اﻻستاذ الدكتور / أحمد محمد فراج قاسم


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Measure the impact of programs and projects to improve the land to produce the most important cereal crops in Behira Governorate


Dr. Ahmed M. Farag Kassem          Dr. Aml A. Fouad Gamilah       Dr. Mohamed F. Mohamed  El- Danasoury

     Prime Researcher         Researcher                                      Researcher


Agricultural Economics Research Institute




The study aimed at measuring the impact of programs and projects to improve the land to produce the most important cereal crops in the province of the lake, and adopted the study in achieving its objectives on the use of economic analysis of the descriptive and the use of methods of analysis, standard quantitative, and adopted the study in their conduct on the field data for the stratified sample was of 150 farmers who grow the most important cereal crops, which were collected from the center of Damanhur as a topping between the centers of the province where the lake from the size of the programs and projects that have been implemented to improve agricultural land until 2010.

      The study found a range of results can review the most important in the following:
(1) Achieved the territory of the fifth category cultivated cereal crops under study (wheat - maize Summer - rice summer) and that was the transaction of the Fifth them (plowing under the soil and adding agricultural gypsum and clean waterways) came first, the level of productivity added and high efficiency of the use of economic resources based on indicators of economic efficiency (net return per feddan - value added - profitability relative - the ratio of income to costs - the rate of return on the pound investor), compared with other groups, followed in the order in the territory of the fourth category or treatment (Fourth plowing under the soil and adding agricultural gypsum), and then comes the territory of the third category or treatment III (plowing under the soil and clearing waterways) in third place, comes the territory of the second category or the second treatment (tillage under the soil) in fourth place, and finally came the territory of the first category, which did not take place in any improvements in fifth place and the last.

(2) Have the transaction-fifth of all land planted with wheat and maize summer rice summer at the center of Damanhur as the best transactions improvement achieved the highest productivity per acre planted to those crops lead to increased wheat production by about 83.935 thousand ardeb cash value estimated at 19.46 million pounds, and increased Summer production of maize by about 53.739 thousand ardeb cash value estimated at 12.41 million pounds, and increased production of summer rice about 7.544 thousand tons of cash value estimated at 11.13 million pounds.

(3) Arrange the transaction-fifth of all land planted with wheat and maize summer rice summer in the province of the lake as the best transactions improvement achieved the highest productivity per acre planted to those crops lead to increased wheat production by about 1007.187 A ardeb cash value estimated at 233.49 million pounds, and increased Summer production of maize by about 765.058 thousand ardeb cash value estimated at 176.62 million pounds, and increased production of summer rice about 88.993 thousand tons of cash value estimated at 131.24 million pounds.

The study recommends the need for attention and the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture, represented in a General Authority for improvement projects and maintenance of agricultural land to complete and implement programs and projects to improve the land in the province of the lake in order to increase productivity and production of crops and therefore increase the returns obtained from the cultivation of crops.



المصدر: agricultural economics and social sciences volume 2 no., 10, october, 2011
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0 تصويتات / 149 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 13 يوليو 2013 بواسطة amfk

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اﻻستاذ الد كتور / أحمد محمد فراج قاسم

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