محمد شهاب- المزارع السمكية Mohamed Shihab -Aquacultures

يعرض الموقع الأحدث من ومقالات و صور و مواقع تخص الاستزراع السمكى



لحماية مستهلك السمك فى الفلبين

إدخال نظام البصمة الوراثية للباركود

Bar Coding for Fish Looms in the Philippines

إعداد –محمد شهاب

الحكومة الفلبينية تعمل على إدخال البصمة الوراثية لمنتجات الأسماك بغرض التعرف على أنواع الأسماك المقدمة للمستهلك لمنع غش السماك و منتجاته وبالتالي يدفع الثمن المناسب للسمك و منتجاته، و كلك من اجل سلامة الغذاء و من أجل تتبع الأنواع عالميا.

لنا أن نعلم أن الفلبين سادس أكبر منتج للأسماك عالميا و التاسع في إنتاج مزارعه السمكية و الثالث عالميا في إنتاج الأعشاب المائية من مزارعه المائية.

PHILIPPINES - A bureau of the Department of Agriculture (DA) is now working on the dioxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fingerprinting of fish products to eventually establish a barcoding system to identify the exact species being bought by consumers.
The barcoding system also seeks to protect consumers, who should get the right price for the right fish products they are buying, reports Tempo.
This system, the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) said, is critical in food safety and in ensuring that global markets can trace origin of fishery products.
With barcoding, the genetic material of fish species can easily be known and properly revealed to consumers.
The Philippines is the world’s sixth biggest in fish producer, ninth in aquaculture, and third in aquatic plant production, primarily seaweeds.
Without accurate identification of fish species through DNA barcoding, mislabeling of fishery species may occur, NFRDI warned.
Consumers may be misled into paying more than the actual value of goods they are buying, according to NFRDI’s Benedict A. Maralit and five co-authors in their entry at the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR)National Research Symposium (NRS).
“DNA barcoding can differentiate between closely related species that are hard to tell apart, especially large fishes that are difficult to bring back from the field. It can identify products like fish fillets so you know if the grouper you ordered in a restaurant is really a grouper,“ said Dr Mudjekeewis D. Santos, senior author of the NFRDI Genetic Fingerprinting Laboratory (GFL).
Their study won a silver award at the 2011 BAR-NRS.
Research in fisheries is among the priorities of BAR as the country’s archipelagic nature provides for a rich food resource useful not only for generating livelihood but enabling valueadding in products that can be exportable.


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