ناني محسن أحمد عبد السلام

كاتبة - مديرة مواقع التأمين الصحي فرع القناة وسيناء



 Crushed to your world
I live in my private world
This world look like faces of children
This world infused with dolls
This world infused with love
This world infused with candy
This world is full of innocent laughter
colors of This world is pink, white, cyan
This world does know the darkness
If you want to live in this world
You have to do some things
Do not see the difference between a cat and lion
Because both beautiful and pleasant
If you see a new something
Scream the top voice
If you like someone
Tell him
I love you
If you hate someone

Tell him
Why do not you love me?
If a person towards gun to you
Smiled at him
And tell him
your gun is very wonderful
If one wound you
Tell him
I forgive you for allah
And gave him a flower
If you feel sad
Cry loudly
If you feel angry
Multiply your feet land from the anger
And if you feel the joy
Take off your shoes and jump on the couch
Only now you own a child heart
Welcome to my world


بقلم نانى محسن أحمد عبد السلام

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نشرت فى 17 يوليو 2013 بواسطة nannymuhsen1

ناني محسن عبد السلام


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