Not for commercial uses


by R.H. McMillanConsulting Geologist, Victoria, British Columbia



SYNONYMS: Pitchblende veins, vein uranium, intragranitic veins, perigranitic veins.


EXAMPLES (British Columbia - Canada/International): In the Atlin area structurally controlled scheelite-bearing veins host uranium at the Purple Rose, Fisher, Dixie, Cy 4, Mir 3 and IRA occurrences, Ace Fay-Verna and Gunnar, Beaverlodge area (Saskatchewan, Canada), Christopher Island-Kazan-Angikuni district, Baker Lake area (Northwest Territories, Canada), Millet Brook (Nova Scotia, Canada), Schwartzwalder (Colorado, USA), Xiazhuang district (China), La Crouzille area, Massif Central and Vendee district, Armorican Massif, (France), Jachymov and Pribram districts (Czeck Republic), Shinkolobwe (Shaba province, Zaire).


CAPSULE DESCRIPTION: Pitchblende (Th-poor uraninite), coffinite or brannerite with only minor amounts of associated metallic minerals in a carbonate and quartz gangue in veins. These deposits show affinities with, and can grade into, five- element veins which have significant native silver, Co-Ni arsenides, Bi or other metallic minerals.

TECTONIC SETTING: Postorogenic continental environments, commonly associated with calcalkaline felsic plutonic and volcanic rocks. “Red beds” and sediments of extensional successor basins are common in the host sequence. The economic deposits appear confined to areas underlain by Proterozoic basement rocks.

DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT: Ore is deposited in open spaces within fracture zones, breccias and stockworks commonly associated with major or subsidiary, steeply dipping fault systems.

AGE OF MINERALIZATION: Proterozoic to Tertiary. None are older than approximately 2.2 Ga, the time when the atmosphere evolved to the current oxygen-rich condition.

HOST/ ASSOCIATED ROCK TYPES: A wide variety of hostrocks, including granitic rocks, commonly peraluminous two-mica granites and syenites, felsic volcanic rocks, and older sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The uranium-rich veins tend to have an affinity to felsic igneous rocks. Some veins are closely associated with diabase and lamprophyre dikes and sills.

DEPOSIT FORM: Orebodies may be tabular or prismatic in shape generally ranging from centimetres up to a few metres thick and rarely up to about 15 m. Many deposits have a limited depth potential of a few hundred metres, however, some deposits extend from 700 m up to 2 km down dip. Disseminated mineralization is present within the alteration envelopes in some deposits.

TEXTURE/STRUCTURE: Features such as drusy textures, crustification banding, colloform, botryoidal and dendritic textures are common in deposits which have not undergone deformation and shearing. The veins typically fill subsidiary dilatant zones associated with major faults and shear zones. Mylonites are closely associated with the St. Louis fault zone at the Ace-Fay-Verna mines.

ORE MINERALOGY (Principal and subordinate): Pitchblende (Th-poor uraninite), coffinite, uranophane, thucolite, brannerite, iron sulphides, native silver, Co-Ni arsenides and sulpharsenides, selenides, tellurides, vanadinites, jordesite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, native gold and platinum group elements. Some deposits have a “simple” mineralogy of with only pitchblende and coffinite. Those veins with the more complex mineralogy are often interpreted to have had the other minerals formed at an earlier or later stage.

GANGUE MINERALOGY (Principal and subordinate): Carbonates (calcite and dolomite), quartz (often chalcedonic), hematite, K-feldspar, albite, muscovite, fluorite, barite.

ALTERATION: Chloritization, hematization, feldspathization. A few of the intrusive- hosted deposits are surrounded by desilicated, porous feldspar-mica rock called “episyenite” in the La Crouzille area of France and “sponge-rock” at the Gunnar mine in Saskatchewan. In most cases the hematization is due to oxidation of ferrous iron bearing minerals in the wallrocks during mineralization. The intense brick-red hematite adjacent to some high-grade uranium ores is probably due to loss of electrons during radioactive disintegration of uranium and its daughter products.

WEATHERING: Uranium is highly soluble in the +6 valence state above the water table. It will re-precipitate as uraninite and coffinite below the water table in the +4 valence state in the presence of reducing agents such as humic material or carbonaceous “trash”. Some uranium phosphates, vanadinites, sulphates, silicates and arsenates are semi-stable under oxidizing conditions, consequently autunite, torbernite, carnotite, zippeite, uranophane, uranospinite and numerous other secondary minerals may be found in the zone of oxidation , particularly in arid environments.

ORE CONTROLS: Pronounced structural control related to dilatant zones in major fault systems and shear zones. A redox control related to the loss of electrons associated with hematitic alteration and precipitation of uranium is evident but not completely understood. Many deposits are associated with continental unconformities and have affinities with unconformity-associated U deposits (I16).

GENETIC MODEL: Vein U deposits are generally found in areas of high uranium Clarke, and generally there are other types of uranium deposits in the vicinity. The veins might be best considered polygenetic. The U appears to be derived from late magmatic differentiates of granites and alkaline rocks with high K or Na contents. Uranium is then separated from (or enriched within) the parent rocks by aqueous solutions which may originate either as low-temperature hydrothermal, connate or meteoric fluids. Current opinion is divided on the source of the fluids and some authors prefer models that incorporate mixing fluids. Studies of carbon and oxygen isotopes indicate that the mineralizing solutions in many cases are hydrothermal fluids which have mixed with meteoric water. In some cases temperatures exceeding 400 §C were attained during mineralization. The uranium minerals are precipitated within faults at some distance from the source of the fluids. Wallrocks containing carbonaceous material, sulphide and ferromagnesian minerals are favourable loci for precipitation of ore. Radiometric age dating indicates that mineralization is generally significantly younger than the associated felsic igneous rocks, but commonly close to the age of associated diabase or lamprophyre dikes.

