عدد 80 مقال نشرت فى عام 2011
- الأحدث
- الأكثر مشاهدة
- الأكثر تصويتا
الترتيب حسب
تناول الفواكه - الفوائد والطريقة
فيتامين (
By Warren I. Finch sedimentary breccia pipe deposits, Orphan Lode-type deposit. arsenide, sulfate, and arsenic-sulfosalt minerals as disseminated replacements and minor fracture fillings in distinct bodies
Ground Rupturing Due to Entrapped Air/Gas in the Unconfined Zone
Ground Rupturing Due to Entrapped Air/Gas in the Unconfined Zone Manas Banerjee1*, Vimla Prasad Singh1, Hridaya Narain Singh1, Daya Shankar2, Sunjay1, Uma Shanker Singh1 1Department
دكتور: عبدالعاطي بدر سالمان
Nuclear Education Geology & Development »
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