دكتور / حسن بخيت

بوابة العرب للثروات الطبيعية


 Barite ores in Eastern Desert



Barite formed in the nature from barium sulphate (BaS04). Barite is one of the main natural constituents of the muds used in drilling of wells. The most distinctive features of barite is its highly specific gravity which supports its use as a weighing agent. Other desirable properties regarding its use as an additive in drilling fluids are its low abrasiveness, chemical stability and  lack of magnetic and toxic effects.


: Barite Uses

                                                                            1- Heavy matter in drilling fluids.

  2- Barium chemicals which uses in the industries of:





<!--Glass .

3- Crushed barite used in coating process of gas and oil linepipes extended under the water. 


Barite ores in the Eastern Desert


<!--Wadi Hammash


Location:- Lat:24.37


Accessibility:-150 Km from kom ombo city

Reserve:- 4000 tons.

Physical properties:- Specific gravity is ranging from 2.82- 4.1 tlm3

References: 1) GSE, Inter- Rep. No. 44/1986

2) Miner Resour.Red Sea Govern. Develop. Possib., Geol. Surv. Egypt, Rep., Mar, 1992, P,109-113


<!--Umm Hargal

Location:-   Lat:24.33


Accessibility:11Km South Gabal Abu Khrug


Reserve:- Some tenth,s of tons.




References:- 1) GSE, Inter. Rep. No. 44/1986.

2)Miner Resour Red Sea Govern .Develop Possib, Geol. Surv Egypt,Cairo, Egypt, Rep., Mar., 1992,P.109-113.



<!--EL- Bakriya

Location:-  Lat:25.17


Accessibility:- 105Km from Idfu- Mersa Alam road.

Chemical analysis:-


Bas04     CaCo3         Feo        Pbs       Sio2        Sp.Gravity


74.46-       0.00-        0.19-       0.8-       0.03-       4.1-4.22

92.14        8.03           7.00       0.09       2.29 


References:- 1) GSE, Inter. Rep. No.44/1986.

2) Mina Resour Red Sea Govern. Develop. Possib., Geol Surv Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, Rep., Mar., 1992, P.109-113.


<!--Wadi Saha


Location:-  Lat:24.35


Accessibility: 8 Km North Natash area.


Reserve:-  not determined.


Physical Properties :- white color – high SP. Gravity.


References:- 1) GSE, Inter. Rep. No. 44/1986.

2)Miner Resour Red Sea Govern. Develop. Possib., Geol Surv Egypt,Cairo, Egypt, Rep., Mar., 1992,P.109-113.









5-Elba area

*Wadi EL Garara

Location:-  Lat:22.30


Reserve:- about 250,000 tons.

Physical Properties :- 1) Pure barite Crystals

2)Grehish white

3)Medium to Coarse Size

4)4.32 of Sp.Gravity



BaS04 content and trace element of some barite Samples


BaS04 %       Ti     Mn   Cr     V    Cu         Pb   Zn  Be Sr     Zr  (ppm)

94.59-           100-   --     --     30  80-100    400  --    3   1%-  --

95.4              300                                                             500

References :    1) GSE, Inter. Rep. No. 44/1986.

2) Minia Sci. Bull., Minia Univ, oct.1993

 V. 6, Part 1,pp. 97- 114


6-Wadi Sudny

Location:-  Lat: 26.00

Long: 33.45

Reserve:- not determined.

Physical Properties :-  1) Pinkish , massive , microcrystalline

2)4.2 of Sp.Gravity

BaSo4 content and trace element of Some barite Samples.


BaS04%       Ti    Mn  Cr   V    Cu  Pb  Zn    Be   Sr     Zr  (ppm)

84.00           400   --     --    --    60   --    --     --    5%    --


References:- Minia Sci. Bull , Minia Univ , oct .1993, v.6 ,

                        part 1,pp.97-114









7-Agabawi area

Location:- Lat: 25.20

Long: 33.35

Reserve:- not determined.

Physical Properties :- 1) Reddish Color.

2)Medium to Coarse grained

BaSo4 content and trace element of Some barite Samples.


BaS04%   Ti   Mn   Cr   V   Cu   Pb  Zn    Be   Sr     Zr  (ppm)

87.83       200  --      20  20  200   --   --      4     1%   --


References:- Minia Sci. Bull , Minia Univ , oct .1993, v.6 ,

                       part 1,pp.97-114


8-Wadi Antar

Location:- Lat: 24.15

Long: 34.15

Reserve:- not determined.

Physical Properties :- 1) massive. 

2)milky white color.

3)Pure barite Crystals.

4)with 4.44 Sp. Gravity.

References:- Minia Sci. Bull , Minia Univ , oct .1993, v.6 ,           part1,pp.97-114.


9-Rod Umm EL-Farag


Location:      lat: 25.00                        long: 34.20                              

Reserve :       not determined

Physical properties:       1) whitish color.

                                         2) massive.

                                         3) microcrystalline.


BaSo4 content and trace element of Some barite Samples.


BaS04%    Ti   Mn   Cr    V    Cu    Pb    Zn    Be   Sr     Zr  (ppm)

93.94        300   --     --    10   100   600   --      --    4%    -- 


References:- Minia Sci. Bull , Minia Univ , oct .1993, v.6 ,         part1,pp.97-114.



10- Wadi EL- Deriera

Location:      lat:                                      long:                              

Reserve :       about 250,000 tons.


