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Phrasal Verbs with Come come out- to appear, to be seen. The newspaper comes out every Monday through Friday. or The moon came out last night.

come around- to change one's mind, to change one's opinion, agree. My son doesn't want to study in New Zealand, but I think he will come around to the idea if he thinks about it for a while.

come down on- to scold or punish. Our boss really came down on us after we made that mistake.

come up with- to produce or supply. I didn't think Joe had any money but suddenly he came up with enough to buy a car.

come to (someone)- remember or recall. I didn't remember who who she was and suddenly it came to me. We went to high school together.

come about- to happen. You became the mayor of your city? Wow! How did that come about?

come across- to find. Last night I came across my old photographs. I haven't seen them in years.

come down with- to become sick. Oh that new disease is terrible. I hope I don't come down with it.

Check Your Understanding

Choose the best phrasal verb for the sentence. Check your answer by clicking on the arrow below each sentence.

1. David a terrible cold.


2. I hope I my sweater soon. I can't find it but I have to wear it tonight.


3. Alex couldn't remember where he put his keys. Then it suddenly him. He left them at the restaurant.


4. How did Microsoft ? It started when Bill Gates and...


5. Most magazines every month.


6. I wonder if the staff can a new idea for our project. I hope they are creative enough to give us something good.


7. Their mother would always them when their behavior was bad. She would hit them with a spoon.


8. Right now Ellen doesn't agree with me, but I think she will to my way of thinking soon.



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نشرت فى 28 فبراير 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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