موقع الدكتور عباس علام

للبحوث والدراسات التربوية

فعالية استخدام المسرح التعليمى فى تدريس الدراسات الاجتماعية على تنمية بعض المهارات الاجتماعية بالمرحلة الابتدائية

 حنان محمود أحمد موسى

ماجستير/كلية التربية/الزقازيق 2006 

Out line of the study

This Chapter Out Line AShort Summary About the Actual Study and its Relevant Consequences the Problem of the Study how to Solve it, the Procedures and the Results are Explained.

The Problem of this Study:

The Researcher has Realized Through new Merouse & References the Decline of Level of Students in Grade Three of the Industrial Secondary School Regarding the Course of Water Sector Technology and the Negative Approach Upon the Material Study. So the Problem of This Study has been for Research Questions .

What is The Effectiveness Multimedia Computer Program To Teaching The Water Sector Technology Of Developing Practical Skills And Attitude Subject Among Secondary Stage Three Year?

To Answer the Above Mentioned Question, the Following Subsidiary Questions Should be Answered to:

1- What are the Practical Skills the Students in Grade Three of Industrial Secondary School Master?

2- What is the Concept of the Computer Multimedia Programmed Needed to Students in the Grade three of Industrial Secondary Schools for Mastering the Skills of water Sector Technology Course?

3- What is the Effect of the Computer Multimedia Program for Mastering the Practiced skills of Students in Grade three of Industrial Secondary School?

4- What is the Effect of the Computer Multimedia Programmed for Improving Students’ Attitude to the Water Sector Technology Course?

Objectives of the study: This study Aims at:

1- Mastering the Practical Skills of Water Sector Technology Course for the Students in Grade Three of Industrial Secondary Schools? (Three Years System).

2- Improving Students in Grade three of Industrial Secondary Schools Attitude to the Water Sector Technology Course.

Importance of the Study:

1- Assisting Students to Deal with the Most Update Techniques (Hi- tech) Used in the Applicable Field.

2- Providing Teachers with Alist of Practical Skills Related to Water Sector Technology Course to Use in Their Instruction Process.

3- Providing the Officials in the Ministry of Education with Suggestions Which Could Increase the Efficiency of Using the Computer in Teaching the Course of Technical Education.

4- Assisting Researchers in Preparing Knowledge Requirements Tests, Drawing the Observation Cards and Preparing Attitudes Measurements.

• Limits of the study:

- The Actual Study is Mainly Confined to.

- Students in the Third Grade of Industrial Secondary School- Three Years System – El-Tal- El-Kabeer Industrial Secondary School and Ismailliya architecture secondary school.

- Water Sector Skills Included in Water Sector Technology Course and for Students in Grade Three of Industrial Secondary School

- Hypotheses Of The Study :-

- There is an Indicative Statistical Difference Between the Average Marks of Students of Both the Empirical and Controlling Groups Included in the post Arranged Application of the Knowledge Requirements test for the good of Students of the Empirical Group

- There is an Indicative Statistical Difference Between the Average Marks of Students of Both the Empirical and Controlling Groups for the Good of Students of the Empirical Group as far as the Post Application of Observation card for Student Performance in Water Sector Technology Course Skills.

- 3-There is an Indicative Statistical Difference Between the Avrrage Marks of Students of Both the Empirical and Controlling Groups as for as the Post Application of Attitude Measurement to Water Sector Technology Course for the Good of Students of the Empirical Group.

- Procedure Of The Study:-

- procedure of this Study have been Fulfilled According to the Following Steps:-

- I- To Answer the First Question Which is:

- What are the Practical Skills the Students in Grade Three of Industrial Secondary School Should Master?

- 1-Cognizance of Research-Works and Studies Which are Interested in the Actual Study.

- 2- Analysis of Contents Relevant to Water Sector Technology Course

- 3- Attainment of a Primary list Which Includes the Practical Skills of the Water Sector Technology Course Display of Skills list in its Primary Shape on a Group of Experts or Competent Inspectors.

4- Forming the List in its Final Shape .

II- To answer the second question which is :

“ what is the Concept of the Computer Multimedia Programmed Needed to Students in Grade Three of Industrial Secondary Schools for Mastering the Skills of Water Sector Technology Course ?”

I- Reconstructing the Content of Water Sector Technology Course in Instructing Modules Shape .Each Module Includes a list of Skills That Has Been Attained.

2- Designing the Programme Frames.

3- Producing and Displaying it on a Group of Judges for Suggesting the Necessary Modification.

4- Exploratory testing of the Programme.

5- Implementation of the Necessary Modifications in Order to Reach the Programme Final Shape.

III- To Answer the Third, the Fourth Which are :-

” What is the Effect of the Computer Multimedia Programme for Mastering the Practical Skills of Students in Grade Three of Industrial Secondary School ? ”

” What is the Effect of the Computer Multimedia Programme for Impraring Students Attitude to the Water Sector Technology Course?”

- The Answer of a/m Questions Necessitates Securing the Following Study Tools :-

1- Tessting the Knowledge Requirements Skills Related to Practical Skills of Water sector Technology.

2-Securing the Performance Observation cards of Students Skills in thr Field of Water Sector Technology Course.

3- Preparing an Attitude Measurment to Water Sector Technology course.

4- A Random Choice of Study Sample has Beeneffected out of Students at Grade Three of the Industrial Secondary School.

(Health Works) and Deviding Them into Groups: the Empirical and the Controlling.

5- Aprearranged Application of the Study Tools on the Empirical and the Controlling Groups which Represented in: test of Knowledge Requirement Skills, Observation card and Attitude Measurement.

6- Usage of the Computer Programme Method in Teaching the Empirical Group, and the Applicable Traditional one in Teaching the Controlling Group.

7- A Post Arranged Application of the Study Rools on the Empirical and Controlling Groups.

8- Explaining the Study Results and Statistically Manipulating them.

9- Recommendations and suggestion.

Study Result

1- There is an Indicative Statistical Difference at 0.01 level Between the Average Marks of Students of both the Empirical and Controlling groups Included in the post Arranged Application of the Knowledge Require Emments Test for the Good of Students of the Emprical Group and so the Computer Multimedia Program has been Broved its Effective Ness in Mustering the Knowledge Requiremenys of Students in Grade three of Industrial Secondary (Healthy Work).

2- There is an Indicative Statistical Difference at 0.01 level Between the Average Marks o Students of both. The Empirical and Controlling Groups for the Good Students of the Post Arranged Application of Observation Card for the Performance Skills of Water Sector Technology Course is Concerned.

- And so the Computer Multimedia Programme has been Proved its Effectiveness for the Students in Grade 3 of Industrial Secondary School in Mostering the Performance Requirements of Sector Technology Course.

3- There is an Indicative Statistical Difference at 0.01 Level Between the Average Marks of Students of Both the Empirical and the Controlling Groups. For the Good of Students of the Empirical Groups as for the Post Arranded Application of Attitude Measurement to Water Sector Technology Course is Concerned.

- There Fore the Computer Multimedia Programme Method Has been Proved Its Effectiveness in Improving Students’ in Grade Three of Industrial Secondary School Attitude to Water Sector Technology Course.

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