How Motivated Are You To Lead?

© iStockphoto/Andresr

The first and most basic prerequisite for leadership is the desire to lead.

After all, it takes hard work to become an effective leader; and if you are not prepared to put this work in, or if, deep down, you're not sure whether you want to lead or not, you'll struggle to lead people effectively.

So, how much do you want to lead? This assessment helps you find the answer.

How to Use the Tool:

To use this tool, show the extent to which you agree with each of these statements, on a scale running from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree).

For each question, click the button in the column that most applies. Click the 'Calculate My Total' button to add up your score and check your result using the scoring table underneath.

2. 3. 4.


   14 Statements to Answer

1 I am energized when people count on me for ideas. 2 As a practice, I ask people challenging questions when we are working on projects together. 3 I take delight in complimenting people I work with when progress is made. 4 I find it easy to be the cheerleader for others, when times are good and when times are bad. 5 Team accomplishment is more important to me than my own personal accomplishments. 6 People often take my ideas and run with them. 7 When involved in group projects, it is important to me to help the team stick together. 8 When involved in group projects, coaching others is an activity that I gravitate toward. 9 I find pleasure in recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of others. 10 When involved in group projects, my team members’ problems are my problems. 11 Resolving interpersonal conflict is an activity that I enjoy. 12 When involved in group projects, I frequently find myself to be an “idea generator.” 13 When involved in group projects, I am inclined to let my ideas be known. 14 I find pleasure in being a convincing person. - See more at:

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0 تصويتات / 55 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 5 أغسطس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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