هشام ستور

كل مايتعلق بالتصوير الفوتغرافي و الادوات الكتابية

  1. 1Open your file or movie. Then click “Import video”; it will take a few moments to import, depending on the file size and how long that clip is.

  2. 2Click and drag the different sets of clips you've shot down to the Storyboard, which is located at the bottom of the window.

  3. 3Add video effects. Click “Video Effects” on the left side of the window. Drag what effect you want and put it the star in the corner of the Clip.

  4. 4Add transitions. Select the “View Video Transitions” from the left panel. Drag them down to the “Storyboard”, but put them in the middle box. You can view the transitions by clicking on them and watching them on the screen to the left.

  5. 5Add music or cut short the clips by clicking the “Timeline” also at the bottom of the screen.

  6. 6When you want to cut some time from the Clip, click the half triangle at the side of the clip, and then you can move how long you want the scene.

  7. 7Mute the camera if you're going to make a music video; you don’t want anyone to hear that part, just the music. Then, go to “Import Audio or Music” select a song. Then drag it down to the “TimeLine” You can also cut time or make a short sound from clicking the triangle and dragging to make it as long as you want, you can have just one word, chorus or just the whole song.

  8. 8Add title or credits by clicking on the appropriate link on the left panel. To add credits, there is a big empty bar on the form; you should put either the title of the movie, or credits. The left side of the form should go positions, like Director, or Producer, or the character. Then, the right side, will be the names of the people that play or direct in their position.

  9. 9Click the view “timeline” and you should see the time line with the song, the title, the clips, and the effects and transitions. Then, you can view the movie that you have created by pressing play on the left panel with the screen.

  10. 10If you are satisfied, click “Save to my computer” or if you have a CD/DVD you could also save it to that, and it should again, take a few moments to save, then you are done with your movie.

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0 تصويتات / 98 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 29 إبريل 2013 بواسطة heshamhesham

ساحة النقاش

هشام ستور



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