fit to be tied Someone who is fit to be tied is extremely irritated, upset or angry.
Harry was fit to be tied when his dog dug up the flowers he had planted.
in fits and starts If you do something in fits and starts, you do it in an irregular manner, often stopping and starting again.
You'll never make progress in English if you work in fits and starts.
five finger discount If somebody gets a five-finger discount, they take something without paying.  In other words, they steal.
How could he afford that watch? Who knows - perhaps with a five-finger discount!
five o'clock shadow This expression refers to a patch of stubble on the face of a man who hasn't shaved for at least a day.
He looked tired and had a five o'clock shadow.
fixed in your ways People who are fixed in their ways do not want to change their normal way of doing things.
My grandparents are very fixed in their ways and dislike any changes.
flag of convenience If a ship, boat or yacht sails under a flag of convenience, it is registered in a foreign country in order to avoid regulations and taxes, and reduce operating costs.
get/take flak If you get or take flak, you receive severe criticism for something you have done.
He got a lot of flak for the way he handled the situation.
flash in the pan If you refer to somebody's success as a flash in the pan, you mean that it is not likely to be repeated.
The manager hoped that the team's unexpected victory was not just
a flash in the pan.
flea in one's ear After an attempt at something, if you are sent away with a flea in your ear, you are angrily reprimanded or humiliated.
When Andy tried to put the blame on Pete, he was sent away with a flea in his ear.
make your flesh crawl Something that makes your flesh crawl fills you with disgust or makes you feel very nervous.
Just talking about snakes makes my flesh crawl!
no flies on (someone) To say that there are no flies on someone means that they are quick to understand and cannot be tricked or deceived easily.
It's better to tell him all the facts.  There are no flies on him.
flight of fancy To refer to an idea or plan as a flight of fancy means that it is very imaginative but not at all practical or sensible.
He often has good ideas  but his latest proposal is just a flight of fancy!
fling oneself into If you fling yourself into an activity, you do it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Ever since she flung herself in the anti-pollution campaign, she rarely has a free moment!
flog a dead horse To say that someone is flogging a dead horse means that they
are wasting time and effort trying to do or achieve something that is not possible.
Mark is flogging a dead horse trying to get his money reimbursed.
The company has gone bankrupt!
fly-by-night A fly-by-night person, business or venture is considered untrustworthy because they operate briefly and disappear overnight
I bought it in one of those fly-by-night stores and now I can't exchange it.  The place has closed down.

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