fair and square If something is obtained or won fair and square, it is done in an honest and open manner, the rules are respected and there is no cheating or lying.
Gavin won the competition fair and square - there was no doubt about the result.
fair hearing When accused of wrongdoing, if someone gets a fair hearing, they get an opportunity to present evidence or give their side of the story, usually in court.
I can guarantee that you will get a fair hearing.
fair-weather friend Someone who acts as a friend when times are good, and is not there when you are in trouble, is called a fair-weather friend.
I thought I could count on Bill, but I've discovered he's just a fair-weather friend.
fait accompli This French expression refers to something that has been done and cannot be changed.
He used his savings to buy a motorbike and then presented his parents with a fait accompli.
fall at first hurdle If you fall at the first hurdle, you fail to overcome the first difficulty encountered.
Scott fell at the first hurdle.  He didn't study enough and failed his first  exam.
fall between stools If something falls between two stools, it is neither totally one thing nor another, and is therefore unsatisfactory.
The book didn't sell because it fell between two stools.  It appealed neither to historians nor to the general public.
fall by the wayside If a plan or project falls by the wayside, it remains unfinished or people stop trying to do it.
Local residents protested so strongly that plans for a new motorway
fell by the wayside.
fall flat If a joke, a story or a form of entertainment falls flat, it does not amuse people, or fails to have the effect that was intended.
He made a few attempts at humour during his speech but most of his jokes fell flat.
fall from grace To say that someone has fallen from grace means that they have done something wrong, immoral or unacceptable, and as a result  have lost their good reputation.
The Finance Minister fell from grace as a result of a sex scandal.
fall into one's lap If something good falls into your lap, it happens to you without any effort on your part.
She's not making much effort to find work.  Does she think a job is going to fall into her lap?
fall into place When different elements fall into place, they fit well together or become organized so that progress can be achieved in a satisfactory manner.
The preparatory work was difficult but gradually everything fell into place and the project was finished on time.
fall on deaf ears If something you say falls on deaf ears, it is either ignored or attracts no attention.
Her warning about the need to repair the roof fell on deaf ears.

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