اﻻستاذ الدكتور / أحمد محمد فراج قاسم


Financial and Economical Analysis of Honey Bees Production Apiaries

 in Alexandria Governorate


Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Farag Kassem

Prime Researcher

Agricultural Economics Research Institute



The projects beekeeping of the most important economic projects, agricultural relied upon in the production of natural honey and wax in addition to pollination of flowers and increase the productivity of agricultural crops and in spite of the economic importance and food for honey bees, but that the total production of it does not reflect that importance in view of the decline in honey production during the time periods Last compared to previous periods.

            The main objective of this work is the study of the financial and economical analysis of honey bee apiaries production in order to know the benefits of the apiaries, the contribution of these apiaries in the national income and the ability of the apiaries in facing the changes in returns and costs.

            The research is based on the descriptive analysis method to explain and analyze the different theoretical aspects of the study. The cost Ben program has been used to evaluate the benefits of these apiaries has been depended on primary data obtained from a survey of 50 honey bee apiaries production apiaries in 2010/2011.

The main results of the research are:

(1)   Increasing production and returns of honey bee apiaries production in comparable to the production and returns break- even. This means increasing the economic efficiency of the sample apiaries.

(2)   Increasing the safety extreme productive and price of honey bee apiaries production apiaries about more than 33%. This means increasing the economic efficiency of the sample farms.

(3)   Investment in honey bee apiaries production is profitable enterprise based on the calculated internal rate of return (IRR).

(4)   Ability the increasing of the honey bee apiaries production farms in facing changes in returns and costs according to the sensitivity analysis.

(5)   The returns of all sample apiaries are more than the costs based on the calculated net added value.

(6)   Positiveness contribution of the honey bee apiaries production apiaries in the national income due to the increasing of the net added value compared with wages based on the calculated social surplus.

Study recommends that necessity of:

(1)   Interest in the use of disinfectants and drugs to immunize the bees and prevent exposure to disease and reduce mortality.

(2)   Interest in operations improvement inheritance to develop strains of bees with a strong immunity against diseases and heavy production.

(3)   Interest to conduct a comprehensive inventory of the apiaries production of honey bees to identify the nature and potential and help the authors of the economic policy of agricultural in this area to develop economic plans and programs for expansion in this type of production.

(4)   Activating the role of the beacon through guidance, direction and training for producers of honey bee breeding methods and modern production in pursuit of increased production and profits. 

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المصدر: minufiya journal of agricultural research volume 38, no.1, part (2) February 2011
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نشرت فى 11 يوليو 2013 بواسطة amfk

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اﻻستاذ الد كتور / أحمد محمد فراج قاسم

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