Q Dear Practical Poultry, I was wandering if there are any ways in which I can tell male chicks from female chicks? I would like to know because then I can sort out which chicks to keep. Any tips would be much appreciated.

A This all depends on which breeds you keep. Cockerels will push their combs up from a few weeks old - this sign is more reliable in large, single-combed breeds such as Leghorns, but can be used in most breeds. Also, cockerels tend to carry themselves upright and be bolder in character, while it's sometimes said that pullets fledge quicker. Unfortunately most pure breeds have similar down colour and markings in both sexes so sexing when new hatched is not possible.
Autosexing breeds however are bred to show different down colour and markings so that chicks can be sexed at hatching. Various breeds are available, including Leqbars, Welbars and Wybars among others. Normally in these breeds the female chicks are dark and have fairly sharp markings, while the males are paler with blurred, indistinct markings. Sexing young birds is generally a knack that is developed as your experience grows.


Akrum Hamdy [email protected] 01006376836

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نشرت فى 26 ديسمبر 2008 بواسطة AkrumHamdy

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