Psychosocial issues


The failure of the psychological aspects of erectile dysfunction

Erectile Failure: Psychological Aspects

 Dr. Tayseer Al Hassoun

Specialist in psychiatry - Damascus - Corner of religion - the position of Adam - Tel Clinic: 2712688

[email protected]


Psychological factors play a role in every case of erectile failure, whatever the situation. It is not always with deep roots, but can be detected easily scans the current status of the patient without diving deep into the early infantile experience. Most events and factors are ignorance and cultural taboos and myths, and poor communication. Last problem is usually due to defective loop of failure that leads to fear of failure and more failure. And does not require a reverse causal factors and break the vicious circle of more than intuition slender and delicate to deal with the problem. This paper presents a simple model for the causes and treatment, which can be successfully applied by practitioners.


He thought, and until recently, that the psychological factors that affect sexual function operates at the level of very deep, and is responsive only to address the large analytical and long-term. And although this may be true on a very small number of patients who suffer from the failure of erection " I started "(ie, men who did not happen to have an erection at all), it is certainly not true for the majority of cases seen in clinical practice. Most cases are very simple and can be cured by means short-term therapy that requires intuition and years. This latest offering a revolutionary change in the treatment of sexual dysfunction in general and in particular the failure of erection.

Predisposing factors:

Ignorance and cultural taboos and myths, and poor communication are the most causes of sexual problems viewing. And adds some who adopt the theory of physical - is another psychological factor of having a venereal Ertx particularly in the form of vascular congestion and makes the erection of the factors likely emotional distress and other factors. These factors do not exclude each other, presence of an initializer or more makes a man more likely to have erectile dysfunction when exposed to one or more of the factors that will come on the precipitin mentioned.

     Cultural taboos and myths:

 And beliefs are firmly established, respected and revered without considering the validity or doubt it. And is usually transmitted from generation to generation in a way that do not show almost flat, and being passed on either verbally or often through parables. And is deeply implanted in people's minds so that they have the potential to affect people's feelings and behavior, regardless of social class and level of education and life experiences repeated. It is not possible to correct deviations of mental logic, but emotional issues defy any logical explanation. It includes a system of taboos and myths spread globally in a way surprising. And comes from the amount of harm that it can put enormous pressure on men because the sexual act in a way and make it responsible for the reactions and responses that are outside his control.


 Not only the spread of ignorance about sex on the ordinary people, but spreading even among professionals. And because sex is a taboo subject, it has remained until recently a product search the bedroom. And has been the Masters and Johnson first lesson of sex in the laboratory and in the later period in 1962. No wonder, then, that sex is the least understood function between the functions of the body.

          The ignorance here is not caused by a lack of knowledge as it is emotional resistance to accept the facts or the inability to find a reconciliation or agreement between this knowledge and prejudice. The ignorance can be harmful affects on the ability of achieving an erection and it informed the work of sexual atmosphere of secrecy and mystery, and if they go wrong, will make a simple ignorance of the person thought the worst case or expected to more tragic results.

Examples of some of the cultural taboos and common myths:


1. The duty of man to satisfy the needs of women

2. Real men must always be ready to reach an erection

3. The man should go to bed situation erection and he should not receive any assistance in that

4. The only way to satisfy women is to be a constant erection in men

5. If you do not enjoy sex or if the women did not reach orgasm, it is wrong man

6. If a man really loves his wife, he should know what you want to be sexually, without telling him

7. Men must be the first step and to be active all the time, while women should be passive recipients

8. Erections is a measure of manhood

9. Erection proof of what the man was the love of his wife


1. The goal of sex and reproduction is not to enjoy

2. Shall show the men and their feelings and Jaddanathm

3. When you offer a man age should refrain from indulging in sex

4. Men must feel in the sex organs and not in any other part of the body

5. Must have sex without talking about

    Poor communication between the two partners (the lack of openness):

Poor communication is a natural result of ignorance and accept the taboos and myths. In order to make love the whole it should be fun to communicate freely between the two partners, and the collapse of this communication affect the basic two ways:

1 - see or know what he likes or dislikes partner during intercourse.

