ways and means To say that there are ways and means of achieving something means that there are several methods which will produce the desired result.
All ways and means will be used to provide assistance to the survivors.
weak at the knees Someone who is weak at the knees is (temporarily) barely able to stand because of emotion, fear or illness.
The shock of the announcement make me go weak at the knees!
weal and woe This expression refers to the good and bad times, the joys and sorrows, or prosperity and misfortune.
We all get our share of weal and woe in life.
wear thin Something that is wearing thin is decreasing or losing its interest.
You've used that excuse so many times, it's beginning to wear thin - as in my patience!
wear many hats Someone who wears many hats has to do many different types of tasks or play a variety of roles.
Our company is small so the employees need to be flexible and accept to wear many hats.
wear heart on sleeve If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you allow others to see your emotions or feelings.
You could see that she was hurt - she wears her heart on her sleeve!
wear the trousers The partner in a couple who wears the trousers is the one who makes all the important decisions.
The salesman hesitated before the couple. It was difficult to see who wore the trousers.
wear out one's welcome If someone wears out their welcome, they stay too long as a guest, causing inconvenience to their host.
Alan and Sue invited us to stay on for a few days but we didn't want to wear out our welcome.
weather the storm If you weather the storm, you succeed in surviving a difficult period or situation.
Given the current recession, the company is weathering the storm better than most.
under the weather If you are under the weather, you are not feeling very well.
You look a bit under the weather.  What's the matter?
weigh pros and cons If you weigh the pros and cons, you consider the advantages and disadvantages, the arguments for or against something.
They weighed the pros and cons of the house before signing.
weigh your words If you weigh your words, you choose your words carefully in order to express exactly what you mean and avoid any misunderstanding.
At the press conference he spoke very clearly, weighing his words.
wet behind the ears Somebody who is wet behind the ears is inexperienced or immature.
Scott shouldn't be given that job.  He's still a bit wet behind the ears.
wet the baby's head This expression means to have drink to celebrate the birth of a baby.
When his first child was born, Tom invited his colleagues to a local bar to wet the baby's head.
wet blanket A person who is a wet blanket is so boring or unenthusiastic that they prevent others from enjoying themselves.
Come on!   Relax !  Don't be such a wet blanket!

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