wise up to If you wise up or get wise to something, you become fully aware of  the facts and are no longer fooled.
When Mike finally wised up to the methods being used, he resigned from the company.
none the wiser If you do not know more about something after hearing or reading an explanation, or if you fail to find information on the subject, you are none the wiser.
I tried to understand the voting system but I was none the wiser after reading the explanation.
wish the ground would swallow you up When you are so embarrassed by something that you would like to disappear, you wish the ground would swallow you up.
When I realized I was reading the wrong report, I stood there in front of the group wishing the ground would swallow me up!
your wish is my command This is a humoristic way of saying that you are willing to do whatever the other person asks.
Breakfast in bed?  Your wish is my command!
wishful thinking Wishful thinking means believing that something that you want to happen is really happening or will happen, even though it is neither true nor likely.
I think his health is improving a little, but perhaps that's just wishful thinking on my part.
wither on the vine If something withers on the vine, it comes to an end or ceases to exist because people do not support or encourage it.
Let's hope the recent efforts towards peace will not wither on the vine.
without a hitch If something happens without a hitch, it takes place exactly as planned, without any difficulties.
The ceremony went off without a hitch, to our great relief!
at your wits' end If you are at your wits' end, you are very worried about something and do not know what to do.
When her son dropped out of school, Susan was at her wit's end.
throw a wobbly / wobbler When someone, usually a capricious person, throws a wobbly, they have a fit of nerves or bad temper and lose all self-control.
He's very calm - not the sort of man to throw a wobbly if he doesn't have a clean shirt!
wolf in sheep's clothing To describe someone as a wolf in sheep's clothing means that although they look harmless, they are really very dangerous.
Be careful.  He looks kind but in fact he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
cry wolf To cry wolf is to call for help when you are not really in danger.  As a result, nobody believes you when you really need help.
There's Mary screaming again!  Does she really need help or is she just crying wolf again?
keep the wolf from the door In order to keep the wolf from the door, you need to have enough money to buy food and other essentials.
My grandparents earned barely enough to keep the wolf from the door.
wonders will never cease This saying is used to express pleasure or surprise at something.
The price of petrol has dropped!  Wonders will never cease!
can't see the wood for the trees If someone can't see the wood for the trees, they are so concentrated on the details that they can't see the situation as a whole.
The new manager found the situation so complicated that he couldn't see the wood for the trees.

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