2 - and especially the negative sensations such as feeling of guilt and anger and aggression and frustration.

If no expression of pent-up anger and aggression, and freely express in a timely manner, they are paid to the home and apparently forgotten. This can be given directly to the human sense of tranquility and calm, but the pent-up feelings find expression in a convincing way. The curb erections are one of the most expressions of anger in the power of the sexual relationship. Quiet men and cowards who are afraid of their anger tend to use the failure of erection as a weapon in marital disputes. The family is proud that its members "not to have fights" are particularly vulnerable to this method to avoid marital disputes.

    Physical readiness:

Impotence can be understood best as possible as a physical condition - psychological. For cases like the rest of the physical and psychological Kalegrahh Infectious or high blood pressure, impotence can be the result of overlap between the intensity and peripheral device to the visceral susceptible, it is preparedness, which seems very odd and last a lifetime. Kaplan predicts that men who have problems Antsabah are people who "weighed down by your genitalia with a congestive vascular reaction" and that's what makes them more vulnerable than others in terms of responding to the intensity and the loss of erection.

    Precipitin factors:

Can not any of the above factors alone or in combination to occur in erectile failure. Must usually the presence of one of the factors mentioned in Table 3 that to happen. Can the doctor has got a detailed story that traces the root of the problem in the failure of erection for up to one or more life events or wrenches suffered by the patient. However, in some cases, the situation can be insidious, so can not be restored to a known cause. Any one of these factors or even accelerated its union together is not enough to cause failure of erection, it is non-specific factors that can cause any physical condition - depending on the psychological readiness of the person. If they know the person of how the body non-existent and accept without criticism system taboos and myths and was unable to speak openly about his feelings for his partner and he has over the gonad with a ready congestive vascular; the chances for failure of erection have if exposed to one of these wrenches chances are high.

      Most men can restore erection later, and some have problems remain for several months or years. And they usually seek help later. Why, then, to problems with some of them and absent from others?

       The vicious circle:

The men who continue to have problems and then start off with Aabdon after the vicious circle of anxiety about the failure, and failure, more anxiety and more failures and so continues the circle. The prospect of failure and the dire consequences of that alone could lead to more failure. And makes the ignorance and poor communication and cultural taboos and myths break this cycle more difficult. Can be stopped if the loop has not stood spontaneous reactions by the patient and his partner.

 Blind spots caused by ignorance

1 - excessive masturbation is harmless and it can lead to impotence

2 - every man a limited number of erections during his life

3 - Men are like women menopause

4 - have sex only when a successful hit man and his wife to orgasm at the same time

5 - the more the person attempts the more difficult was the best erection

6 - The penis size determines the pleasure that the woman receives during intercourse

7 - If you lose an erection lost everything.


Sexual performance anxiety Performance anxiety:

 Is to monitor the person's performance, and is more power factors in the perpetuation of a man's ring. And pressure for performance on the part of the partner mainly has the same power of influence. This pressure can be exercised either directly - as if the man asked to be the most again - or indirectly, and is the most common type, for example if the woman tried to be sympathetic and very understanding. Some of the men who fall into this trap not to say they want their wives to be such a degree of kindness as this may free them from their sense of duty and guilt.


The story is still taking the most important assessment tool in the failure of erection. Access to the complete story (Table 4) from a man who had a problem with erection or partner is not easy. This type of interview is charged to a large extent the emotional aspect and the emotional and requires dealing with skill and tact and sensitivity. Men find it very difficult to talk about this kind of problem, as their partners and their doctors find similar difficulty. The interview such an important corner in the survey. While continuing the interview, take the story and examine the man's mental state and evaluate the efficiency of the relationship and communication between the two partners and discover there is no misconception or misunderstanding. Almtarah Table 4 describes to be covered before planning any course of treatment. And needs a doctor, get away from the story in full, to a full examination of the physical and mental condition. And if any evidence has emerged on the existence of the pathogenesis of the membership, it must do a full survey. And even if the survey organic diseases remain the psychological factors of paramount importance.


