How Good is Your Team

Teams that work together well are more productive.

© iStockphoto/alexsl

Teamwork has a dramatic affect on organizational performance. An effective team can help an organization achieve incredible results. A team that is not working can cause unnecessary disruption, failed delivery and strategic failure.  

Nowadays it is almost impossible to avoid being a member of team. If you're not on an official team at work, chances are you function within one in one way or another. So it's important for your personal and career development to know your teamworking strengths and weaknesses.

This assessment helps you uncover common teamworking problems that you might be experiencing. Once you've completed the assessment, we direct you towards team tools that will help you to improve and develop these important skills.

How good are you and your team at teamwork and team building?


For each statement, click the button in the column that best describes you. Please answer questions as you actually are (rather than how you think you should be), and don't worry if some questions seem to score in the 'wrong direction'. When you are finished, please click the 'Calculate My Total' button at the bottom of the test.

at All Rarely Some
times Often Very

   15 Statements to Answer

1 My team is knowledgeable about the stages of development teams can be expected to go through. 2 Team members are provided with a great deal of feedback regarding their performance. 3 Team members are encouraged to work for the common good of the organization. 4 There are many complaints, and morale is low on my team. 5 Team members don't understand the decisions that are made, or don't agree with them. 6 People are encouraged to be good team members, and build good relationships. 7 Team members are provided with development opportunities. 8 Meetings are inefficient and there is a lot of role overlap. 9 Team members are encouraged to commit to the team vision, and leaders help them understand how their role fits into the big picture. 10 Team members are often given a chance to work on interesting tasks and stretch their knowledge and capabilities. 11 The team understands what it needs to accomplish and has the resources needed to be successful. 12 Conflict and hostility between members is a pervasive issue that doesn't seem to get better. 13 People feel that good work is not rewarded and they are not sure what is expected of them. 14 Team members balance their individual needs for autonomy with the benefits of mutual interdependence. 15 Working relationships across units or functions is poor, and there is a lack of coordination.



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نشرت فى 5 أغسطس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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