James H. Denton, Head of the Department, 114 John W. Tyson Bldg., 575-4952



A major in poultry science is designed to provide the scientific and technical education to prepare students for positions of leadership and responsibility in the expanding field of poultry production, processing, and marketing, as well as in the specialized areas related to nutrition, breeding and genetics, physiology, management, and food science.

Major areas of specialization in this department are business, production, processing, and science. Pre-veterinary medicine requirements may be fulfilled while meeting degree requirements in any of the major areas. Students may also select the business or food science minors within the areas of specialization.

Career opportunities include positions and services related to the production, processing, distribution, and merchandising of meat, eggs and related animal products.

Curricula are designed to permit the student to obtain the necessary foundation to pursue graduate study for the Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees. Advanced degrees are offered but not limited to the areas of nutrition, genetics, physiology, product technology and poultry health.

Requirements for a B.S.A. Degree with a Major in Poultry Science: A minimum of 33 semester hours including POSC 1002L, 2353, 2363, 2554, 3032, 3042, 3123, POSC/VTSC 3223, POSC 4213, 4314, 4343, 4901. Prospective students must consult a departmental adviser for additional requirements.

Requirements for a Minor in Poultry Science: 19 semester hours of courses including POSC 2353 or 2363; VTSC/POSC 3223; POSC 4314, 4333, 4343; and 3 hours poultry science elective. A student planning to minor in poultry science should consult an adviser for additional requirements.


Courses: Poultry Science (POSC)

POSC1002L Introduction to Poultry Careers Laboratory (FA, SP) To expose the student to poultry career opportunities in the areas of science, business, production and processing. Efforts will be made to develop communication skills through written and oral and group activities. Lecture 1 hour, laboratory 3 hours per week.

POSC1003 Introductory Animal and Poultry Science (FA, SP) The importance of animal and poultry production in American agriculture. Principles of production and management of livestock, poultry and their products. Lecture 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 1003)

POSC2350L Poultry Production I Laboratory (FA) Corequisite: POSC 2353.

POSC2353 Poultry Production I (FA) Study of management practices used in production of young chickens, turkeys, and other poultry with special emphasis on broiler production. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. Corequisite: POSC 2350L. Prerequisite: POSC 1003.

POSC2360L Poultry Production II Laboratory (SP) Corequisite: POSC 2363.

POSC2363 Poultry Production II (SP) Study of management practices used in production of adult chickens, turkeys, and other poultry with special emphasis on breeder and market egg production. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. Corequisite: POSC 2360L. Prerequisite: POSC 1003.

POSC2550L Poultry Biology Laboratory I (FA) Corequisite: POSC 2554.

POSC2554 Poultry Biology I (FA) Detailed coverage of the external and internal anatomy of poultry including formation and development of the egg and embryo. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 2 hours per week. Corequisite: POSC 2550L. Prerequisite: BIOL 1543.

POSC3032 Animal Physiology I (FA) Fundamental aspects of neural/muscle/bone tissues and the cardiovascular system. The normal structure and functions of these systems will be emphasized. Lecture 2 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 3032) Prerequisite: BIOL 1543 and CHEM 1123.

POSC3042 Animal Physiology II (SP) Fundamental aspects of renal, respiratory, digestive, and endocrine physiology will be covered. The normal structure and function of these systems will be emphasized. Lecture 2 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 3042) Prerequisite: ANSC 3032 or POSC 3032.

POSC3123 Principles of Genetics (FA) Fundamentals of heredity, with special emphasis on the improvement of farm animals. Lecture 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 3123) Prerequisite: BIOL 1543 and BIOL 1541L and MATH 1203.

POSC3223 Poultry Diseases (FA) Common diseases affecting poultry reared under commercial conditions will be covered including diagnosis, therapy and prevention. Immunity, sanitation practices, and chemoprophylaxis will also be covered. Lecture 3 hours per week with some demonstrations, slides and videotapes. (Same as VTSC 3223) Prerequisite: MBIO 2013 and MBIO 2011L and junior standing.

POSC3382 Poultry Judging and Selection (FA) Practice in production judging and flock selection. Laboratory 4 hours per week. Prerequisite: POSC 1003.

POSC3391 Poultry Junior Judging Team Activity (SP) Training for membership on judging teams, through participation.

POSC400V Special Problems (1-9) (FA, SP, SU) Special problems in the poultry sciences for advanced students.

