Phrasal Verbs with Get

get out- leave or move. I don't want you here. Get out of my way!

get over (something)- stop thinking about something. I can't get over how hard that test was.

get away with (something)- do something wrong without punishment. The bank robbers got away with robbing the bank. The police never found them.

get on with (something)- continue with something. Listen everyone, it's time to stop talking and get on with our class.

get around- way to go places. I get around by bicycle, but my brother gets around on foot.

get around to (something)- finally do something. I finally got around to doing my homework. I didn't do it for several days.

get along with- be friendly with. My neighbor and I get along very well. We talk everyday.

get by- have enough to survive. I have enough money to get by until next week.

get down to- become serious about. Dinner is finished and now it's time to get down to business.

Check Your Understanding

Choose the correct answer. Check your answer by clicking on the arrow below the sentence.

1. Sheila can on only one meal each day. She doesn't need any more.


2. Jimmy doesn't his brother. They are always fighting or saying bad things to each other.


3. Sarah had finished watching the video, so now it was time to preparing her presentation. She had stopped working on it and now it had to be finished.


4. Those little kids making a lot of noise because they are so cute. How can I punish them?


5. The teacher told Joey to of the classroom. He was causing problems and the teacher wanted him to leave.


6. Children, it's time to stop playing around and finally studying.


7. Linda and James town in that little car. They are able to go everywhere.


8. Renee couldn't the death of her husband. In her mind she could see his face and hear his voice.


9. I don't know when I can helping you. I have been really busy. But I promise I will help you soon.


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نشرت فى 28 فبراير 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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