Q Dear Practical Poultry, I keep nine chickens and when I first got them I was advised not to use straw or hay in their nest boxes because both materials often contain bugs. I have been using shavings instead. I was wondering if shredded paper could be used as I can get this free from work. I'm just a bit concerned about any reaction to any chemicals in the paper. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
A A Straw and hay has always been used as nesting material for poultry - the bugs that are often found in nest boxes tend to be red mite that gather and wait for the next hen to come in. It's wise to regularly clean out the nest boxes, and to dispose of the nesting material within. Doing this will usually ensure that any fungal spores or other 'bugs' present don't have time to multiply to problem levels.
Shredded paper shouldn't cause too many problems - the birds only have a short contact with the paper, and the eggs shouldn't absorb anything, especially if removed regularly. What's more, if the paper is safe enough for humans to work with, the chemicals on and in it will have been trailed extensively for safety. The only potential problem to worry about is egg staining, but this is only really a concern if you intend showing the eggs.