The royal family as “Holy Family”
This is a domestic alter with the family of Akhenaton. It is made out of lime stone discovered at Tell El Amarna. This sort of stela was kept in the private chapels of Amarna houses. It was protected b shutters of wood and we can still see their hinges were set into pivots and their traces are seen on the base of the stela.
We can see the solar disk at the top dominating the scene with its rays ending in human hands which hold the anx and the wAs signs of life and prosperity to the nostrils of the royal couple. Akhenaton and Nefertiti are shown seated on stools between them stands their eldest daughter mryt itn while her second and third younger sisters mkt itn, anx sn pA itn are on the lap of their mother. Looking at Akhenaton, he is shown while holding an earring to mkt itn while another similar earring and two necklaces are shown placed on his lap. mkt itn stands on the queen’s knee seeking her attention by reaching for her chin and dangling an earring under the eyes of her little sister who plays with its strands.
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