ram down someone's throat If you ram something down someone's throat, you force them to accept something against their will.
I encourage him to learn English but I can't ram it down his throat.
rant and rave If you rant and rave about something, you protest noisily and forcefully.
The old man ranted and raved about the new waste collection system, but he had to accept it.
rap on the knuckles If someone gets a rap on/across the knuckles, they are punished or reprimanded, but not very severely, as a reminder not to do something again.
Andy got a rap on the knuckles for coming home late.
take the rap If you take the rap for something, you accept blame or punishment for it, even if you have not done it.
The whole class had to take the rap for the disorder.
in raptures If you are in raptures about something, you are delighted or very enthusiastic.
Caroline is in raptures about her new apartment.
raring to go If someone is raring to go, they are very eager and enthusiastic about the idea of doing something.
The kids can't wait to go camping.  They're raring to go!
smell a rat To say 'I smell a rat' means that you suspect that something is wrong, or that someone is doing something dishonest or incorrect.
The profits announced are abnormally low.  I smell a rat.
rats in the attic If you say that someone has rats in the attic, you mean that they are a bit mad or that their behaviour is eccentric.
She keeps repeating the same question.  I think she's got rats in the attic.
rather you than me This expression is used to express sympathy with someone who has to do something unpleasant or difficult, and you would not like to be in their situation.
"I have to announce the bad new to the child's parents."
"Oh dear, rather you than me."
reach for the moon If you reach for the moon, you are very ambitious and try to achieve something even if it is difficult.
His parents were hardworking people who encouraged their children to reach for the moon.
reach saturation point When something reaches saturation point, it is so full that nothing more can be added.
That's enough information for today.  My brain has reached saturation point!
read the riot act If you declare with force and authority that something must stop, and announce the consequences if it happens again, you read the riot act.
Dad read us the riot act when we messed up his tool-shed.
ready and waiting Something or someone that is ready and waiting is prepared and available for a particular task or occasion.
There was a vast amount of food ready and waiting for the guests.
ready to drop Someone who is ready to drop is nearly too exhausted to stay standing.
I've been shopping all day with Judy.  I'm ready to drop!
reap the harvest If you reap the harvest, you benefit or suffer as a direct result of past actions.
When he won his first match, he began to reap the harvest of all the hard training.
rear its ugly head If something unpleasant reappears after lying dormant for some time, it rears its ugly head.
It is feared that fascism is rearing its ugly head again in some countries.

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