Held hostage
If you are being held hostage, you have no choice to but to do what is asked in a situation.
Hell for leather
If you do something hell for leather, especially running, you do it as fast as you can.
Hell in a handcart
If something is going to hell in a handcart, it is getting worse and worse, with no hope of stopping the decline.
If a woman constantly nags her husband or partner, then he is henpecked.
Herding cats
If you have to try to co-ordinate a very difficult situation, where people want to do very different things, you are herding cats.
Here today, gone tomorrow
Money, happiness and other desirable things are often here today, gone tomorrow, which means that they don't last for very long.
Hide nor hair
When there's no trace of something or a person, you haven't seen hide nor hair of it or them.('Neither hide nor hair' is also used.)
Hiding to nothing
If people are on a hiding to nothing, their schemes and plans have no chance of succeeding. 'Hiding to nowhere' is an alternative.
High and dry
If you are left high and dry, you are left alone and given no help at all when you need it.
High and low
If you search high and low, you look everywhere for something or someone.
High and mighty
The high and mighty are the people with authority and power. If a person is high and mighty, they behave in a superior and condescending way.
High as a kite
If someone's as high as a kite, it means they have had too much to drink or are under the influence of drugs.
High on the hog
To live in great comfort with lots of money.
If someone is high-handed, they behave arrogantly and pompously.
High-wire act
A high-wire act is a dangerous or risky strategy, plan, task, etc.
Highway robbery
Something that is ridiculously expensive, especially when you have no choice but to pay, is a highway robbery.
Himalayan blunder
A Himalayan blunder is a very serious mistake or error.
Hindsight is twenty-twenty
After something has gone wrong, it is easy to look back and make criticisms.
Hit a nerve
If something hits a nerve, it upsets someone or causes them pain, often when it is something they are trying to hide.
Hit and miss
Something that is hit and miss is unpredictable and may produce results or may fail.
Hit home
If something hits home, it is understood completely and has a strong effect as people accept it even though it is negative.
Hit me with your best shot
If someone tells you to hit them with your best shot, they are telling you that no matter what you do it won't hurt them or make a difference to them.
Hit rock bottom
When someone hits rock bottom, they reach a point in life where things could not get any worse.
Hit rough weather
If you hit rough weather, you experience difficulties or problems.
Hit the airwaves
If someone hits the airwaves, they go on radio and TV to promote something or to tell their side of a story.
Hit the books
If you hit the books, you study or read hard.
Hit the bull's-eye
If someone hits the bull's-eye, they are exactly right about something or achieve the best result possible. "Bulls-eye" and "bullseye" are alternative spellings.
Hit the ceiling
If someone hits the ceiling, they lose their temper and become very angry.
Hit the Dirt
To duck out of the way or fall to the ground to avoid something dangerous.
Hit the fan
When it hits the fan, or, more rudely, the shit hits the fan, serious trouble starts.
Hit the ground running
If someone hits the ground running, they start a new job or position in a very dynamic manner.
Hit the hay
When you hit the hay, you go to bed.
Hit the mark
If someone hits the mark, they are right about something.
Hit the nail on the head
If someone hits the nail on the head, they are exactly right about something.
Hit the right note
If you hit the right note, you speak or act in a way that has a positive effect on people.('Strike the right note' is also used.)
Hit the road
When people hit the road, they leave a place to go somewhere else.
Hit the roof
If you lose your temper and get very angry, you hit the roof.
Hit the sack
When you hit the sack, you go to bed.
Hit your stride
If you hit your stride, you become confident and proficient at something.
Hive of worker bees
A hive of worker bees is a group of people working actively and cooperatively. Example: The classroom was a hive of worker bees.
Hobson's choice
A Hobson's choice is something that appears to be a free choice, but is really no choice as there is no genuine alternative.
Hoist with your own petard
If you are hoist with your own petard, you get into trouble or caught in a trap that you had set for someone else.
Hold all the aces
If you hold all the aces, you have all the advantages and your opponents or rivals are in a weak position.
Hold the baby
(UK) If someone is responsible for something, they are holding the baby.
Hold the bag
(USA) If someone is responsible for something, they are holding the bag.
Hold the fort
If you hold the fort, you look after something or assume someone's responsibilities while they are away.
Hold the torch
If you hold the torch for someone, you have an unrequited or unspoken love.
Hold the wire
If you ask someone on the telephone to hold the wire, you want them to wait and not hang up.
Hold water
When you say that something does or does not 'hold water', it means that the point of view or argument put forward is or is not sound, strong or logical. For e.g., 'Saying we should increase our interest rates because everyone else is doing so will not hold water'.
Hold your hands up
(UK) If you hold your hands up, you accept responsibility for something you have done wrong.


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