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forty winks If you have forty winks, you have a short sleep or rest, generally during the day.
Dad likes to have forty winks after a game of golf.
foul one's own nest If you act in a way that harms your own interests, your position or your reputation, you foul your own nest.
He fouled his own nest by wrongly accusing his boss.
on all fours If you are on all fours, you are down on your hands and knees.
When I arrived, he was on all fours playing with his grandchildren.
fraught with danger An activity or situation that is fraught with danger is full of risks or serious difficulties.
His journey across the mountains was fraught with danger.
free as a bird If someone is as free as a bird, they are completely free to do as they please.
My dad's very happy - he's as free as a bird since he retired.
free-for-all This term refers to an uncontrolled situation such as a discussion, argument or fight where everyone present can do or say whatever they like.
It started as a serious debate but turned into a free-for-all.
free hand If you have a free hand, you have permission to make your own decisions, especially in a job.
My boss gave me a free hand in the choice of supplier.
free lunch The expression 'there's no such thing as a free lunch' means that nothing is free. If somebody helps you, they always expect some form of payment in return.
If you accept his offer, he'll be forever asking you for favours. There's no such thing as a free lunch!
free ride Someone who gets a free ride benefits from a collective activity without participating in it.
Only those who share the work can share the benefits - nobody gets a free ride!
of your own free will If you do something of your own free will, you do it voluntarily, without any pressure from others.
He decided to tell the truth, and he did it of his own free will.
freeze someone out If you deliberately isolate someone or prevent them from participating in a social or business activity by treating them unfairly or harshly, you freeze them out.
Pablo was treated unfairly. He was frozen out of the project by the rest of the team.
french leave If you leave an official or social event without notifying the person who invited you, you take French leave.
Is Bill coming back for the closing speech or has he taken French leave?
fresh as a daisy Someone who is (as) fresh as a daisy is lively and attractive, in a clean and fresh way.
I met Molly the other day.  She looked as fresh as a daisy.
freudian slip A Freudian slip is a mistake made by a speaker which is considered to reveal their true thoughts or feelings.
So you got the job - I'm so sad ...  Sorry, I mean 'glad'!

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نشرت فى 3 مارس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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