work to rule During a conflict, when employees decide to do only the minimum amount of work required by company rules, and refuse any overtime, etc., they work to rule.
In protest against the new measures, the employees decided to work to rule.
work the system People who work the system learn how a state or public organization works in order to benefit as much as possible from the system.
He hasn't changed his lifestyle since he lost his job - he must know to work the system!
the works Something that has the works contains everything that is possible, or the full range of options.
The first thing he did was order a new computer with the works.
in the works If something is in the works, it is currently being prepared or planned.
A reorganization of the company is in the works.
world of difference When comparing two things or situations, the expression a world of difference means that there is a vast difference between them.
A swimming pool would make a world of difference in this hot climate.
come up in the world A person who has come up in the world is richer than before and has a higher social status.
My old school friend has bought an apartment overlooking Central Park.  She has certainly come up in the world.
in a world of your own If you are in a world of your own, you are so preoccupied by your own concerns that you are unaware of what is happening around you.
Dad's out there in the garden in a world of how own.
be/mean the world to When you are or mean the world to someone, you are very important or precious to them.
His daughter means all the world to Mr. Jones.
do a world of good If something does you a world of good, it is beneficial and makes you feel a lot better.
Why don't you go away for a few days? A break would do you a world of good.
have the world at your feet If you have the world at your feet, you are extremely successful and greatly admired.
The talented young actress has the world at her feet.
have the world by its tail Someone who has the world by its tail is very successful and has many opportunities to choose from.
Due to her intelligence and hard work, she now has the world by its tail.
the world is your oyster This expression means that you are free and able to enjoy the pleasures and opportunities that life has to offer.
She left college feeling that the world was her oyster.
not for all the world If you say that you would not to something for (all) the world, you mean that you never do it, no matter what you were offered.
I would not live in that building for (all) the world!
out of this world To refer to something as out of this world means that you think it is extremely good or impressive.
The hotel was very comfortable and the food was out of this world.
best of both worlds If a person has the best of both worlds, they have the benefits and advantages of two different things.
We live in the centre of town, but only 5 minutes from the beach.  We have the best of both worlds.

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نشرت فى 14 مارس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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