back on your feet If you are back on your feet, after an illness or an accident, you are physically healthy again.
My grandmother had a bad 'flu, but she's back on her feet again.
drag one's feet If you say that a person is dragging their feet, you think they are unnecessarily delaying a decision which is important to you.
The government is dragging it's feet on measures to reduce pollution.
find one's feet To say that someone in a new position is finding their feet means that they are learning what to do and gaining self-confidence.
Our new trainee is beginning to find his feet.
get cold feet If you get cold feet about something, you begin to hesitate about doing it; you are no longer sure whether you want to do it or not.
I wanted to enter the competition but at the last minute I got cold feet.
have itchy feet A person who has itchy feet is someone who finds it difficult to stay in one place and likes to move often and discover new places.
Scott never stays long anywhere.  He's got itchy feet!
keep feet on ground A person who keeps their feet on the ground continues to act in a sensible and practical way, even if they become successful.
Success hasn't changed him. He has always kept his feet on the ground.
rushed off your feet If you are rushed off your feet, you are extremely busy.
I'd love to have lunch with you but I'm rushed off my feet at work!
think on one's feet A person who thinks on their feet is capable of making good decisions without previous thinking or planning.
Good lawyers need to be able to think on their feet when pleading a case.
two left feet If you have two left feet, you are clumsy or awkward in your movements.
I'm afraid I'm a bad dancer! I've got two left feet!
on the fence When faced with a choice, a person who is on the fence has not yet reached a decision.
The candidates have such similar ideas that many electors are still on the fence.
fender-bender This expression refers to a minor car accident in which there is little damage and no injuries.
I can't believe that a small fender bender can cause a major traffic jam!
fever pitch If a situation or feeling reaches fever pitch, it becomes very intense and exciting.
Reaction to the affair has reached fever pitch all over the country.
few and far between Items, places or events which are few and far between are rarely found or do not happen very often.
Restaurants in this part of the country are few and far between.
play second fiddle If you play second fiddle to someone, you accept to be second in importance to that person, or have a lower position.
John resented having to play second fiddle to the sales manager when the company was restructured.

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