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Malabsorption syndrome

Also known as Helicopter disease, Infectious proventriculitis, Pale chick or bird syndrome, Runting & stunting syndrome

Malabsorption syndrome (Pale chick or bird syndrome, Infectious proventriculitis, Runting & Stunting syndrome, Helicopter disease) occurs worldwide in young chickens between 1.6 weeks. The cause is unknown. Various viruses, eg. REO, Rota, Corona, calici, Toga etc. may play a role, possibly combined with nutritional and genetic factors.


Causes of Malabsorption syndrome

There are a number of conditions affecting young poultry Enteric disease that go undiagnosed with respect to identifying a definite aetiological agent. Thus a group of diseases of the nature have been termed "viral enteritis 'but diseases with similar signs have been reported from many different countries under many different names. These include" malabsorption syndrome Infectious Stunting Syndrome broiler runting syndrome' pale bird syndrome "and "helicopter disease.


Reported observations provide strong evidence that this is an infectious disease, although the involvement of non-infectious agents has not been completely ruled out. Because no recognized Enter ate increment (s) has been consistently incriminated as the aetiological agent, research has discovered and / or identified numerous viral agents.


Several viruses have either been observed or isolated from the intestinal tract of chickens experiencing viral enteritis. A number of viral particles bunch of bling either caliciviruses, coronaviruses, togaviruses, picornalike viruses and parvoviruses (pseudopicornaviruses) have been identified. One virus isolated from the Intestines of four-day-old chickens showing signs of Infectious Stunting Syndrome has been named the FEW virus. However, it should be remembered that the isolation of a particular viral agent does not in itself constitute a cause and effect relationship for the disease.

Effects of Malabsorption syndrome

Incubation period of 7-14 days.


Stunting (Stunting or runting syndrome), abnormal re feat (helicopter disease), pale comb, Wattles and legs in broilers (pale bird syndrome) are seen.


Higher early mortality, weak legs, CNS signs (tremors, inco ordination) and passage of undigested food in the faeces can occur.


Post mortem lesions

Enteritis can cause undigested feed in Intestines Intestines and pale, haemorrhages around heart may also be seen.


Anemia seen as decreased pigmentation and atrophy of the pancreas and bursa of Fabricius can occur.


An enlarged proventriculus with glandular enlargement and a loss of the normal structural architecture (Infectious proventriculitis) may be evident.


Brittle bones and femoral head necrosis with Rickets, hydropericardium (water around the heart), a small flaccid (flabby) and gizzard encephalomalacia can often arise.

Diagnosis of Malabsorption syndrome

The clinical signs and gross lesions (particularly proventricular hyperplasia and atrophied pancreas) are characteristic.

Treatment & Control of Malabsorption syndrome


A live vaccine at 1-2 days by injection and 6.8 weeks by injection, coarse spray or water and inactivated vaccine at 18-20 weeks for breeders will help control the disease.



It responds to antibiotics plus vitamin-mineral supplementation for control of secondary infection.


Vinegar in water (1%) kills viruses by reducing intestinal pH and Reduces spread and some clinical signs or virus.



المصدر: Akrum Hamdy

Akrum Hamdy [email protected] 01006376836

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نشرت فى 22 يوليو 2010 بواسطة AkrumHamdy

أ.د/ أكـــرم زيـن العــابديــن محـــمود محمـــد حمــدى - جامعــة المنــيا

[email protected] [01006376836] Minia University, Egypt »


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