands) with the exception of Scottish, and perhaps Frisian, none of the none of those languages and English with the clarity of mutual and that the existence of differences in vocabulary and syntax and semantics and acoustics.
Differences in vocabulary with Germanic languages other led to the emergence of excellence and because of the use of the very English words derived from Latin (for example, "exit exit" and the corresponding in the Dutch uitgang) (literally "out-gang" with the "gang" as in "gangway ") and French (" change "and Bkablha in German Änderung and" movement "and the corresponding in German Bewegung (literally" othering "and" be-way-ing "(following up on the same way), the sentence structure in German and Dutch is quite different from in English, the rules of formulating sentences different (for example, in German: Ich habe noch nie etwas auf dem Platz gesehen, and equivalents in English "I have still never seen anything in the square" I still do not see anything in the arena) differences semantics led to the presence of the same words are not true between English and languages where there is a link. the difference in acoustics hide the words that were in fact related to the historical ("enough" and the corresponding in German genug) In some cases, there is a difference in both sentence structure and science Audio (in German Zeit, "time" in English and their relevance to "tide" but the word in the English come to mean the effect of gravity on the ocean by the moon). [citation needed]
Finally, the English compound words formed the clips are attached separately for the German language from more than 1500 years and has its own way in this regard. For example, words abstract in English can be configured from the original language by adding a section to another the word "hood", "-ship", "-dom" and "-ness". All of this led to a similarity in the extensions end of the word in most but all Germanic languages, but patterns of use differ, as in German "Freiheit" and the corresponding in English, "freedom" (an extension end of the word "-heit" is similar with that of the English "-hood", while in English "-dom" similar to the its counterpart in the German "-tum")
Many of the French written words understandable also for the English speaker (though the pronunciation is usually slightly different) because English absorbed a lot of vocabulary from Norman and French by the Anglo-Norman after the Norman conquest and directly from French in the following centuries. As a result, a large part of English vocabulary is derived from the French, with some minor spelling differences (word endings, use of the old French spelling, etc.), as well as the contrast in some cases, in words what it claims is a real similarity. Pronunciation of most words borrowed from French into English (with some exceptions, such as mirage mirage or phrases such as coup d'état coup d'état became the English became the track is a typical pattern of an English in tone. Some words of Germanic North also entered into English because of the invasion of Denmark and prior to that shortly ( see Danelaw) and it also includes words such as sky "sky", a window "window", egg "egg" and so are "they" (and formats) and they "are" (combining the present tense of the formula were "to be") [citation needed]
[Edit] Geographical distribution
Graph illustrates the relative number of English speakers in the main English-speaking countries in the world
Nearly 375 million people speak English as their first language. May be English today is the third largest language in terms of number of speakers which English is their native language, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. However, when combining native speakers and non-indigenous, they become the language most spoken in the world, although it is second only to collect Chinese languages (depending on the classification of the last as languages or dialects) and the expense that includes those who speak English as a second language, which varies strongly than 470 million to more than one billion according to the ability to read and write and be able to a specific language and size. [4] [5] linguistics professor David Crystal accounts of non-native speakers now outnumber native speakers by 3 to 1 [6].
Countries with the highest of the population speaking English are, in descending order: United States (215 million), [7] United Kingdom (61 million), [8] and Canada (18.2 million), [9] Australia (15.5 million), [10 and Ireland (3.8 million), [8], and South Africa (3.7 million). [11] does not give this number to the number of native speakers, but it would be between the number of people who speak English only (3,008,058), and the total number of speakers of English (+3673623), and if one ignores the 197.187 people who did not provide an answer as valid for use. </ Ref> countries like Jamaica and Nigeria also millions of speakers of language continuity between the English-based Creole for more than a standard English version. Of those countries where the talk of English as a second language, India, which has many of them ("Indian English"). Crystal says that the collection of English-speaking non-indigenous people and that India now has the largest number of people who speak and understand English more than any other country in the world. After India comes the citizens of the People's Republic of China [12].
