عدد 67 مقال تحت تصنيف Tilapia
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FAO-Globefish - Tilapia Market Overview-Editor/Mohamed shihab
Market withstands price pressures amidst strong demand
Tilapia Farming in China -Editor/ Mohamed Shihab
Promising outlook: Tilapia prices set to rebound amid tight supply.During the first nine months of 2023, global tilapia trade saw a slight downtrend due to tight supply and increased production
Tilapia: Stakeholders call for sustainable fisheries- Editor/Mohamed Shihab
For several years, Lake Victoria has witnessed the depletion of fish stock due to over fishing, use of illegal gear, climate change and pollution
US$10M boost to expand tilapia production in Ghana Editor/Mohamed Shihab
– Tropo Farms, the largest producer of tilapia in West Africa, has secured a US$10 million investment from AgDevCo, a specialist investor in African agriculture, to scale its operations in
The Tilapia Welfare Egypt Project has managed to aid in improving the welfare of 10 percent of Egypt’s farmed Nile tilapia, or just over 260 million fish. The fish welfare
African tilapia giant Lake Harvest merges with Mozambique firm - Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Aquaculture has entered into a merger with Mozambique's Chicoa Fish Farm following years of financial turbulenc..,
"Fish welfare can be a central component to a healthy, productive, and sustainable food system." Arecently launched fish welfare project for small-scale tilapia producers in Egypt is aiming to reduce
7 African countries implement native tilapia genetic improvement program -Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Seven countries in southern Africa are collaborating with Penang, Malaysia-based aquatic food systems research organization WorldFish on a project to improve the quality of native tilapia in the region.
Globefish Report and Outlook for Tilapia- Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Market shifts impacting supply and trade.In 2023, fluctuations in the global tilapia market reflected changing demand and industry conditions which had influenced supply and trade dynamics
small-scale farmers are helping Kenya’s tilapia business - Editor/ Mohamed Shihab
Overcoming the fragmented nature of Kenyan land ownership – which is caused by the nature of the inheritance system –
A recently launched fish welfare project for small-scale tilapia producers in Egypt is aiming to reduce fish mortality rates by up to 10 percent
Study suggests krill meal improves tilapia breeding -Editor/Mohamed Shihab
A new study has concluded that krill meal inclusion resulted in positive effects on Nile tilapia’s reproductive performance and higher survival of larvae.
Brazil bans import of Vietnam’s tilapia - Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Brazil has officially stopped importing tilapia products from Vietnam since 14 Feb 2024, according to Decision No. 270 dated 09/02/2024 by the Secretariat of Animal and Plant Health and Inspection,
Brazil bans import of Vietnam’s tilapia: Will businesses be affected? Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Brazil has officially stopped importing tilapia products from Vietnam since 14 Feb 2024, according to Decision No. 270 dated 09/02/2024 by the Secretariat of Animal and Plant Health and Inspection,
New partnership promotes tilapia welfare in Egypt -Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Ethical Seafood Research (ESR) and FAI have announced a new partnership to launch the Tilapia Welfare Project in Egypt.
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