gift of the gab To say that somebody has the gift of the gab means that they are able to speak confidently and easily.
As a politician, not only is he competent, but he has the gift of the gab too!
game not worth the candle To say that the game (or the cake) is not worth the candle means that the advantages to be gained from doing something are not worth the effort involved.
He recorded an album but sold very few copies; the game wasn't worth the candle.
take a gander If you take or have a gander at something, which is generally new or unusual, you have a look at it or go to check it out.
Let's take a gander at the new shopping centre. Sally says it's fantastic.
gatecrash If someone gatecrashes, they attend a private social event without being invited.
We need volunteers to keep an eye out for gatecrashers tonight.
gather dust An idea, plan or project which is gathering dust is in fact stagnating or has not attracted attention for some time.
Just before the elections, the outgoing mayor produced plans for a new bridge which had been gathering dust for several years.
all his geese are swans This expression refers to someone who constantly exaggerates the importance or the qualities of somebody or something.
Don't let him impress you. He always exaggerates. All his geese are swans.
gentleman's agreement When an agreement is neither written nor signed, because the two parties trust each other completely, it is called a genteman's agreement.
It was a gentleman's agreement.  I can't change my mind now!
get a grip on yourself If you get a grip on yourself, you try to control your feelings so as to be able to deal with a situation.
After the initial shock, Lisa got a grip on herself a nd called an ambulance.
get a load of This slang expression means to pay attention or take notice of something.
Hey! Get a load of that outfit!
get a move on If someone tells you to get a move on, they are asking you to hurry up.
You'd better get a move on or you'll miss the bus!
get a raw deal If you say that someone got a raw deal, you think they were treated unfairly or badly.
When Gary lost his job after organizing the merger, he really got.
a raw deal!
get away with murder  Someone who gets away with murder can do something unacceptable without being punished or criticized.
She has no control over her kids.  They get away with murder.
get your act together If you get your act together, you organize your affairs better than you have done previously and deal with things more efficiently.
Jack's plan won't work unless he gets his act together.
get/give the all clear If you are allowed to do something after a check-up to make sure that everything is all right, you get the all clear.
Dad says he's going to play golf again as soon as he gets the all clear from his doctor.
get the axe If someone gets the axe, they lose their job.
When a company is restructured, the senior staff are often the first to get the axe.
get cold feet If you get cold feet about something, you begin to hesitate about doing it; you are no longer sure whether you want to do it or not.
I wanted to enter the competition but at the last minute I got cold feet.
get cracking When you get cracking, you start doing something immediately.
I'd better get cracking or I'll never get my homework done.

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