by the same token | If you apply the same rule to different situations, you judge them by the same token, or in a similar way. Teenagers should be less rebellious, but by the same token, parents should be more understanding. |
same wavelength | If you are on the same wavelength as someone else, you feel the same way about something. We rarely argue. We're generally on the same wavelength. |
sauce for the goose | The saying 'what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander' means that what is appropriate for one person should also be appropriate for the other person concerned. Women should earn the salary as men for the same job. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander! |
save your bacon | If you save someone's bacon, you rescue them from a dangerous or difficult situation. When Paul was a student, finding a room in return for dog-sitting really saved his bacon! |
save your breath | If you tell someone to save their breath, you are telling them not to waste their time speaking because their words will have no effect. I've already given him the same advice and he won't listen, so you might as well save your breath. |
save the day | If you find a solution to a serious problem, and ensure the success of something that was expected to fail, you save the day. The dog ate the apple pie I had made for my guests, but my sister saved the day by making one of her speedy desserts! |
save face | When someone saves face, they manage to avoid humiliation or embarrassment and preserve their dignity and the respect of others. They allowed him to save face by accepting his resignation. |
save one's skin/neck | If you manage to escape from serious danger or trouble, you save your skin (or neck). He saved his skin by reversing off the bridge just before it collapsed. |
saved by the bell | If you are saved by the bell, something happens at the last minute to rescue you from a difficult situation. Saved by the bell! A friend arrived just when I realized I had no money for the parking meter. |
saving grace | A person who has a saving grace has a quality that prevents them from being totally bad. She's a horrible person but she has one saving grace, her kindness to animals. |
say a mouthful | If you make an important or lengthy remark, you say a mouthful. The customer said a mouthful when he gave the reason for his dissatisfaction. |
scales fall from your eyes | When the scales fall from your eyes, you finally understand the truth about something. It was only when he was arrested for theft that the scales fell from my eyes and I realized where his money came from. |
نشرت فى 13 مارس 2013
بواسطة hany2012
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