English as a global
Because the English used on a large scale has been referred to as a "universal language", it's time to talk the language of the common used among people who speak different languages "lingua franca (language of communication common)." In the time that were not English is the official language in most countries, it most often in the present study of language as a second language in all parts of the world. Some linguists (such as David Graddol) believed that cultural property is no longer exclusively "for Speakers of English-native," but is the language that became the absorbing aspects of cultures around the world because it is still growing. [1] is the official language of international treaties for air and sea connections. English is the official language of the United Nations and many other international organizations, including the International Olympic Committee.
English language taught in most of the time as a foreign language in the European Union (for 89% of school children), followed by French (32%), German (18%), Spanish (8%), and Russian, while the ability to understand the use of foreign languages among Europeans is 68% for English and French 25%, 22% of German and 16% for Spanish. Among the EU countries non-speaking English, a large percentage of them claim that they are able to speak English in the Netherlands (87%) and Sweden (85%) and Denmark (83 %), Luxembourg (66%), Finland (60%), Slovenia (56%), Austria (53%) and Belgium (52%) and Germany (51%). Norway and Iceland also their large majority of native speakers of English efficiently.
Books, magazines and newspapers written in English are also available in many countries around the world. Also, English is the language most commonly used in science. [1] In 1997, the Index of Science Citation reported that 95% of articles were written in English, although only half of them came from authors in the English-speaking countries.
[Edit] dialects and regional variations
The expansion of the British Empire, and since World War II, and the influence of the United States, the spread of English around the world. Because of this global spread, English has developed a crowd of dialects and English-based Creole languages, English, Simplified.
Two accents national ingenious and which have met with acceptance on a large scale in many countries of the world is worded consummate the south of England and the other to the American Midwest. Initial sometimes called the English BBC or Queens, and can be observed preference "pronunciation), which represents the model of Cambridge and the is the standard for teaching English to speakers of other languages in Europe, Africa and the Indian subcontinent and other areas affected by either the Commonwealth British or the desire to not be in analogy by the American. tone of recent U.S. public, which is prevalent in most parts of the United States and some from Canada, which are often model of the American continent and regions (such as the Philippines) and that of her close relationship with the United States or have the desire to imitate the United States. and next to those dialects there are many types of English, which includes in most cases, several sub-types, such as Cockney, and the Scouse and Geordie inside British English; Newfoundland English within Canadian English and dialect English African-American ("Aaponik") and the English of South America in American English. English is the language of multiple copies, without the authority of the language of a central, such as the French Academy "Académie française", so there's diversity is incorrect or true only in terms of expectations of a particular audience, and who went to the language.
Scottish derived its roots from the beginnings of the English north-medium, evolved and changed during its history, affected by other sources, but in the wake of the Union in 1707 and began to drain the language, and by which adopted the generations Mtaakbh lots and lots of features of English, Mandarin, causing a dialect. Whether a separate language or a dialect of dialects of English is preferred that the described controversy Balasctlndeh English, despite the acceptance of the Government of the United Kingdom now Balasctlndeh as a regional and recognized under the Charter European language regional minorities. and [17] There are a number of dialects of the Scottish, and ways of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary of traditional forms, which sometimes differ significantly from other types of English.
Because of the widespread use of English as a second language, it has become for Speakers of English, many of the accents, which often refers to the language or the national language of the speaker. For more of the characteristics of accents regional, see Accent regional English, and more of the characteristics of local dialects, see the list dialects of English. within England, the variations now confined largely to pronunciation than on grammar and vocabulary. at the time of the search of work on dialects of English, grammar, vocabulary, varied across the country, but the process of attrition vocabulary led often to the death of diversity [18].
The English itself has borrowed words from different languages over its history, preassigned English now loan words become clear in many languages around the world, as in the technology and the impact of cultural speakers. Many languages simple and languages of Creole based on the basis of English, such as Jamaican Patois , and Nigerian Pidgin and Tok Basn, there are many words in English coined to describe specific formulas for languages other than English with a high percentage of English words.
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