References :    1) GSE, Inter. Rep. No. 44/1986.



                                    Barite Ores at East Aswan


1-Gabal El Hudi


Location:- Lat: 24.00.13

Long: 33.09.43

Accessibility:- 35 Km SE Aswan City

Reserve:- Some thousands of tons.

Physical Properties :- 1) Pinkish , White color.

2)Fine to coarse grained.

3)With 4.270Sp. Gravity.

BaS04 content and trace elements of some barite samples.


BaS04%    Ti   Mn  Cr    V    Cu   Pb  Zn    Be   Sr    Zr  (ppm)

94.64       100   --     --    --     300  --    --     - -   2%   --

References:-1) GSE, Inter .Rep .no . 44/1976.

 2)Minia Sci. Bull , Minia Univ , oct .1993, v.6 , part1    ,pp.97-114


2- Wadi El- Arab

Location:-  Lat: 23.45

Long: 33.21

Accessibility:- 12Km South EL- Hudi between Wadi El-Hudi and Wadi   El Shoum

Reserve:- not determined.

Physical Properties :- 1) Pinkish , greyish color.

2)medium grained.

References:- 1) GSE, Inter. Rep . no . 44/1986.

2) Minia Sci. Bull , Minia Univ , oct .1993, v.6     ,part1,pp.97-114.






3-Wadi EL- Shoum

Location:- Lat: 23.35


Accessibility :- 20 Km South Wadi EL - Hudi


Reserve:- not determined.


Physical Properties :- 1) Fine grained , with accessory of black colored imparities.

References:-              1) GSE ,Inter. Rep . no . 44/1986

              2) Minia Sci. Bull , Minia Univ , oct .1993, v.6 ,     part 1,pp.97-114



4- Wadi Umm Ogeil

Location:- Lat:


Accessibility:- 5Km NW of Wadi EL- Arab

Reserve:- (Production is 1000-1500 tons/ year).

References:- GSE , Inter . Rep . no . 44/1986.


5- Wadi Allaqi

Location:- Lat: 24. 11. 45

Long: 33. 18. 29

Accessibility:- 54, Km SE of Aswan.


Reserve:- 1000-15000 tons.


Chemical analysis

                  Ba0              Ca0                   Fe0                          Si02

            Si-56.62%     0.27-0.54%       2.40- 2.79%             9.82-17.85%


References:- GSE , Inter . Rep . no . 44/1986.









6-Umm Hebal

     Location:  Lat: 23.43                        Long: 33.19


Reserve:not determined



Physical properties: 1)pinkish color.

                                2)coarse grained.

                                3)with 4.13 sp.gravity.



References:Minia Sci. Bull ,Minia Univ,Oct.1993,v.6,part 1



Barite ores in Western Desert


I) Bahariya Oasis

1)El – Gedida Area


                        Lat: 27.46- 28.30                   Long: 26.30- 29.08

Accessibilty:at 300 km SW Cairo City


Reserve: 100,000-160,000 tons

                            Chemical analysis

BaS04     FeO    SiO2    MnO    K2O     Na2O   CaO  Al2O3  MgO

69.3-       0.54-    0.9-     0.06-    0.01-     0.05     0.05    0.02-   0.05

93.8       20.00    27.00   0.17     0.o1                              0.05      


Physical properties:1) coarse to fine grained.


                                3)grey to black color

                                4)with 4.3-4.38 sp.gr.

References:-1)GSE,Inter Rep.no.44-1986

                    2)Minia Sci. Bull,MiniaUniv,Oct.1993,v.6,part1







2-El-Harra area


                    Lat: 28.23- 28.24                    Long: 29.05- 29.06

        Reserve: not determined


\Physical properties:-1) greenish color.

                                        2) colloform or radial texture.

                                        3) massive,hard and microcrystalline.



BaSO4 content and trace element of some barite samples


BaSO4%    Ti    Mn    Cr   V   Cu   Pb   Zn  Be  Sr     Zr  (ppm)

80.61         500   60     40    -     -      -      -     -     -     300


 References: 1)GSE,Inter Rep no.44-1986

                               2)Minia Sci. Bull,Minia Univ,oct.1993,v.6,

                                   part 1,pp.97-114.



3-Wadi Nasser- Ghorabi



                             Lat: 29.01- 29.02                 Long: 28.28- 28.30

         Reserve: not determined

BaSO4 content and trace element of some barite samples


BaSO4%     Ti    Mn   Cr    V    Cu   Pb  Zn  Be  Sr   Zr  (ppm)

62.06        6000   50     -     60    3      -     -     -    500  –

         References:1) Minia Sci. Bull,Minia Univ,oct.1993 ,v.6

                                     ,part 1,pp.97-114.



             XRD and chemical analyses prove that barite samples of the Eastern Desert are almost pure (93.94-95.4 % BaS04). They are composed of barite with occassional quartz , feldspar ,calcite , fluorite, geothite, hematite and clay minerals. Iron oxides and clay minerals might be related to altered sulphides and feldspars. On the other hand, samples of Bahariya Oasis repersent low grade barite ( 62.6-82.3 % BaSO4). They are composed of barite with occassional quartz, feldspar, calcite,geothite,hematite and kaolinite. They relatively high Ti

(100-6000 ppm) and Mn (50-80 ppm) in Bahariya samples might be attributed to sedimentary processes facilitating their enrichment.



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