Word Meaning
Affluenza A blend of 'affluence' and 'influenza'.
A social disease resulting from extreme materialism and excessive consumerism: earning more money and consuming more, which can lead to overwork, debt, stress, anxiety, etc.
Agritourism A form of tourism in which tourists stay on farms or in agricultural villages, and often participate in farm activities.
Alcopop Fruit drinks fortified with alcohol, designed and marketed to appeal to young people.
App Abbreviation of 'application', software that performs a specific task.
Applepick Steal someone's iPhone.
Audiophile Person who loves and collects high-quality audio equipment.
Baggravation Blend of the words 'bag' and 'aggravation'. A feeling of annoyance and frustration at the airport when your baggage has not arrived but the other passengers' bags have.
Blook A blend of 'book' and 'blog' :  a book written by a blogger.
Breadcrumbing A navigation technique which helps users by displaying a list of links to the pages they have visited when exploring a website,
for example:  home >>vocabulary>>transport.
Bromance Blend of 'brother' and 'romance'.
A close non-sexual relationship between two men.
Burkini or Burquini Blend of 'burqa' and 'bikini' A swimsuit worn by Muslim women which covers the whole body i.e. the arms to the wrist, the legs to the ankle, with a hood to cover the hair and neck.
Busking Performing on the streets and other public places, while soliciting donations. Busy urban areas will attract street performers (buskers) who sing, play, juggle, etc
Buzz Excited interest or attention surrounding, for example, a new invention, a recent event or something that has become fashionable.
Buzzword A new word or expression that is commonly used in specialized work environments or age-groups, and has become fashionable. Terms used in advertising can often convert into buzzwords and become widely used
Captcha Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart. A distorted image of letters and numbers used to ensure that a response is not generated by a computer, in order
to prevent spamming.
Carjacking Blend of 'car' and 'hijacking'. When a car driver is forced to give up his vehicle or drive to a destination designated by the attacker.
Chatroom Areas on the internet where people can communicate by exchanging typed messages
Chick lit Books, usually featuring female characters, written by women on contemporary themes and issues that appeal more to women than to men.
Chillaxing Blend of 'chilling' and relaxing'.
Taking a break from stressful activities to rest or relax.
Citizen journalism News collected and reported by ordinary people, especially through the use of blog software.
Click bait Put something on a website that will encourage visitors to click on a link.
Cloud computing A computing service which enables access to a shared pool of resources (servers, data storage, applications, etc.) over the Internet. Users can access and use tools or applications through
a web browser without having to install them on their computers.
Content farm A website that publishes large amounts of low-quality content, or content copied from elsewhere, in order to attract visitors and improve its search-engine rankings.


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