go haywire If something goes haywire, it becomes disorganized or goes out of control.
The photocopier has gone completely haywire. It's only printing half of each page!
go hell for leather If you go hell for leather, you go somewhere or do something very fast.
I saw Tom going hell for leather towards the station.
go the whole hog When you go the whole hog, you do something thoroughly or completely. 
The put up a few decorations for Christmas, then they decided to go the whole hog and buy a tree and all the trimmings.
go into overdrive If someone or something goes into overdrive, they begin to work very hard or start to perform intensely.
At the start of every new collection my imagination goes into overdrive.
go nuts To say that a person has gone nuts means that they have become completely foolish, eccentric or mad.
I think the old lady has gone nuts!  It's very hot today and she's wearing a fur coat!
go off the deep end If a person goes off the deep end, they become so angry or upset that they cannot control their emotions.
Eva will go off the deep end if her kids leave the kitchen in a mess again.
go off the rails If someone goes off the rails, they go out of control and begin to behave in a manner that is unacceptable to society.
Given the unstable environment, it's a miracle that none of their children ever went off the rails.
go off on a tangent If someone goes off on a tangent, they change the subject completely in the middle of a speech or conversation.
Sometimes when he's teaching, he goes off on a tangent and starts talking about his dog!
go off with a bang If something such as an event or performance goes off with a bang, it is very successful.
The party went off with a bang - everyone enjoyed it.
got out of business If a shop, firm or enterprise goes out of business, it closes down or goes bankrupt.
If the new road bypasses the town, a lot of shops will go out of business.
go out of your way If you go out of your way, you take particular care or make a special effort when doing something.
Aunt Betty went out of her way to make us feel comfortable.
go out the window If a quality, principle or opportunity goes out the window, it disappears, is lost or abandoned.
When the plant closed down, all hopes of finding a job went out the window.
go overboard If you go overboard, you are over-enthusiastic about something and do too much or behave in an excessive way.
We need to prepare the dining room for Christmas, but don't go overboard with the decorations.
go pear-shaped If a plan or project goes pear-shaped, it either goes wrong or it produces an undesirable result.
Jane organized a treasure hunt in the park for the kids but it all went pear-shaped and everyone was disappointed.
go to pieces If you go to pieces, for example after a terrible shock, you are so upset or distressed that you cannot lead a normal life.
Jack nearly went to pieces when his son died in a car crash.
go postal If someone goes postal, they lose their temper and express their anger in a violent way.
My parents will go postal when they see the state of the house!

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