POSC401V Internship in Poultry Science (1-6) (FA, SP, SU) Supervised work experience with private or government organizations to introduce students to professional areas of work in poultry science. Prerequisite: junior standing.

POSC410V Special Topics in Poultry Science (1-4) (FA, SP, SU) Topics not covered in other sources or a more intensive study of specific topics in poultry science. May be repeated. Prerequisite: POSC 1003.

POSC4213 Integrated Poultry Management Systems (FA) Major managerial systems in the integrated commercial poultry industry. Development of an understanding of the basic decision making processes of poultry companies and the factors influencing those decisions. Prerequisite: POSC 2353.

POSC4310L Egg and Meat Technology Laboratory (FA) Corequisite: POSC 4314.

POSC4314 Egg and Meat Technology (FA) Poultry products and egg composition, principles of processing and preservation effects of storage environment on product quality, microbial attributes, marketing, and consumer acceptability. Discussion and observation of product processing, functionability, packaging, distribution, quality and safety issues. Corequisite: POSC 4310L.

POSC4333 Poultry Breeding (FA, Odd years) Application of new developments in poultry breeding for efficient egg and meat production. Lecture 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: (POSC 3123 or ANSC 3123) and junior standing.

POSC4343 Poultry Nutrition (SP) Principles of nutrition as applied to the formulation of practical chicken and turkey rations. Lecture 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 2613 and CHEM 2611L and junior standing.

POSC4391 Poultry Senior Judging Team Activity (FA) Training for membership on judging teams, through participation.

POSC4430L Fundamentals of Reproductive Physiology Laboratory (FA) Corequisite: POSC 4434.

POSC4434 Fundamentals of Reproductive Physiology (FA) Principles of mammalian reproductive physiology with emphasis on farm animals. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 4434) Corequisite: POSC 4430L. Prerequisite: POSC 1003 and POSC 1002L and POSC 3123.

POSC4740L Analytical Methods in Animal Nutrition Laboratory (SP) Corequisite: POSC 4743.

POSC4743 Analytical Methods in Animal Nutrition (SP) Experience in the techniques used in the modern animal nutrition laboratory and the interpretation of experimental data. Lecture 1 hours, laboratory 4 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 4743) Corequisite: POSC 4740L or ANSC 4740L. Prerequisite: CHEM 1123 and CHEM 1121L.

POSC4901 Undergraduate Seminar (FA, SP) Required by all poultry science majors. Prerequisite: junior standing.

POSC500V Special Problems (1-6) (FA, SP, SU) Work in special problems of poultry industry. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

POSC510V Special Topics in Poultry Sciences (1-4) (IR) Topics not covered in other courses or a more intensive study of specific topics in poultry science. May be repeated. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

POSC5120L Parasites of Poultry Laboratory (SP) Practical investigations of the protozoan, helminth, and arthropod parasites poultry. Laboratory 2 hours per week. (Same as VTSC 5120L) Corequisite: POSC 5122. Prerequisite: POSC 1003.

POSC5122 Parasites of Poultry (SP) Lectures and discussions of the protozoan, helminth, and arthropod parasites of poultry. Emphasis is placed upon the significance of these parasites to the poultry industry. Topics covered include host-parasite relationships, life cycles, pathogenesis, epidemiology and management, immunology, chemotheraphy, and practical methods of control. Lecture 1 hour, laboratory 2 hours per week. (Same as VTSC 5122) Corequisite: POSC 5120L.

POSC5123 Advanced Animal Genetics (FA, Even years) Specialized study of animal genetics. Lecture 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 5123) Prerequisite: POSC 3123 or ANSC 3123.

POSC5143 Advanced Livestock Production (FA, Even years) Nutritional basis of livestock and poultry feeding; nutritional requirements of animals; recent developments in animal nutrition and application to feeding under Arkansas conditions. Lecture 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 5143) Prerequisite: CHEM 3813 and (ANSC 3143 or POSC 4343).

POSC5243 Avian Physiology (SP, Odd years) Cardiovascular respiratory, renal, and reproductive physiology with emphasis on function on domestic fowl. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: POSC 3032 and POSC 3042.

