get down to brass tacks When people get down to brass tacks, they start to discuss the essential aspects of a problem or situation.
The situation was so serious that after a few polite exchanges they quickly got down to brass tacks.
get it down to a fine art When you learn to do something perfectly, you get it down to a fine art.
Entertaining her husband's business associates is not a problem for Jane;  she's got that down to a fine art!
get your ducks in a row If you get your ducks in a row, you get things well organized.
We need to get our ducks in a row if we want our project to succeed.
get your feet wet If you get your feet wet, you start to do something new or unfamiliar or explore new territory for the first time.
It will be a totally new experience for me but I can't wait to get my feet wet!
get your fingers burnt If someone gets their fingers burnt, they suffer as a result of an unsuccessful action and are nervous about trying again.
He got his fingers burnt so badly in the last elections that he decided to withdraw from politics.
get into gear When a person or activity gets (or cranks) into gear, they start to work or become effective.
Immediately after the announcement, a group of protesters got into gear.
get out of hand If a person or situation gets out of hand, they cannot be controlled any longer.
During the student demonstration, things got out of hand and several shop windows were broken.
get your hands dirty If you get your hands dirty in your job, you become involved in all aspects of it, including work that is physical, unpleasant or less interesting.
His willingness to get his hands dirty won the respect and approval of the whole team.
get hold of If you obtain something, or manage to contact someone, you get hold of them.
I'd like to contact the owner.  Do you know where I can get hold of him?
get/give the low-down If you get or give the low-down, you get or give complete information or facts about something.
I'll call you after the meeting and give you the low-down.
get the message When you get the message, you understand what someone is trying to tell you even if it is not stated clearly.
Next time he asks you to replace him, tell him you've got an important appointment - he'll get the message.
get it down to a fine art When, through practice or experience, you learn how to do something perfectly, you get it down to a fine art.
She's got the use of social networking down to a fine art.
get off by back! If you tell someone to get off  your back, you are annoyed and ask them to stop finding faults or criticizing you.
Get off my back Liz!  You've been making comments about my work all day!
get off the ground If you get something off the ground, you put it into operation after having organized it.
After a lot of hard work, we finally got the campaign off the ground.
get off the hook If you do something wrong and manage to get off the hook, you avoid punishment or blame.
Barry was questioned by the police but his lawyer managed to get him off the hook.

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نشرت فى 3 مارس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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