Success or failure depends largely on a full assessment and proper understanding of each of the predisposing factors and accelerated, and the vicious cycle and the factors that perpetuate.

Factors accelerated (deposited):

- Life events:

 - The partner

- The status

- Death or severe illness in the family

- Matters outside of marriage

- Problems of the partner:

- Hysterectomy or breast

- Pregnancy or childbirth

- The sexual energy

- The absence of Alaagav (peak nationality)

- Painful intercourse


- Disease

- Trauma (accidents)

      - Fatigue

- Drugs

- Eating excessive alcohol

- Pain

- Venereal disease


- Depression

- Insecurity

- Fear of pregnancy

- Lack of privacy (privacy)


 Modern treatment of erectile dysfunction associated with the failure of a given model of reason. It deals with the factors predisposing to provide culture for the elimination of ignorance and get rid of false beliefs and cultural taboos and teach communication skills. It seeks to deal with the accelerated factors, if any. The main goal of treatment is to break the vicious circle, and the definitive treatment that inevitably need partners to share responsibility and work together to break the vicious.

Some of these techniques are useful in most cases:

1 - Hawasi focus: it prohibits the erection and intercourse, in order to remove the pressure on the performance monitor and stop the man Antsabath.

2 - the concept of peace: which sheds light on individual differences in sexual response, and the distribution of the difference on six different stages of erection is not only one of them, and emphasizes that the two partners can get a great deal of fun without even get an erection.

3 - redefining success: it defines the standards of comfort rather than performance.

This is a therapeutic option in men who have a partner, but who do not have or can not keep it because of sexual difficulties, they ask the most difficult problem in terms of treatment.


Many of the drugs, which can lead in this area: Vamadadat concern can help the person concerned, but no effect on the anxiety caused as a case about the problem of secondary erectile dysfunction, they may even be harmful in that it reduces sexual desire. Balandroginat recommended for the elderly (and Ninin widows), where there is failure to have an erection when the first attempt after years of inactivity because of the death of the wife. Kaplan advised Balanderugen when some young healthy to impact induced by giving a sense of well-being and an increase in sexual desire, which makes it easier for the patient to engage in psychological treatment program.

Some other methods of treatment:

Mechanical methods:

Believed that the mechanical treatment methods such as plasterboard panel Blakoe a rectangular loop of Ebonite (hard rubber) are placed around the base of the penis and under the scrotum, to be effective. Apart from the mechanical pressure applied to the penis, the success, if there is success, due to the suggestive influence (Placebo).


May use the male genitalia in the failure of industrial erection of psychological origin. It is recommended in severe cases when the failure Maholtien Alacetin Nvsian at least.

In order to be successful this way, they need a stable relationship and partners possess strong motivation, and awareness of appropriate, and despite all that, does not benefit erectile failure with a psychological origin of surgical methods for treatment Calfhl with organic origin.

Assess the status of erectile failure:

- Table 4 -

      - The story:

      1 - erection problem: the first, continuity, frequency

2 - The function of previous nationality

3 - mental illness or physical

4 - pharmacological or surgical treatment

5 - alcohol or drugs

6 - any of the factors accelerated

    - Limited areas should be explored:

           1 - worst understanding

           2 - cultural taboos and myths

           3 - How to continue the two partners

           4 - the quality of the relationship

           5 - positions of partner

   - Vicious circle:

         1 - To what extent are fixed (stable)

         2 - factors for life when the patient

         3 - when the factors for life partner

    - Special methods:

      - Interview partner - physical examination

      - Checking the state of mind - investigation (if there is a need for it) 



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