POSC5343 Advanced Immunology (FA) Aspects of innate, cell-mediated, and humoral immunity in mammalian and avian species. Molecular mechanisms underlying the function of the immune system are emphasized. A course in Basic Immunology prior to enrollment in Advanced Immunology is recommended but not required. Lecture 3 hours per week. (Same as MBIO 5343, VTSC 5343)

POSC5352L Immunology in the Laboratory (SP) Laboratory course on immune-diagnostic laboratory techniques and uses of antibodies as a research tool. Included are cell isolation and characterization procedures, immunochemistry, flow cytometry, ELISA and cell culture assay systems. Laboratory 6 hours per week. (Same as MBIO 5352L, VTSC 5352L) Prerequisite: POSC 5343 or VTSC 5343 or MBIO 5343 or MBIO 4714.

POSC5742 Advanced Poultry Diseases (FA) The most important diseases of poultry will be covered in depth and the course will focus on understanding mechanisms of pathogenesis, diagnostic techniques and principles of prevention. Lecture/discussion 2 hours per week with Kodachrome slides and microscopic slides utilized. (Same as VTSC 5742) Prerequisite: POSC 3223 or VTSC 3223.

POSC5743L Advanced Analytical Methods in Animal Sciences Laboratory (FA) Introduction into theory and application of current advanced analytical techniques used in animal research. Two 3-hour laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: (CHEM 3813 or equivalent) and PHYS 2013 and PHYS 2011 and (ANSC 4743 or POSC 4743) or equivalent.

POSC5752L Advanced Poultry Diseases Laboratory (SP) This course covers laboratory techniques utilized for the isolation, identification and diagnosis of poultry diseases with a microbial cause. Students will learn diagnostic virology, bacteriology, serology and mycology. Laboratories 3 hours twice weekly and then as needed to complete assignments. (Same as VTSC 5752L) Prerequisite: POSC 3223 and POSC 5742.

POSC5853 Advanced Meats Technology (SU, Even years) An intensive study of processed meats, relating the science, technology, and quality of further processed meat and poultry products. Product development, sensory and chemical analysis, microbiology, nutritional aspects, and product labeling are covered. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 2 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 5853) Prerequisite: ANSC 3614 or POSC 4314.

POSC5901 Graduate Seminar (FA, SP) Critical review of the current scientific literature pertaining to the field of poultry science. Oral reports. Recitation 1 hour per week. Prerequisite: senior standing.

POSC5933 Environmental Physiology of Domestic Animals (FA, Odd years) Study of the environment of domestic animals and its effect on physiological systems that affect maintenance, growth, production, and reproduction. Lecture 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 5933) Prerequisite: (ANSC 3032 or POSC 3032) and CHEM 3813.

POSC5940L Neuroendocrine, Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory (FA, Odd years) Corequisite: POSC 5944.

POSC5944 Neuroendocrine, Cardiovascular Physiology (FA, Odd years) Physiology of nervous, endocrine and circulatory systems with emphasis on cellular control mechanisms in domestic animals. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 5944) Co- or Prerequisite: CHEM 3813. Corequisite: POSC 5940L. Prerequisite: POSC 3032 and POSC 3042.

POSC5950L Digestive, Renal and Respiratory Physiology Laboratory (FA, Even years) Corequisite: POSC 5954.

POSC5954 Digestive, Renal and Respiratory Physiology (FA, Even years) Physiology of the digestive, excretory and respiratory systems with emphasis on cellular control mechanisms in domestic animals. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 5954) Corequisite: POSC 5950L. Prerequisite: POSC 3032 and POSC 3042 and CHEM 3813.

POSC600V Thesis (1-6) (FA, SP, SU) Prerequisite: graduate standing.

POSC6133 Biometrical Genetics (SP, Even years) Advanced biometrical studies of the genetic improvement of livestock populations. Lecture 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 6133) Prerequisite: POSC 3123 or ANSC 5133.

POSC6343 Vitamin Nutrition in Domestic Animals (SP, Even years) The vitamins required by domestic animals with emphasis upon their role in animal nutrition, physiological functions, and consequences of failure to meet the requirement of the animal. Lecture 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 6343) Prerequisite: (ANSC 3143 or POSC 4343) and CHEM 3813.

POSC6833 Reproduction in Domestic Animals (SP, Even years) Comprehensive review of current theory of reproductive function in domestic animals. Lecture 3 hours per week. (Same as ANSC 6833) Prerequisite: ANSC 3433.

POSC700V Doctoral Dissertation (1-18) (FA, SP, SU) Prerequisite: graduate standing.



Akrum Hamdy [email protected] 01006376836

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