ASSOCIATED DEPOSIT TYPES: Stratabound, disseminated and pegmatitic occurrences of U are commonly found in older metamorphic rocks. Sandstone-hosted U deposits (D05) are commonly found in associated red-bed supracrustal strata, and surficial deposits (B08) in arid or semi-arid environments.

COMMENTS: The Cretaceous to Tertiary Surprise Lake batholith in the Atlin area hosts several fracture-controlled veins with zeunerite, kasolite, autunite and Cu, Ag, W, Pb and Zn minerals. These include the Purple Rose, Fisher, Dixie, Cy 4, Mir 3 and IRA. Southwest of Hazelton, Th-poor uraninite associated with Au, Ag, Co-Ni sulpharsenides, Mo and W is found in high-temperature quartz veins within the Cretaceous Rocher D‚boul‚ granodiorite stock at the Red Rose, Victoria and Rocher Deboule properties. Although the veins are past producers of Au, Ag, Cu and W, no U has been produced.


GEOCHEMICAL SIGNATURE: Uranium and sometimes any, or all, of Ni, Co, Cu, Mo, Bi, As and Ag are good pathfinder elements which can be utilized in standard stream silt, lake bottom sediment and soil surveys. Stream and lake bottom water samples can be analyzed for U and Ra. In addition, the inert gases He and Ra can often be detected above a U-rich source in soil and soil gas surveys, as well as in groundwater and springs.

GEOPHYSICAL SIGNATURE: Standard prospecting techniques using sensitive gamma ray scintillometers and spectrometers to detect U mineralization in place or in float trains in glacial till, frost boils, talus or other debris remains the most effective prospecting methods. Because most deposits do not contain more than a few percent metallic minerals, electromagnetic and induced polarization surveys are not likely to provide direct guides to ore. VLF-EM surveys are useful to map the fault zones which are hosts to the veins. Magnetic surveys may be useful to detect areas of magnetite destruction in hematite-altered wallrocks.

OTHER EXPLORATION GUIDES: Secondary uranium minerals are typically yellow and are useful surface indicators.


TYPICAL GRADE AND TONNAGE: Individual deposits are generally small (< 100 000 t) with grades of 0.15% to 0.25% U, however districts containing several deposits can aggregate considerable tonnages. The large Ace-Fay-Verna system produced 9 Mt of ore at an average grade of 0.21% U from numerous orebodies over a length of 4.5 km. and a depth of 1500 m. Gunnar produced 5 Mt of ore grading 0.15% U from a single orebody. The Schwartzwalder mine in Colorado was the largest “hardrock” uranium mine in the United States, producing approximately 4 300 tonnes U, and contains unmined reserves of approximately the same amount.

ECONOMIC LIMITATIONS: The generally narrow mining widths and grades of 0.15% to 0.25% U rendered most vein deposits uneconomic after the late 1960s discovery of the high-grade unconformity-type deposits.

IMPORTANCE: This type of deposit was the source of most of the world’s uranium until the 1950s. By 1988, significant production from veins was restricted to France, with production of 3 372 tonnes U or 9.2% of the world production for that year.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Sunial Gandhi, Nirankar Prasad, Larry Jones and Neil Church reviewed the profile and provided many constructive comments.

Chen, Z. and Fang, X. (1985): Main Characteristics and Genesis of Phanerozoic Vein-type Uranium Deposits; in Uranium Deposits in Volcanic Rocks, International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA-TC-490/12, pages 69-82.

Evoy, E.F. (1986): The Gunnar Uranium Deposit; in Uranium Deposits of Canada, Evans, E.L., Editor, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Special Volume 33, pages 250-260.

Jones, Larry D. (1990): Uranium and Thorium occurrences in British Columbia; B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Open File 1990-32, 78 pages.

Lang, A.H., Griffith, J.W. and Steacy, H.R. (1962): Canadian Deposits of Uranium and Thorium; Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Series No. 16, 324 pages.

Leroy, J. (1978): The Magnac and Funay Uranium Deposits of the La Crouzille District (Western Massif Central, France): Geologic and Fluid Inclusion Studies; Economic Geology, volume 73, pages 1611-1634.

Miller, A.R., Stanton, R.A., Cluff, G.R. and Male, M.J. (1986): Uranium Deposits and Prospects of the Baker Lake Basin and Subbasins, Central District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories; in Uranium Deposits of Canada, Evans, E.L., Editor, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Special Volume 33, pages 263-285.

Nash, J.T., Granger, H.C. and Adams S.S. (1981): Geology and Concepts of Genesis of Important Types of Uranium Deposits; in Economic Geology, 75th Anniversary Volume, pages 63-116.

Ruzicka, V. (1993): Vein Uranium Deposits; Ore Geology Reviews, Volume 8, pages 247-276. Smith, E.E.N (1986): Geology of the Beaverlodge Operation, Eldorado Nuclear Limited. in Uranium Deposits of Canada, Evans, E.L., Editor, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Special Volume 33, pages 95-109.

Stevenson, J. S. (1951): Uranium Mineralization in British Columbia; Economic Geology, Volume 46, pages 353-366.

Tremblay, L.P. (1972): Geology of the Beaverlodge Mining Area, Saskatchewan; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 367, 265 pages.

Tremblay, L.P. and Ruzicka,V. (1984): Vein Uranium; in Economic Geology Report 36, Geological Survey of Canada, page 64.

Wallace, A.R. (1986): Geology and Origin of the Schwartzwalder Uranium Deposit, Front Range, Colorado, U.S.A; in Vein Type Uranium Deposits, Fuchs, H., Editor, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, IAEA-TECDOC-361, pages 159 - 168.


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