محمد شهاب- المزارع السمكية Mohamed Shihab -Aquacultures

يعرض الموقع الأحدث من ومقالات و صور و مواقع تخص الاستزراع السمكى



إعداد/محمد شهاب



السلوك الإداري الحسن لتربية الأحياء المائية في السلطنة

مركز الاستزراع السمكي -وزارة الزراعة والثروة السمكية


الإعداد : نخبة من الخبراء والمختصين بمركز العلوم البحرية والسمكية ومركز الاستزراع السمكي ومراكز الثروة السمكية التابعة للمديريات والإدارات السمكية بالمحافظات والمناطق الساحلية بالسلطنة وخبراء من وزارة البيئة والشؤون المناخية وكلية الزراعة والعلوم البحرية بجامعة السلطان قابوس ومعهد تأهيل الصيادين بوزارة القوى العاملة وشركة الأسماك العمانية وشركة أسماك قريات الدولية وشركة بنتوت للمنتجات البحرية والرابطة الأمريكية لفول الصويا ومجموعة الأعلاف والمنتجات النباتية ومعهد تربية الأحياء المائية للمكونات العضوية وتم الإشراف على إعداد الكتاب من المديرية العامة للبحوث السمكية بوزارة الزراعة والثروة السمكية. 



Review of Ecolabelling Schemes for fishery production for capture fishries

By: Keith Sainbury

Publisher : FAO



The Hygienic Significance of Fish Farms in Upper Egypt

Abel Rahman Abdel Megied Abel Rahman

Publisher :Assiut University



City of the Sharp-nose Fish: Greek Lives Romans Egypt

By: Peter Parsons

Publisher : London Weildenfeld and Nicolson




Capture-Based Aquaculture: global overview

By: Alessandro Lovatelli

       Paul F. Holthus

 Publisher : FAO




$15 Billion reasons to access the Hong Kong seafood market

Format: Electronic download

Publisher: Australian Government Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forests
Format: 82 pages A4 Colour

Price: $0.00

Globefish Update: Fishmeal & Fish Oil

Globefish COMMODITY UPDATES contain information on prices, imports, exports and production by commodity. The information is taken form the network of GLOBEFISH correspondents and the GLOBEFISH European Price Report, INFOFISH Trade News, FAO FISHDAB, EUROSTAT and others.

Published by: Globefish,


May 2009


Sydney Fish Market Seafood Handling Guidelines,  


Date: 2009
Format: A4 Book
Offer: Price includes freight within Australia



Organic Markets for Aquaculture

Price: $30.00
Date: January 2005
Format: PDF download
Supplier: Globefish

growing consumer awareness about food production

strong growth in the organic food sector markets in many developed countries

the main motivations for buying organic food products

comparisons of organic aquaculture production to other food products such as fruit and vegetables

demand for organic seafood suffers from the absence of a harmonized set of production standards

growing interest from consumers and retailers is having a positive impact on the development of the organic aquaculture sector

conventional and specialized organic supermarkets are having a major impact on the market penetration of organic seafood

increased involvement of supermarkets in the sale of organic seafood will reinforce the trend towards sourcing directly from producers

supermarket involvement and the entry of organic seafood into the conventional distribution channels for food products will facilitate mass-market communication strategies

convenience and functional organic seafood will represent a growing niche in the organic food sector

organic aquaculture may represent an economically and environmentally sustainable opportunity for certain producers

traditional production methods are already close to the standards required by certifying bodies

reliable labelling and consistent quality is fundamental for the successful development of organic aquaculture

active participation of producers in the further development of internationally accepted production regulations is very important





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